New User

Just joined on the 19th of this month creeping up on my first week! I'm 22 yrs old My starting weight was 340 and Im soooo afraid to step on a scale! Ive been keeping my calorie intake between 1200-1450 exercising usually twice a day doing 45mins of tae bo after lunch and another 20-30 minutes after dinner; yesterday I was using just dance 2 just sweat intense program sweated up a whomping 5067 sweat drops translating to roughly 1206 calories burned! Feeling really inspired by all the before and after pics Ive seen everyone has done so good! Im struggling with trying to wait longer for my first weigh in; thinking I should wait until week 2-3:frown:


  • vicktoria339
    hi - i dont weigh myself, i go by how my clothes look and feel. i used to weigh myself but it always seemed disproportional to the way my clothes were feeling? i estimate now i weigh about 220lbs / 100kg but have just come back from holiday where i ate and drank what i wanted, when i wanted so the weight should come off quite quickly, at least to start with (fingers crossed!!)
  • rlh121172
    I've always found its good to weigh, but not everyday. And set small REALISTIC little goals that you can celebrate (without food!) 5#'s at a time. That way you can see that you are constantly accomplishing something. I also found this really cool idea on Pinterest that both my husband and I are doing that might be a good visual for you. You take two mason marbles. Count out marbles in the amount that you wish to lose. Label one jar "To Lose" and one jar "Lost" ...Put them somewhere easy to see in your kitchen (as a reminder when you are near food!)...every time you lose a pound you get to move a marble into the "Lost" jar. You never want to have to move one from the "lost" to the "to lose" jar because you are working so hard! It becomes motivational when you start seeing one going down and one filling up!! I get excited each day that I get to go move another marble. May be silly but it works! My son even notices and say "Go mom!!! There are more marbles in the jar!!" Its a good way to get anyone else around you to be a part of the process with you. Weighing yourself makes you accountable. :)