red meat addict



  • lalalalyndsey
    Didn't want to read through all the comments, so I'm not sure if this has already been said, but is it around that time of the month?? Ordinarily, I don't really enjoy eating red meat, but during that time, all I crave is beef BEEF BEEF!!! lol
  • Shaolin_Papa
    Cows are there because we eat them and/or use their milk, no guilt required.

    Sorry, but "cows are there" and millions upon millions (upon millions) of cows and pigs and birds are killed daily because we have created a society which feels it simply must have that meat. It's a fantasy cultivated lovingly by huge corporations...(Milk, for example, is not intended for humans, but probably 99 of 100 people think it "does a body good") :laugh:

    Argue if you like, but the Standard American Diet has made us the fattest and most disease ridden society on earth.

    The Standard American Diet is too high in calories.....that's what has made us fat. Not certain food groups.

    Look at the old SAD Food Pyramid we were taught in the 60s & 70s and 80s to live by, and raise our kids on....Meat, Cheese, Milk form the base.
  • Shaolin_Papa
    Our bodies tend to crave what we need, so you may be a bit low on iron. And cows may be cute, but they are stupid. Take it from someone who owns about 60 of them. No guilt there, believe me.
    ETA: Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.
    Agreed. They are very stupid. They eat & poop. Don't feel guilty about eating red meat. What other purpose do cows serve?

    Pigs are as (or more intelligent than) most dogs. Look it up. In fact, pigs can learn most tasks almost as fast as chimps...Would you eat a dog? Would you eat a chimp?

    Would you cage a dog or a chimp in a tiny enclosure with 100,000 other dogs and chimps, then shoot them all in the head ...then eat them? . pigs probably know what suffering is, and fear.

    So why cause them to be killed? Because they taste good?

    That's a reason, sure, just not much of one.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I don't have a need or desire to deadlift 800 lbs, but I don't eat meat and I deadlift 450. I'm one of the few at my CrossFit gym who's "Totals" number (deadlift, press and squat) is over 1,000 lbs. Me, the non-meat eater, vs a few hundred paleo athletes, and guess who's in the top 5% in strength... Me.

    And that's completely fine, as your goals don't match mine. Hell, I'm only two months into lifting, so my PRs aren't that great myself. I am just curious though as to what you weigh. 450 is an insane number for a small person, but for someone my size, not so much.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    All I have to say to the militant vegans..... I'll be thinking of you when I make my deer chili this weekend!

    Just finished processing my first kill of the season. Good eating awaits.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I used to love red meat too, but since I got pregnant, I have absolutely no interest in it.


    Just make sure you're measuring your food so you know how much you're eating and fit it into your calorie budget and macro budget, and you should be fine to eat it as you like.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Welcome into the perfect world of paleo.......if it has a face = eat it!

    YES! And in 20 or so years YOU won't need a toilet because you will be SH***** in a Tube out the side of your Colon!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Welcome into the perfect world of paleo.......if it has a face = eat it!

    YES! And in 20 or so years YOU won't need a toilet because you will be SH***** in a Tube out the side of your Colon!

    Hmmm..I am almost 29 and I have easily eaten meat over 20 years, yet no poop bag for me. Fail!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Welcome into the perfect world of paleo.......if it has a face = eat it!

    YES! And in 20 or so years YOU won't need a toilet because you will be SH***** in a Tube out the side of your Colon!

    Ummmm - why would this happen?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Welcome into the perfect world of paleo.......if it has a face = eat it!

    YES! And in 20 or so years YOU won't need a toilet because you will be SH***** in a Tube out the side of your Colon!

    You make kitty scared...she loved her duck and fish, but now she is cuddled up against my neck, terrified of the colon cancer fairy.
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Our parents and grandparents and everyone who came before them had meat and carb based diets, and seriously, my grandpa is one of the healthiest people I know (at 85)... He eats meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and he seems fine! And yes, we hunt our own meat, and yes, we are all quite healthy.

