Hi - didnt realise this bit existed !!


I turned 40 in January, jumped on the scales and thought 'oh dear' !! Things were a lot worse than I'd ever imagined........

Found this website through my iphone, thought I'd give it a go.

So far I can only report positive things about this site, its been exactly a month now since I started watching my intake of calories and exercising at the gym 4 or 5 mornings a week, and I've managed to lose a stone already. I was shovelling about 6000 calories a day and probably 2 litres of diet coke a day (apparently its not very good for you in those sorts of quantities). Down to about 1800 calories a day now, only go to the pub one night a week instead of 5 nights a week, gave up the smokes, and like I said, down the gym most mornings before going to work.

I think the thing that has helped me the most is the recording of what I eat and drink, its a real eye opener when you see it all there on the screen.

Good luck with all your efforts !



  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Way to go Brian. Sure sounds like you are on the right track now and off to a great start!

    Welcome to MFP, glad you could join us. I am sure you are going to do great!

  • abbie38
    abbie38 Posts: 128
    Welcome, Brian! Good luck with your journey. It seems like you're off to a great start!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Congrats!! BTW, if you will accept a compliment from a 50+ lady who is several thousand miles away from you (so you are "safe" -:laugh: :laugh: --assuming it is your pic in the avatar--what beautiful blue eyes you have.

    I should think the ladies in your locale will soon be lining up to gaze into them if you keep up your good work on MFP!!! Cheers.:drinker: :drinker:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Dude,,, you've quit smoking and lost 14 pounds! Good deal,, wow!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Sounds like you're off to an amazing start. Keep it up!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I could feel you getting healthier and healthier as I read that! :)
  • robdawg
    robdawg Posts: 6 Member
    Nice work. I agree with you in that the biggest motivation to eat right is the amount of calories staring back at you. I have found that if I want to go grab some junk food, I look up the calories first and it usually convinces me NOT to do it. Nachos are not worth 750 calories for example... Keep up the good work.
  • rmcotter777
    rmcotter777 Posts: 34 Member
    The first step is the hardest and that is starting... you will realize how much easier it will get and how much better you feel and how much more energy you have. Keep up the great work and we are all here for you!!! Trust me you have meet the greatest support system.

  • weezy8150
    weezy8150 Posts: 21
    It's great to see a dedicated guy on here, and I agree with the 'gorgeous eyes' comment. And Brenda, I do read the profiles....it helps get to know one another and why we are all in this together. I did a similar site a few yrs back through slimfast online and it worked awesome....so many tips shared, all on the same journey together, and reporting in on our progress and how we accomplished our goals. Motivation is the key, keep your spirits high.....I tell myself I can eat anything I want , just not today.....pick a day months from now....for me it is my august birthday....I can eat whatever my heart desires on THAT day.....and that keeps me faithful to healthy choices today. Love this site !!
  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome Brian!!

    This is a very motivating site, and once the ball starts rolling there is no telling where you will end up. Sounds like you are off to a great start. I know that If I can do this, then certainly you can too!! I've shared this with lots of others and most of them have been successful too. Keep us posted. I love to hear great sucess stories. I'm sure you will have lots to share.
  • heather_boyd
    Congratulations - I too was absolutely dumbfounded by how many calories can just slip into my mouth...
  • hugh_rynal
    hugh_rynal Posts: 19 Member
    Wow !! thanks for all the kind words..........and all compliments about the eyes are very welcome !!
