Starting again...again.



  • Yes once again starting...was doing great then foot surgery last year put me in the chair and just now getting out! Exercise is a big part of my weight loss and it is hard to get on the treadmill last night thought I would die...but do feel better today. So here I go!!!
  • Dude, the amount of support is overwhelming! I just got quite emotional about it actually, you guys are absolutely incredible. MFP is getting grumpy with me for adding so many people in such a short space of time so bare with me and I'll add everyone!
  • steelyjoe22
    steelyjoe22 Posts: 40 Member
    I've done this so many times but I've decided this is going to be my last 'new start'.

    I have 49 pounds to lose and nine months to get at least most of the way there to look good for my graduation, so I'm going to need friends to motivate me!

    Join me in an adventure?

    I start over every single day. Whatever has gotten me here has gotten me here. I try to focus on what I need to do to make today a good day. And if I screw up, I'll move on tomorrow.

    That said, as time goes on, and you have a bunch of good days, your habits start to change, and it becomes easier.
  • curlzNpearls
    curlzNpearls Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ... I have re-re-re-started again as well. Would love to shed another 35 lbs ... support would work wonders for me ... especially getting me through those weekends !!
  • I'm so glad you decided to start again! Look at it differently this time, success is one meal/snack at a time. Use MFP blog as an outlet when you want to have something you know that will bring you over your calorie count or go for a walk and think about your graduation. If you don't do something different, then you will continue to get the same results. Change your thinking and you will change your life. I'm so......glad you placed value on your health by trying again! GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    I will add you too! I am starting again...again too...I actually started again again Monday...I lost 30 lbs last year from end of January through June...Fell off the wagon and into old and not so great gained 9 lbs of the 30....Looking to lose those 9 and another 5...I took my eye off the prize and I am so upset with myself but I know how to fix it, it is time to put in the hard work.
  • jodibelle
    jodibelle Posts: 79 Member
    I'm starting again too! A really stressfull summer helped me put on 20 of the 25 pounds I lost back on :frown:

    My goal is to lose 50 pounds by mid-May. My bff's wedding is this May and I need to look good for the wedding pictures lol!
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    I have found great support through wonderful people here since I began in July. I need to lose 67 pounds to get to goal sometime in 2013. I'm going to be eating healthy from now on, so I am on mfp nearly every day. Add me if you'd like.

    Welcome back! <3
  • Best of luck to you,....and as you see from all the responses, you are not alone in this ! There is no shame in missing your goals and falling off track, when you decide to re-commit and try again !

    I am sending a friend request,...Im on here daily and working to lose 30 pds more.:smile:

  • I am recommitting to this again, and need as much support and motivation as I can get. Feel free to add me.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you cant start again, you didnt start last time.
    You cant be serious this time, youre only serious once - the time you succeed.

    read this to see how to make sure that THIS "starting again" is your official starting line.
  • mariefrance91
    mariefrance91 Posts: 33 Member
    me too! lets prove to ourselves that we can do this for us! i also have a deadline, my 22nd birthday on march 1st. anyone feel free to add me! lets all do this together :)
  • ARHiker
    ARHiker Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I just decided to trying to get fit and healthy again. I could use some friends to motivate and keep me motivated when I need. I have about 40lbs to lose.
  • I'm starting again too....for the last time!!!!! This is my third day in and I'm actually feeling good about it this time! :)
    My hopes are high!
    Good luck!
  • This is my first time on fitnesspal but my hundreth time starting over. I have to do it this time. I have much more to lose than anyone I've seen and can't even begin to exercise yet but I need friends, too. This is my first day.
  • Lora_
    Lora_ Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all, I am restarting (again) and looking for a great support system, feel free to add me :)
  • adrienne1086
    adrienne1086 Posts: 27 Member
    Also re-starting! I had lost 10 pounds over the summer using MFP, then sort of hit a wall in my life and things got out of control eating-wise and regained those 10 pounds of progress :-/ Hoping to be more successful this time around! My significant other is quite the foodie so meals together seem to be the most challenging for me. Also just ordered 30DS which should be arriving by Friday! Good luck to everyone!
  • I'm starting again too! At my heavyist (?sp) ever: 259 lbs. My goal is 175. I would love a supportive group of friends to keep me motivated! Feel free to add me!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Good luck to you, this time will be the right one :) Feel free to add me xx
  • I'm back again too!!! (hence the name icandothisagain). I need to lose about 18 lbs, and I want to do it before the **big 5-0** in March. This site is amazing, and the people so supportive. I'd love some friends along the way!!