    But this is all besides the point... now if you will all refer to the original question at hand, the lady asked what her meat cravings may mean, now good old google tells us that it is indeed an iron shortage, so load up on dark leafy greens such as spinach, couple it with some vitamin C, such as oranges and VOILA! You should kick your meat craving!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member

    Humans aren't animals? LOL :laugh: What planet are you living on? Would you eat meat fresh and raw off the bone of an animal you'd bothered to kill yourself, like a real carnivore?

    We have evolved slightly since then.

    Hell yes to the rest of it though. Get me on that 'kill it, cook it, eat it'. Tasty. :tongue:

    We may have evolved, but we're still animals :happy:

    And if you genuinely don't give a flying **** about contributing to the torture and slaughter of billions of animals every year & the greenhouse gass emissionions that go along with it, don't you care about your health? --> A new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers has found that red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality."

    Well i'm glad the veggie police are on board.

    Please dont force your views on others. We like meat, you dont. The original post was asking a legitimate question so there is no need to derail this thread with your hippie ramblings. You wont convert anybody here so please go and graze somewhere else.
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome into the perfect world of paleo.......if it has a face = eat it!

    YES! And in 20 or so years YOU won't need a toilet because you will be SH***** in a Tube out the side of your Colon!

    How know the problem you couldnt use intelligent facts? Your brain needs way more protein! :laugh:
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Our bodies tend to crave what we need, so you may be a bit low on iron. And cows may be cute, but they are stupid. Take it from someone who owns about 60 of them. No guilt there, believe me.
    ETA: Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.
    Agreed. They are very stupid. They eat & poop. Don't feel guilty about eating red meat. What other purpose do cows serve?

    Pigs are as (or more intelligent than) most dogs. Look it up. In fact, pigs can learn most tasks almost as fast as chimps...Would you eat a dog? Would you eat a chimp?

    Would you cage a dog or a chimp in a tiny enclosure with 100,000 other dogs and chimps, then shoot them all in the head ...then eat them? . pigs probably know what suffering is, and fear.

    So why cause them to be killed? Because they taste good?

    That's a reason, sure, just not much of one.

    I'm sorry but if god didnt want me to eat pigs he wouldnt have made bacon taste so good.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Welcome into the perfect world of paleo.......if it has a face = eat it!

    YES! And in 20 or so years YOU won't need a toilet because you will be SH***** in a Tube out the side of your Colon!

    How know the problem you couldnt use intelligent facts? Your brain needs way more protein! :laugh:

    So you're saying we shouldn't troll the vegans, just because it isn't a fair fight? :(
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome into the perfect world of paleo.......if it has a face = eat it!

    YES! And in 20 or so years YOU won't need a toilet because you will be SH***** in a Tube out the side of your Colon!

    How know the problem you couldnt use intelligent facts? Your brain needs way more protein! :laugh:

    So you're saying we shouldn't troll the vegans, just because it isn't a fair fight? :(

    lol, its like hamsters against wolves :laugh:
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    I'm sorry but if god didn't want me to eat pigs he wouldn't have made bacon taste so good.

    THIS. mmmm bacon.
  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    I started reading this topic because i woke up at 7 really wanting steak big, bloody, blue in the middle steak...

    Now i want more steak... controversy makes me peckish...
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    All I have to say to the militant vegans..... I'll be thinking of you when I make my deer chili this weekend!

    Just finished processing my first kill of the season. Good eating awaits.

    i love deer chili!!! i cant wait to get me some deer jerky :happy:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Our bodies tend to crave what we need, so you may be a bit low on iron. And cows may be cute, but they are stupid. Take it from someone who owns about 60 of them. No guilt there, believe me.
    ETA: Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.

    Is there really a need to say something so horrible? :huh: Since when does stupidity equate to a life form being deserving of murder? I know a lot of very stupid people, but sure wouldn't eat them. What a dumb-*kitten* comment to make.

    Yes, it's pretty silly to call it murder.