Maintaining a healthy weight in pregnancy...


I'm a vegetarian and I am hoping to maintain a healthy weight throughout my pregnancy. I'm constantly hungry and I've been snacking on nuts/seeds throughout the day which are taking me well over my daily calorie count.

Does anyone have any advice on maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy and what I can snack on (that is healthy but isn't too high calories) in addition to fruit? I'm not adverse to putting on weight but I want to make sure I am getting the best nutrition for the baby without piling on excessive pounds as my GP advised me the fitter and healthier you are the easier the labour will be (fingers crossed!).

Any exercise tips would also be appreciated... I'm trying to swim as much as possible but struggling with tiredness.



  • As far as snacks go, veggies and fruit are your friends!

    With exercise, walking, swimming and light pilates/yoga (you can get ones designed for pre/post natal women).

    You can do it!

    As for fitter you are easier the labor... probably true. True for me! With my first I walked all day throughout the pregnancy and had a relatively easy and trouble-free labor, with my second I was very unhealthy and didn't exercise and the labor was a lot more painful and timely.

    Good luck :)
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I completely understand wanting to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy, but this is also a time where you really have to listen to your body. If you are feeling hungry, eat. Just do what you have been doing: make sure you are eating healthy foods. During pregnancy you just want to follow the normal "guidelines" for eating: fresh foods, very little processed foods, etc. etc. How much you gain is going to be dependent on a lot of factors, and a lot of that is outside of your control. I always gained more than what was in the "recommended" range, but I had big babies. It had nothing to do with how I was eating. For all of them I was back to pre-pregnancy weight by 6 weeks post partum. Just eat sensibly, and you will be fine. Try not to think about the gain.

    In terms of exercise, anything you were doing pre-pregnancy should be fine during pregnancy (unless it was some kind of dangerous sport!). Ob/Gyns typically do not want pregnant women to have sustained heart rates of over 140 for long periods of time during pregnancy, so that is the only thing to watch.

  • I don't know how far along you are but I too am pregnant and am struggling too. My first trimester I stayed on target when my second trimester hit I was like you starving all the time. I have been trying to drink more water to see if that is part of the problem. I ran a 5K ay 13 weeks preggo but slacked off after that. I just started again going on youtube looking up pregnancy workouts. I have been making horrible choices the last few days but generally speaking try to make sure everything I eat has good nutritional value and try to move. Right now that is all I can do to keep on track but like I said the last few days have been horrible. Trying to get myself back of track. Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy I hope it is happy and healthy for you!
  • Thanks for the advice everyone...

    5k at 13 weeks - wow! I normally cycle but I have switched to swimming but may try and squeeze in a few shorter distance rides while I still can. Going to try walking a bit more as well, I am guilty of taking the car everywhere.

    Appreciate all your comments and ideas, going to bring in some vegetable crudites to snack on during the day at work - can't believe I didn't think of that before!