Anyone doing a triathlon this year?



  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    There's also which is like a Facebook for triathletes. :)
  • Wow!

    Nice to see new people stopping by.

    RV those site you recommended are good. I go to them quite a bit.

    I am fighting left knee pain, on the inside of my knee. I am 56 and my doc thinks it is artritist (sp?). It is causing me a lot of grief right now. I have only been running about 2-3 miles for time about 3 times a week right now. I am not a particuarlly good runner but my times have been about 7:45 per mile. After about 2.5 miles the knee really hurts. I have plenty of cardio endurance and strength but the darn knee is a real issue. Anyone else have knee issues? What have you done to get through it? I will not give up!

    Kramerse I have been looking at the Chicago Sprint in August. I think it is on the Saturday before the International. But again this knee is going to have be a whole bunch better.

    My overall goal is to do the Tampa Ironman in 2011 (probably a dream LOL), but it is a goal!

    Outside of the running , biking, and swimming what do you all supplement your training with? I do the P90X nightly. I am on my 6th cycle through it without missing a day or workout and I am starting to get a little bored and want something new. Ideas?

    COtoAK Do you do altitude training? Just curious...

    Have a good day! I will be getting extra workouts in today shoveling snow!

  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member

    Nice to see new people stopping by.

    RV those site you recommended are good. I go to them quite a bit.

    I am fighting left knee pain, on the inside of my knee. I am 56 and my doc thinks it is artritist (sp?). It is causing me a lot of grief right now. I have only been running about 2-3 miles for time about 3 times a week right now. I am not a particuarlly good runner but my times have been about 7:45 per mile. After about 2.5 miles the knee really hurts. I have plenty of cardio endurance and strength but the darn knee is a real issue. Anyone else have knee issues? What have you done to get through it? I will not give up!


    I have rhematoid and take shots weekly. IT issues are my main probelm and flair up around mile 10. My knee pain is worse if I run fast. I am a SLOW runner usually run safe in the 10/11 mark. I can run 8's but thats when the pain is bad the next day so I save that for race day. Also whenever a joint starts to hurt I get new shoes...Even if I only wore them for a month. . Besides taking anti inflammatories I would rec finding someone in your area that deals with knee issues for runners. We have a medical group here that soley deals with runners.. they work on your gait/stride. Also you can try compression tights. Other then that..stretching and yoga help if you can do them consistently. Drink lots of water if your on anti-inflammatories since they dry you up. Also dont run back to back days if you can help it and try not to do long rides and long runs back to back. rem its worse right now in the cold
  • Coronalime Thanks! Some I was doing and some not. I will keep you posted.

  • areay22
    areay22 Posts: 150 Member
    I love doing triathlons. I've done an olymic one and 2 half ironman's! I'm really wanting to do the full ironman this year, i'll see how the body holds up...and the bank account ;-) Good luck with your training!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    For those looking for reference on Triathlons the books I used were:

    The Triathlete's Training Bible (Paperback) Joe Friel (Author)
    ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running by Katherine Dreyer, Danny Dreyer
    Workouts in a Binder: Swim Workouts for Triathletes by Gale Bernhardt
    Total Immersion: The Revolutionary Way To Swim Better, Faster, and Easier by Terry Laughlin and John Delves

    Good Luck.
  • COtoAK
    COtoAK Posts: 35
    COtoAK Do you do altitude training? Just curious...

    I have done altitude training regularly in the past when I lived in Colorado. I have hiked 9 14k/ft mountains. I used to feel pretty confident and cozy with high altitude until I experienced altitude sickness.

    My husband and I have seriously considered getting an airtight room and sleeping in high altitude air. It's starting to become more mainstream. I'd like to eventually do the Pike's Peak Marathon, so I'd have to do something like that or go back to Colorado, stay with family, and get reacclimated to the region.

    Are you considering going altitude training?
    Best thing for it? Water!
  • JennCh
    JennCh Posts: 63
    My whole life I have wanted to do triathlons and am finally going to do it!

    I have plans to do 2 sprint triathlons in the St. Louis area in June/July, the Olympic distance Chicago Triathlon in August, and still considering the 1/2 Ironman in Austin, TX in October.

    Haven't felt such a sense of direction like this in my life for a long time.

    I feel the same way about having a sense of direction. I'm training with a friend for a sprint tri in April. Having committed to doing it and following the training laid out by someone who has accomplished triathlons is such a help in maintaining focus. Not being able to complete some of the training as it is a bit more than I'm capable of at this point is another issue, but I'm going to keep plugging away, hoping by April I see a difference in what I can do.
  • Good Afternoon Everyone!

    I have been getting my tri training in shoveling snow the last few days! My good news is that my left knee is getting better! At the young age of 56 I have what appears to be an arthritic left knee. The new med seems to be working, finally! Last 2 nights I have had a pretty intense work out regimine.

    Last night I worked on legs and back strength for 1 hours non stop. Lots of lunges and one legged squats. I then went to the eliptical for a 30 minute interval session (severe hills) at 3.5 mph non stop. Immediately went to the spinner bike at a 90 cadence for 8 miles matching 12th gear on my Raliegh bike. I am still not swimming due to a lack of facilites. If anyone has any suggestions as to a series of exercises to sub for the swimming for now I would love to read them. Tonight is my martial arts night. Pretty much cardio.

    I am planning to ramp up more very soon knee permitting. Does anyone here belong to USAT? Opinion? I was thinking of joining. I have registered for the Warsaw, Indiana tri in June. My first!

    Take care everyone!

  • I got a new bike! Cannondale R900! Whoo Hooo!

  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I got a new bike! Cannondale R900! Whoo Hooo!


    That is awesome!
  • Thanks Coronalime! I can't wai to get on it! I am putting a few upgrades on it. Rims, tires, bars, etc. It just does not seem possible that this lightweight thing can hold me up! Hurry up Spring!

    I have been upping my training and it is working. I am going to go for a run here in a bit. I think only about 3.5 miles because I have plyometrics tonight. I have been running more frequently as of late. The snow and ice is finally off the roads.

    How is your training going?

  • COtoAK
    COtoAK Posts: 35
    I got a new bike! Cannondale R900! Whoo Hooo!



    What a great investment! Post pictures!!!
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    I will! I am having a blast with working on it. I have been upping my training. Doing some sprint "bricks" bike and run. I got a great "accidental" deal on a spinner bike. It was in an estate sale for $20! It is a schwinn and looks and rides like brand new. I have a long way to go on my running time. I am really lousy at running. I bike ok and swim strong but not fast.

    Since I started my journey back to fitness I don't think that I have ever been this focused on my training. I am having a lot of fun! At the age of 56 this is really challenging. Here is what I am scheduled to do so far this year.

    Optimist Sprint Tri June 27
    SWAT Sprint Tri Sept 11
    Muncie Enduathon July 10
    Various 5k/10k runs beginning in April

    My wife has upped my life insurance! Wonder what that is about????

    Stay in touch and please give me any training tips!

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