Couch to 5K ???

I've been reading about couch to 5K and it intriques me. I just got my first smartphone (always had basic phone). Is this just an app. I download. When I looked it up it said it was $1.99 which I don't mind. Just want to make sure I'm not paying for something that might be free. Don't have the whole grasp of the smartphone thing yet. thanks


  • I just found one for Android called Simple C25K. It tells you the workout for that day, and times it out with a beep and vibrate when it's time to switch. Very no frills and it was free. It runs in the background on your phone so you can play your own music over it.I can't wait to use it, just downloaded it today :love:
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There are podcasts too. The NHS in the UK do a free one. You can also just google the programme and do it yourself. I like the 'Ease into 5K' app- there are a number of different apps. This gives you a map and calculates your wjjng, running and total pace.
  • keirajl
    keirajl Posts: 13 Member
    I did the one week C2-5k app and thought it was cool. Too cheap to buy it, so I just looked online for the daily routine. It really helped me get into running shape!
  • hulalipop
    hulalipop Posts: 8 Member
    The iPhone has a free one from Zen Labs (C25k) You _can_ pay $1.99 to remove the ads, but I used the free one, and it works the same.
  • Hi, I use C25K Pro for Android. I'm not a runner but this app is really turning me into one. I'm starting week 6. Please use archrsupports of some sort. I was out for a few months due to running with no supports. Oh yeah and the difference between this app and frer one is the pause button. The free app pauses when you leave app to another...for example a music app. Anyways good luck.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    You certainly don't have to buy the app. You can just check out the website and get the routine for free. I never did the app.

    Good luck!
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    i got the couch to 5k from the nhs off Itunes and put it on my phone it was free then that was January. There are others I used noom, which I liked but I have just downloaded simple 25k which is free, there usually is allways a free alternative. Goodluck its a rewarding thing to do xx :)
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    I use the Simple c25k - it's free, you can go in and out of the app without it stopping, for example to play your music or use a tracking app such as Endomondo simultaneously, you just have to use the 'home' button rather than press 'back', because that will cancel your workout. Just press the button to take you to your homescreen and the app will continue running in the background. It does on my Android phone anyway :)

    I don't understand why some apps cost money because it doesn't take a lot of programming to put in a sequence of beeps and vibrations. Definitely go for the free one!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I don't have a smartphone, I use a free podcast that I downloaded. There are a few different ones out there if you google. There are some podcast and app reviews in the C25k group forum:

    You could also just do it without listening to anything, just by timing yourself. The basic programme is outlined here:
  • C25K Pro also has a choice of a male voice or female voice. The voices use phrases such as ”start”, ”ready start running”, ”one minute left”, ”turn around you are at the halfway point”, ”good job start walking”, and finally my favorite ”good job start cooldown”.
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I have a smart phone. I was using the couch to 5K free app. It worked well. On you app store screen you have 2 or 3 columns. 1st one is paid apps, the next is free apps. Touch the free app column and you can find the free couch to 5 K there.

    Thought this was a good app as I never have been a runner but wanted to start to get some cross training. I always ride bike for exercise. Couch to 5k takes you through a series of run and then walks and gradually increases the run times. Very good! Unfortinately I was at day 3 was involved in a bike crash and fractured 3 ribs and dislocated my hip. I am just thinking I have recouped enough to start it again.

    Hopes this helps!

  • I am on week 6 of the NHS couch 2 5k podcast - and it is brilliant, it has loads of great hints and has been written really well so just as I am flagging Laura pops up with some motivation to keep me going!

    The music is really good too, a nice mixture of different types.
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    There are probably a lot of free apps. I've used endamundo? C25K program does work!
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm almost done with week 6 of Couch to 5K. Amazingly it really really works. A friend here on MFP suggested it to me, or I never would have started it. I thought I was still too heavy to run. Apparently I was wrong. I have gone from a 251 lb couch potato to a 184 lb girl who ran 25 min for first time yesterday. Without stopping. I know to some that's not much at all. But to me, it was an enormous accomplishment. I did not buy anything, I just printed out the workout for free, it's everywhere on the internet by googling it. I highly recommend it.
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm another C25K-er, using the free NHS podcasts. They come with their own music, but that's fine by me - it's supposed to be the right sort of beats per minute to help you run, I think, although I clearly run at a very different rate! :wink: I like the encouraging comments and hints & tips that you get given particulaly through some of the earlier weeks.
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    I used it too - a free app to my netbook for on my treadmill. I am now an outdoor runner. Who would have thought? !!! :) Good luck
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    The iPhone has a free one from Zen Labs (C25k) You _can_ pay $1.99 to remove the ads, but I used the free one, and it works the same.

    That's the one I used too. It's good. But, it's only C25K so once you're done that app isn't very useful. I use JogLog now. It was $1.99 and it's awesome. That includes a C25K program (though I've never done it) and the ability to create your own intervals. It's also super customizable and you can have the voice call out lots of different things at whatever interval you want. Well worth the $1.99 IMO.

    I started with C25K in March of this year. I'm doing my first 10K in November. It's a great program!
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    Just to add, RunKeeper is also free, and can be set to intervals - and I believe it works over your own playlist. I only use it for timings/pace/distance info, but it seems excellent. And all the better for the price! :wink:
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    no apps for me. I looked up schedule online for free. I am in week 9. when I go out for my workout it is just me and my stopwatch. its not hard to remember the sequence for each workout, oh and did I mention it can be free!
  • jeannate52
    jeannate52 Posts: 28 Member
    There is a pretty good free podcast on iTunes by a girl who calls herself Chubby Jones (I know) but its really good because she actually runs with you and encourages and cues you when to run and when to walk. The music she uses may not be to your liking but its fun to kinda sorta feel like someone is training with you. She got me through the program and it was great.