Mother of 3, all c-sections



  • I see that you now have your diary open, and yeah you definitely aren't eating enough or the right things. Your body needs a lot more fuel to burn fat. You are drinking far too much soda and not selecting the right items to eat.

    Can you tell me what kinds of foods I should have? I use to be able to eat anything and never gain a pound. 100 all thru high school.
  • Gorman12- Did you know that fruit juice has an awful lot of sugar in it. It is much better to use fresh or frozen fruit. You get your fruit fix and you get the fiber from the fruit naturally. Fyi
  • mclukey
    mclukey Posts: 22
    Hello...I also am a mother of 3...all by c-section too. I lost 90 pounds. I would work out alot and never lost anything. When I started tracking my food on here I realized I was eating way too many calories. Just make sure you are eating the right amount. Too many or even too few could result in the scale sticking. Good luck!!!
  • I looked at your diary and you are definately not eating the right things. Stop eating fast food and soda! Lots of fat, lots of sugar. Also, start tracking your sugar intake on MFP (you can add it in under settings). I'll bet when you reduce your sugar and carb intake you will start losing weight. Your eating habits are definately keeping you from losing weight. In the morning I will usually have a protein shake with two eggs. For lunch I will either have a salad with some type of meat or a sandwich (I use the Orowheat thin bread for my sandwich with meat and one slice of cheese). From time to time I have sweet potato chips with my sandwich. For dinner I will have some type of white meat or fish with a salad. For snacks I have protein bars, fat free cottage cheese or a fruit shake (1/2 a cup of frozen berries, Kroger carb master yogurt and 1/2 cup of milk). About once a week I will have a little treat - this keeps me from binging. Also, make sure to drink lots of water. Hope this helps.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Lift heavy weights.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I looked at your diary and you are definately not eating the right things. Stop eating fast food and soda! Lots of fat, lots of sugar. Also, start tracking your sugar intake on MFP (you can add it in under settings). I'll bet when you reduce your sugar and carb intake you will start losing weight. Your eating habits are definately keeping you from losing weight. In the morning I will usually have a protein shake with two eggs. For lunch I will either have a salad with some type of meat or a sandwich (I use the Orowheat thin bread for my sandwich with meat and one slice of cheese). From time to time I have sweet potato chips with my sandwich. For dinner I will have some type of white meat or fish with a salad. For snacks I have protein bars, fat free cottage cheese or a fruit shake (1/2 a cup of frozen berries, Kroger carb master yogurt and 1/2 cup of milk). About once a week I will have a little treat - this keeps me from binging. Also, make sure to drink lots of water. Hope this helps.

  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    i'm a mother of 1 via c-section!

    perhaps you need to eat more? 60 minutes on the elliptical could easily be anywhere from 300-600+ calories depending on how hard you push. and you're set at 1200 calories a day. i think you log in your exercise calories and it seems like you are eating them back. try figuring out your TDEE and cut from there.

    change up your exercise routine. someone suggested HIIT on the elliptical. can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results, know what i mean?

    i'm no expert and i have my own frustrations. however, i can tell you that it all starts with diet. exercise all you want and if you are not eating right, nothing is going to change. as for me...80+ days on here and while i haven't lost an ounce, i have gained so much more in strength and muscle definition. plus i eat like a damn horse and don't gain! it wasn't always like that. before MFP and strength training, i'd just LOOK at a loaf of bread and BAM! there it is on the scale the next day!