Weight Plateau - Please Help!!



  • cmaggies
    I think you've done really well in seven weeks! I wish I'd lost as much as that!!!
    Thanks for your kind words - if I can do it, you can too! Keep positive - we can both reach our goal.
  • droberts3311
    Glad to here it is only weeks, try months!! I have changed everything I know and still in search. Will not give up, if I die with the extra 10-15 pounds I will then quit. Not until. Just so you know you are not alone.:flowerforyou:
  • szonjakun
    szonjakun Posts: 94 Member
    I'm having the same problem (after losing 23 lbs in 4 months), but for 4 months now. I can't give you any advice, since I can't even overcome my own plateau, but don't give up!
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I have hovered around the same weight since June! Then my birthday came and I thought forget it, ate LOADS and afterwards thought right im going back on it and now I'm losing again :) so maybe take a break, or mix things up. Cheese can stall some peoples weight loss too, I know about 5 people that as soon as they limited cheese their weight loss started again and when they started having it again their losses stalled again (not sure why but just a thought, no harm trying!).

    Strength training would be a great idea to incorporate. Also take a closer look at you macros, make sure you are getting enough protein, make sure your calorie intake isn't too low/high. Maybe invest in a HRM if you don't already, to log more accurate burns, and food scales to calculate more accurately in your diary. Just a few things to look into, Good luck!
  • cmaggies
    I have hovered around the same weight since June! Then my birthday came and I thought forget it, ate LOADS and afterwards thought right im going back on it and now I'm losing again :) so maybe take a break, or mix things up. Cheese can stall some peoples weight loss too, I know about 5 people that as soon as they limited cheese their weight loss started again and when they started having it again their losses stalled again (not sure why but just a thought, no harm trying!).

    Strength training would be a great idea to incorporate. Also take a closer look at you macros, make sure you are getting enough protein, make sure your calorie intake isn't too low/high. Maybe invest in a HRM if you don't already, to log more accurate burns, and food scales to calculate more accurately in your diary. Just a few things to look into, Good luck!
    Thanks for the advice. I started some beginners strength training earlier this week. I have read that the development of lean muscle helps with raising the metabolism and therefore, weight loss.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thank you to all who contributed ideas to my question. I was really excited to see so many responses to my first question! I have read all with great interest and done some research myself. Interesting reading on Weight Watcher's web site (http://www.weightwatchers.com.au) - search for "plateaus and physical activity". Their article talks about breaking a plateau by increasing your exercise time, increasing the intensity of your exercise and varying your exercise type.
    Thanks also to those who thought I wasn't really experiencing a plateau after 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. After further thought you are probably right.
    Here's to us all successfully continuing on our weight loss journey:happy:

    My main issue with this is, WW doesn't care if you lose fat or muscle, their success is fully based on what the scale says. If you care about your lean body mass (that little that try drives your metabolic rate and provides so many benefits) then I wouldn't suggest what WW is saying. Beside, IMO, you should always be striving to push harder as you lose weight so you can get stronger and more fit. That is also why I suggested taking a break so your body can repair.
    I recently hit a plateau too - I have been at MFP since 1st August and about 4 weeks ago I stuck at the same weight for around 3 weeks (irrespective of what I did.) and even managed to gain a couple of pounds. I then began drinking a lot more water and all of a sudden things began to move, now I have lost the couple of pounds and a couple more on top.

    Other things to check:
    1. Make sure not too many refined carbs / sugar
    2. Mix up the exercise
    3. Minimise coffee
    4. lots of fresh leafy green veg
    5. Omit alcohol

    Hope that helps

    This is good advice,lots of water and lots of fibre will get things moving again.And try doing different exercises.No alcohol and try decaff coffee and tea.Caffeine is in my experience bad.I hold onto water when i have a lot of it x
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I recently hit a plateau too - I have been at MFP since 1st August and about 4 weeks ago I stuck at the same weight for around 3 weeks (irrespective of what I did.) and even managed to gain a couple of pounds. I then began drinking a lot more water and all of a sudden things began to move, now I have lost the couple of pounds and a couple more on top.

    Other things to check:
    1. Make sure not too many refined carbs / sugar
    2. Mix up the exercise
    3. Minimise coffee
    4. lots of fresh leafy green veg
    5. Omit alcohol

    Hope that helps

    This is good advice,lots of water and lots of fibre will get things moving again.And try doing different exercises.No alcohol and try decaff coffee and tea.Caffeine is in my experience bad.I hold onto water when i have a lot of it x

    Look at the first page... There is no issue with alcohol or caffeine. In fact, caffeine is a stimulant which can help you push harder during a workout. And some alcohols (like wine and spirits) can lead to lower body fat as demonstrated by a link on the first page I wrote.
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I had the same question a couple of weeks ago. I was down 54 pounds in 7 months, but stuck at the same weight (136) for 4 weeks. I listened to what people said and although it was hard at first, I upped my net calories from 1200 to 1500, added strength training (30-45 minutes), cut back on cardio minutes (from 60 to 30-45 minutes), upped my protein...and bam! 1 pound lost last week and down 1 pound this week. My weight loss has always gone in cycles, but never a 4 week stall until a couple of weeks ago. It was mentally tough to eat more calories at first, but I'm a convert now. I told myself that I would try it for 4 weeks (the same length of my plateau) and see what happened. If it didn't work, then I'd try something else. Now I'm 2 pounds away from my ultimate goal (132) and happily eating more every day.

    Good luck to you!
  • cmaggies
    Thank you to all who contributed ideas to my question. I was really excited to see so many responses to my first question! I have read all with great interest and done some research myself. Interesting reading on Weight Watcher's web site (http://www.weightwatchers.com.au) - search for "plateaus and physical activity". Their article talks about breaking a plateau by increasing your exercise time, increasing the intensity of your exercise and varying your exercise type.
    Thanks also to those who thought I wasn't really experiencing a plateau after 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. After further thought you are probably right.
    Here's to us all successfully continuing on our weight loss journey:happy:

    My main issue with this is, WW doesn't care if you lose fat or muscle, their success is fully based on what the scale says. If you care about your lean body mass (that little that try drives your metabolic rate and provides so many benefits) then I wouldn't suggest what WW is saying. Beside, IMO, you should always be striving to push harder as you lose weight so you can get stronger and more fit. That is also why I suggested taking a break so your body can repair.

    You make a good point about WW. I hadn't really thought about it from that perspective. Since your reply I have pushed harder to lose weight and also built in some rest days to allow my body to repair. These things plus the addition of some strength exercises have got the weight moving again! Thank you for your input!