Weight Watchers



  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I was successful with WW a few years ago, but that was at a time I was also exercising a hell of a lot. Since then I've had a major life change and put back everything I lost and more. And then I discovered MFP, which I think is fabulous.

    At the end of the day the whole WW points thing is based on calories, same as MFP. But for me the difference is in the free foods. Yes, it's all fruit and veg, but if you eat 30 bananas in a day that's still quite a few calories you're putting away just because you can. The thing about MFP is that it makes you really think about everything you eat if you want to stay within your daily goal and not feel hungry. For me it encourages wiser food choices than WW. Plus it's free and you have a worldwide community at your fingertips.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I was successful with WW a few years ago, but that was at a time I was also exercising a hell of a lot. Since then I've had a major life change and put back everything I lost and more. And then I discovered MFP, which I think is fabulous.

    At the end of the day the whole WW points thing is based on calories, same as MFP. But for me the difference is in the free foods. Yes, it's all fruit and veg, but if you eat 30 bananas in a day that's still quite a few calories you're putting away just because you can. The thing about MFP is that it makes you really think about everything you eat if you want to stay within your daily goal and not feel hungry. For me it encourages wiser food choices than WW. Plus it's free and you have a worldwide community at your fingertips.

  • 1derfuldia
    1derfuldia Posts: 24 Member
    I started Weight Watchers almost 3 weeks ago and I am really happy with it. I've lost almost 6 pounds and had been at a plateau until then, so it got things moving for me. I like the points system, it's something different, maybe that's what I needed. I'm eating differently because of it. I only have 26 points to work with and that's hard, so I have to be creative and also have a lot of the free veggies and fruits. I'm eating way more of them than I was before when I had to count them as calories and they weren't "free". So it's working well for me.
  • I found when counting calories and points that ww goes way over 1200 calories a day. You lose more by just watching your calorie count I found.
  • apatheticLog
    apatheticLog Posts: 24 Member
    i started ww. im using weight watchers to retrain my brain on nutrition and mfp for everything else! so much more support here and food logging at mfp. but i do have to say its been so long since ive eaten a healthy meal, i dont know what im doing. so loving ww for that.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Many misleading statements are posted above. WW DOES highly encourage eating fresh, non processed foods, but members will discuss with one another what they eat to stay within their points.
    The WW group leaders prefer that whole and nutrient rich foods are chosen but realistically, ppl do not always have time/make time for that . WW also encourages daily exercise, just as MFP does.
    The two programs are very similar, both stress choosing healthy, non-processed foods. Many people may do better on WW because the accountability factor is very high when someone else is weighing, recording and noticing how much progress you are making. .....of course the price is also a factor.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member

    I am doing both right now, I first started with WW and lost 96.8 with them and just joined MFP due slow to zero weight loss with WW. I wanted to track my calories not points to see what was going on. I love WW but I also love MFP. I cont. to do WW since I have to go weight in and I feel it keeps me accountable for what I do with my diet plus I love the leader I have. She is very helpful and so upbeat.

    You have to be careful on what some people are saying zero points with ww they still have calories.Just because grapes are zero points you can't eat 2 lbs of grapes. You can eat all the zero points you want and still weight is what I am trying to say. Just get your
    5 veggies and fruits a day then don't have anymore. I think you will love WW and MFP they work the same pretty much except of course WW does points. I wish you success and let me know how it goes for you.
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    I lost the first 40 lbs on WW. I have only good things to say. I only did it under the new plan...Did you guys know Dr. Oz helped design it? Having the Free fruits and veggies were part of what made it possible for me to transition from a highly processed diet to a much more natural one. Our leader did tell us not to eat tons of the free stuff, that it did add up, and to be more cautious with fruit as it is more calorie dense. I will say that I went to meetings. About every 3rd meeting was about getting exercise. I can't speak for WW before 2011 and the new system, but it DOES work. I never felt like I had to buy the packaged food, lots of non-WW foods list WW points plus and the calculator is simple to use. If you are thinking about online only, you may as well just do MFP. The only reason I'm not still doing it is $$, I discovered Zumba and decided that after a year and a half, I had the diet figured out and wanted to put the $$ toward fitness goals instead. I don't see a huge difference in how I ate with WW and how I'm eating with MFP, and I'm losing again at a rate that is actually a bit fast, but I expect it will stabilize soon as I get used to the changes.
  • wdot
    wdot Posts: 8
    For those doing WeightWatchers, there's a free iPhone app out there called HealthyOut where you can find restaurant dishes by WeightWatcher points. Just a tip for those who still want to eat out while doing WW.
  • Just started back on WW last week. Love MFP but reached a plateau and want to change up a bit. Love the positive post and glad to know others are doing both.