1,200 Calories, Need some clarification.

Hi guys,

Im currently on a 1,200 daily plan. Now what i need some clarity on is this: With 1,200 points, does it matter what foods i consume? Can i eat pasta, bread, rice and have ice-cream as long as i don't go over 1,200?

So for me this is what my day would look like:

Breakfast: Blueberry smoothie
Lunch: Salad
Snacks: Apple & Strawberry's
Dinner: Pasta

All this food does not exceed 1,200 points. However, i am worried about the pasta? Will it effect myt weight loss even if i stay within my limit? This goes for other foods too, as some days i have left over points to fit in some ice-cream or chocolate. Will this have any negetive effects?

Im not entirely sure if the 1,200 points includes all foods or if there are some i still should not eat (i know not to base my diet on processed foods).

Your help would be great. Thanks!


  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Weightwatchers refugee, eh.... MFP has some nifty tools to help you figure out your nutrients. You can look at sodium levels, for example, and iron too. It will take some time to figure out what works for you.
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member

    I was wondering this too when i started this plan. Before i started MFP i ate terrible! I still eat pretty bad just less of it. I have cheese fries sometimes and ice cream other times. I eat whatever i want but stay under the calories and for the first time in my life I have lost weight. I lose 1-2 pounds per week consistently and to be honest i either go over on the fat or carb section every day. I never go over on both but always one or the other and still i lose weight. Dont worry about the pasta. Everything thing is healthy in moderation and when we try to cut things out completely it just seems to make us want it more. Try eating whatever you want and see if it works for you. You will know after the first week.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If you're eating at a deficit, you'll lose weight, whether those calories are coming from lean protein and veggies or oreos and twinkies. However, you'll feel fuller (and not inclined to snack or binge) and get more of the important nutrients in when you choose unprocessed foods and whole grains. Personally, I have better success with weight loss when I keep my carbs low, but that's not something you HAVE to do to lose weight. Try to stay at your calorie limit and meet your macros and see how you do.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    The proportions of protein, carbs, and fats matter. For example, you wouldn't want to eat two big desserts and call it a day. Your food should be nutrient-dense.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Well you need to pay attention to your macro's too. Track carbs, protein, fat, and then whatever else you want. Personally I choose sodium because high sodium leads to bloating. Carbs also act as a sponge and can lead to bloating as well and carbs have been know to spike insulin levels which can lead to hunger...calories are the most important since if you're meeting your calorie goals you're PROBABLY meeting your macro's but that actually isn't always the case. Some diets such as Atkins you can get away with high fat if you're low carb but I honestly don't really believe in low carb or low fat I think you should just stay within the limits MFP gives you for each. So as long as all your numbers are green you're good...the one you can get away with in my opinion is protein its not bad to be over on protein especially when you're emeeting your 1200 goal.

    Keep in mind 1200 is too low for a low of people
  • jessicataylor2
    You're going to need to look at your macros a bit to make your weight-loss more efficient. From your example day it does not look like you are getting much protein unless there's some in your salad and/or pasta. Protein is an important part of weight-loss, without it you could lose muscle as well as fat. So aim for at least what MFP sets you up with, even though that is extremely low. Most people say that the best thing to do is aim for 1g of protein per pound of lean mass on your body.

    Besides for that your day looks good to me! Maybe add some healthy fats like nuts too. And try whole wheat pasta instead of the normal pasta and it should be fine. Another thing to answer about chocolate and ice-cream, a good rule that's easier to stick to is the 80-20 rule. This means you try to eat healthy 80% of your day and the other 20% of your cals can be your treats :smile:
  • little_lisid
    little_lisid Posts: 47 Member
    Pretty much eat anything. There are different opinions about balanced mixes, low carb, high protien/fat, whole foods, clean eating (worlds vaguest term), paleo, vegan, intermittent fasting. Everyone will tell you different depending on their take on it. I think try different styles and see what works for you. There's nothing wrong with pasta if it works for you. I go through phases myself, but chocs are on the agenda if I feel like it and have the calories to spare. It's basically calories in and out, but I mean eating all your calories in sugar wouldn't be very good for you long term. Good luck, this is all very possible.
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    the weight will probably come off faster if you eat quality foods--for me, that means the more raw veggies, fruits, whole grains and less sugar and processed food. I honestly don't worry about carbs or sugars if it comes from fruits and healthy things. No cutting out completely, no low-carb crap, just stay near your MFP goals.

