Mother of 3, all c-sections

Hello everyone!! I am a proud mom of 3 boys, all via c section. I need to lose 40 pounds. I'm having a really hard time because I workout all the time and don't see results. Any tips?


  • dorisamaya8
    dorisamaya8 Posts: 16 Member
    If you're off on weekends go walking for 30 min. Time goes by fast and it isn't too difficult. If you are consistent and give it time you will see results. :)
  • I do 60 mins on my elliptical everyday, and not one pound gone.. It's very frustrating
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    before my foot started bothering me and I was running more (will get back out there soon), I would let my 6yr old daughter go with me on her bike. It's funny how I ran further with her than I did on my own...probably because my focus was on her and watching for cars in our
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I do 60 mins on my elliptical everyday, and not one pound gone.. It's very frustrating

    I did elliptical at home earlier this year and lost 35lbs (gained 10 back over summer and also with my foot issue)....but, I broke mine up into 20min morning/30 minutes afternoon or evening. Mine has the pace setting and I always went way above the pace..pushed pretty hard most times. watched what I ate and shed the 35lbs in about 4 months....but, everyone is different
  • Mom of 3... all c-sections here too (not by choice). HIIT seems to be the most effective for me... you can even accomplish that on an elliptical too. Up resistance and elevation with the intervals. :) Good luck to you on all your goals :)
  • Your food intake is almost certainly the culprit then. Could you open up your journal so we can take a look?
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    what are you eatting??
  • I am a mother of 3 as well, also all c-sections. I was exercising for 2 months and seeing no results. I started a low-carb diet a week and a half ago and have already lost 3-4 lbs. The key is diet PLUS exercise. Exercise alone won't do it in my experience. I'm following the 4-week plan in the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises (not just about exercises) and it's working for me. I recommend it!
  • jgsparks89
    jgsparks89 Posts: 85 Member
    Are you counting calories? What is your daily goal? Are you creating a deficit? And how long have you been at this? Also, have you noticed a change in other things (how your clothes fit for example)? And have you added strength training to your routine?
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I do 60 mins on my elliptical everyday, and not one pound gone.. It's very frustrating

    Switch your routine up and cut your calories :smile:
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Are you tracking your heart rate? I plateaued doing the elliptical 60 mins/day because I wasn't overly exerting myself. Get a HRM and get your heart rate up & it might help you burn fat.
  • Are you tracking all that you eat? I found that my problem was I was eating too much sugar in a day (even though I was eating healthy stuff). With MFP I realized that was my problem. After cutting down on sugar (and carbs) and working out on the elliptical for 60 minutes/day I started losing weight. I've lost 29 lbs so far. If that doesn't work I would consider having a doctor check your thyroid.

    Good luck!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    same as every other mother, non-mother, mother-f'er, mother's brother, and motherless heathen: calorie deficit and exercise.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Are you tracking your heart rate? I plateaued doing the elliptical 60 mins/day because I wasn't overly exerting myself. Get a HRM and get your heart rate up & it might help you burn fat.

    this. after I got a hrm and could see when I was in my zone and when I wasn't, the weight just started falling off. Ugh I hate all the time I spent just working out "comfortably" and not getting the results I wanted.
  • Gorman12
    Gorman12 Posts: 13 Member
    If tracking food is hard, try to take one meal and make it a no-brainer. Take my breakfast, I blend protein powder, fresh fruit and either almond milk or fruit juice. I can make it in a minute and drink it in a minute. Done. Then you've cut down on thought, worry but really jumpstarted your day. I will tell you that I was the person who ALWAYS had cereal and milk or eggs or toast, etc. I made the switch to a protein shake 7 months ago and it's helped.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    I do 60 mins on my elliptical everyday, and not one pound gone.. It's very frustrating

    Then get off the elliptical and so something else. :-)
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Freddy Krueger's claws got nothing on you, 3C-s damn that's hard core

    Happy Halloween!
  • Freddy Krueger's claws got nothing on you, 3C-s damn that's hard core

    Thanks. I have a 3 year old 2 year old and a 4 month old.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Perhaps you need to up calories? I didn't look very far back in your diary, but it didn't seem like you are netting much. Add strength training? And read this:
  • I see that you now have your diary open, and yeah you definitely aren't eating enough or the right things. Your body needs a lot more fuel to burn fat. You are drinking far too much soda and not selecting the right items to eat.