In need of support

I am a 29 year old single Mommy of two wonderful kiddos under 6. The older is autistic and the younger is just a handful. I can't work right now do to mental health reasons so i am blessed with the ability to SAHM my youngest. I am in a bariatric program to lose weight before I make the big leap to lap band surgery in the spring. I don't eat significantly bad food I just have a tendency to binge eat. I have been this way since I was a kid and I am trying to make a change. I don't have a whole heckofalot of support out here and there is always very little support from my family. Spirits are low and motivation is lower but I know my kids and I deserve the best life possible. So I am trying for all of us. If you want to help, motivate, chat or have me be your cheerleader I am more than happy to do so. =^D


  • christynbeebe4
    christynbeebe4 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! I am new to this myfitnesspal so I am in need os some support as well. It seems to me that you have the right mentality for what you want to do. It does suck that you don't have any support especially not from your family. My case is a bit different. I have always been a smaller person until of course my two beautiful children came along. After I had my second one I got too skinny and almost sick because of the relationship I was in. I don't want to be at that point again but I definitely need to lose some pounds. I have an unbelievable amount of jeans that I used to fit into and I only need to lose about 20 pounds to get into them. I'm sick of wearing the same two pairs of "fat" jeans and only t-shirts becasue I don't feel comfortable enough to wear my skinny shirts. Thankfully my husband is very supportive with this and has even said that he might do it with me. My struggle is I am a full time radiography student, work 3rd shift, have a husband, 3 step-kids, and 2 kids of my own. Do I seem like the person that has time to go to a gym?? Ha ha. I wish!! Anyways, maybe we can lean on each other and push each other to go that extra mile!!
  • ggsmamma
    ggsmamma Posts: 117 Member
    I am a busy mom too and the only thing that I have found that works for me is doing work out videos in the morning (before anyone wakes up). Right now, I am doing the 30 Day Shred.
  • Hi! I just started this 10 days ago. I am a binge eater, too, but keeping track of what I eat has been helpful. Its really hard to change. This is helping me learn to be honest with myself. I have a hard time keeping within my calorie limit, but at least I am on the losing end instead of constantly gaining like I have been doing. I am 57 and had to move in with my mom six months ago. She love to bake and my will power is not great, but I am learning.
    I'm not sure how to add friends from this part of this, but feel free to send me a friend request. I would love to help you out.
  • I am a type 2 diabetic and I have lost all motivation to cut weight. I too am looking for the extra push from others to keep me honest and on my goals. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • hey I'm glad too see everybody here taking initiative to make some sort of change. I've had this account for a year but it wasn't until last week when I decided to really push myself. I was diagnosed with PCOS and I really don't want to rely on medication. I'm still young. If I attempt to incorporate more nutrients and less fat in my diet I will be more stable.

    Just know that everybody has a battle, just always be ready to fight. I think that's the most significant mind set you have to have in order to conquer each day. The reward will always be the results. Believe me, just look past the problem and focus on the solution. That`s what i`m trying to do. Feel free to add me for support :)