    You won't be impacted much now, but later after you're down a few pounds you may see a plateau, or a period of time where your weight doesn't change. I'd also recommend upping your calories if you exercise and/or are struggling to stick to 1200. Research what TDEE and BMR are, and that may help you some.
  • little_lisid
    little_lisid Posts: 47 Member
    You're going to need to look at your macros a bit to make your weight-loss more efficient. From your example day it does not look like you are getting much protein unless there's some in your salad and/or pasta. Protein is an important part of weight-loss, without it you could lose muscle as well as fat. So aim for at least what MFP sets you up with, even though that is extremely low. Most people say that the best thing to do is aim for 1g of protein per pound of lean mass on your body.

    Besides for that your day looks good to me! Maybe add some healthy fats like nuts too. And try whole wheat pasta instead of the normal pasta and it should be fine. Another thing to answer about chocolate and ice-cream, a good rule that's easier to stick to is the 80-20 rule. This means you try to eat healthy 80% of your day and the other 20% of your cals can be your treats :smile:

    This too - mfp under estimates protien.
  • dbkrantz
    dbkrantz Posts: 138
    Hi !

    Technically, yes you can eat whatever food as long as you don't go over. But think of it this way:

    A mars bar, depending on the website I saw, is about 280 calories.

    Now, with 280 calories you can have a skinless boneless chicken breast (about 120 calories) and 100gr of cooked pasta is less than 200 calories.

    So, for about 300 calories each, you can get a Mars Bar or Chicken Breast and cooked pasta. Which one will fill you up more?

    My point is, yes you can eat everything, but try to eat effectively not to be starving 3 hours later. Lean protein and grains and veggies...
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi !

    Technically, yes you can eat whatever food as long as you don't go over. But think of it this way:

    A mars bar, depending on the website I saw, is about 280 calories.

    Now, with 280 calories you can have a skinless boneless chicken breast (about 120 calories) and 100gr of cooked pasta is less than 200 calories.

    So, for about 300 calories each, you can get a Mars Bar or Chicken Breast and cooked pasta. Which one will fill you up more?

    My point is, yes you can eat everything, but try to eat effectively not to be starving 3 hours later. Lean protein and grains and veggies...

    Smart woman. This^^^^ if you just read this one post you are set :)
  • laurieschminkey
    My problem is feeling full on 1200. Maybe the carbs are good for you as far as keeping you full.
  • LesterStrap
    Great comment and agree with you. That is exactly what im doing, not having a Mars bar over a wholesome lunch. I guess what i was asking is more got to do with treats, and having pasta (a healthy way with protein) over a chicken salad. I like to mix it up but was wondering if it matters if i choose to eat pasta but am still within my 1200 limit.
  • lawilgus
    dbkranz got it exactly right! You may crave things and you will eat them (I recommend eating fun size bars as you get the taste but not all the calories), but really make sure that you are eating healthy things that will fill you up. If you have a favorite vegetable, I would probably stock up on steamable bags of those without any sauces or sugars added, at least in the beginning. You will be amazed how much a huge bag of green beans can fill you up for few calories.

    I also find that whole wheat pasta (don't forget to rinse it after it is cooked) tends to fill me up with less of the bloating feel of regular pasta.

    After 2 weeks or so your stomach will contract some and the desire to have a lot of food all the time does reduce. You will begin to feel more full with less.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Your typical day sounds pretty balanced. There's nothing intrinsitcally wrong with pasta, but you'll want to watch your portion size of it.