Pls Help.. im frustrated. with my weight and body :(

i've been on the same weight for 3mos (184-185lbs)

i already change my exercise routine (lifting heavy weight 7-8reps compared to 15-18reps at moderate weight, two weeks ago until now, i do cardio exercise twice a day, RPM class and bodycombat class) and eating healthy foods incorporating more veggies and fruits and still avoiding junkies

i do workout 5-7x a wk. since september 2012
Monday- Cardio
Tuesday - Rest
Wed. Weight training
Thursday- cardio
friday- rest or weight training
Sat. - Cardio
Sunday - rest and some sort of a cheat day
***eating around 1850 cals- 2000cals

this is my workout pattern starting since oct 7.
Monday and Tuesday is my 2x cardio exercise
Wed. is weight training day
thursday is single cardio workout
friday is weight training day and bodypump class (lessmills)
saturday is single cardio workout
sunday- rest or short cardio workout (30 - 40mins) and some sort of a cheat day
eating around 2000-2200cals

now i up again my calorie intake to 2100-2500cals a day but mostly at 2200-2400cals
MFP showed that im burning extra 800-900cals during M and T.
while another 250cals on Wed.
520cals on thursday
480cals on friday
again 520 cals on sat
and 270cals on sunday.

my BMR is 1935 in most calculator. in other calculators my bmr is 1850cals
My Total Daily Energy Expanditure is 2650 at Moderate active (MFP) in most calculators My TDEE is 3000cals at Moderate Active

but it seems, its not working out....

what shall i do.... i hate my weight and i hate my body...
ive been working out as my daily routine since last yr of June 2011 so far I've lost 55lbs, hit 2 frustrating plateau (a 3month and 4 months plateau)... argh,,,,,, and i think i cant resist to take a rest from working out and eat a lot (a month duration), since that thing did break my second plateau



  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    How long are your cardio sessions an hour a piece?
    My suggestion, eat 2100 calories everyday, switch your macro's to 40/40/20 (carb/protein/fat) and see how that goes for a month.
  • remzki
    remzki Posts: 19
    In rpm class 45 mins
    And in bodycombat 50 mins...
  • jodienc1
    Lower your calorie intake... eliminate your cheat day. If you are serious about hating your body/weight and wanting to change, you'll make the sacrifice.. remember this is a lifestyle change.. long term, not immediate gratification. It's all babysteps. 55 pounds is a HUGE accomplishment.

    Drink lots of water, I didn't look at your diary, but if you are drinking any juices or soda, STOP... clean eating/drinking. It's amazing what will trigger your sweet/salty tooth. If you must snack, make good clean choices.

    Keep doing what you are doing... don't give up. Good Luck!
  • remzki
    remzki Posts: 19

    if i lower my calories to 2000 lets say...i feel weak and cant perform well in body combat....esp during wks that im only eating 1850 cals (my bmr) and still feel hungry... (i drink cold water to surpass the hunger feeling.)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    open your diary.

    how old are you and how tall are you?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    open your diary.

    how old are you and how tall are you?


    i'm going to go out on a limb and say you probably need to eat MORE. you're eating already to close to your estimated BMR. yes, estimated. those calculators aren't accurate.

    what kind of body DO you want?? have you taken progress pictures?
  • alishamarioliver

    go to this website figure out how many calories to maintain your weight and then once you figured out that you need to minus 500 calories to lose weight and if you want to gain you will add 500.. hope this helps.
  • alishamarioliver
    follow this ellite nutrion guide ( Nutrition Guide.pdf).. you could also start using it helps me stay motivated!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    wtf dude... i just re-read your originial post... you've been doing this since september?? of this year?? so not even two full months??

    what did you expect?? a six pack abs by halloween?? get with the program. it takes years to transform your body in either direction.

    man up. educate yourself. eat right, exercise properly, and be paitent.

    you want to know the three reall reasons people succeed???
  • remzki
    remzki Posts: 19
    open your diary.

    how old are you and how tall are you?

    im 5'9.. 22y/o and my weight is 185
  • remzki
    remzki Posts: 19
    wtf dude... i just re-read your originial post... you've been doing this since september?? of this year?? so not even two full months??

    what did you expect?? a six pack abs by halloween?? get with the program. it takes years to transform your body in either direction.

    man up. educate yourself. eat right, exercise properly, and be paitent.

    you want to know the three reall reasons people succeed???

    thats my workout routine last month and since it did not work and i dont even lose a pound, I change my routine to see if its going to work....
    and i never also expect to have 6 pack by halloween all I want is, move from 185 to 175 atleast before christmas.
    and ever since that i become conscious with my body. i started to workout 4x a wk...
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    wtf dude... i just re-read your originial post... you've been doing this since september?? of this year?? so not even two full months??

    what did you expect?? a six pack abs by halloween?? get with the program. it takes years to transform your body in either direction.

    man up. educate yourself. eat right, exercise properly, and be paitent.

    you want to know the three reall reasons people succeed???

    thats my workout routine last month and since it did not work and i dont even lose a pound, I change my routine to see if its going to work....
    and i never also expect to have 6 pack by halloween all I want is, move from 185 to 175 atleast before christmas.
    and ever since that i become conscious with my body. i started to workout 4x a wk...

    i apologize. i misread your post.

    honestly, i bet that you are not eating enough. a calorie deficit and cardio will only take you so far.

    but like i asked before, what are your goals?? if you are feeling comfortable, post up a picture of what you do look like, and we can help you out and give you some advice.
  • remzki
    remzki Posts: 19
    follow this ellite nutrion guide ( Nutrition Guide.pdf).. you could also start using it helps me stay motivated!

    thanks :)
  • remzki
    remzki Posts: 19
    wtf dude... i just re-read your originial post... you've been doing this since september?? of this year?? so not even two full months??

    what did you expect?? a six pack abs by halloween?? get with the program. it takes years to transform your body in either direction.

    man up. educate yourself. eat right, exercise properly, and be paitent.

    you want to know the three reall reasons people succeed???

    thats my workout routine last month and since it did not work and i dont even lose a pound, I change my routine to see if its going to work....
    and i never also expect to have 6 pack by halloween all I want is, move from 185 to 175 atleast before christmas.
    and ever since that i become conscious with my body. i started to workout 4x a wk...

    i apologize. i misread your post.

    honestly, i bet that you are not eating enough. a calorie deficit and cardio will only take you so far.

    but like i asked before, what are your goals?? if you are feeling comfortable, post up a picture of what you do look like, and we can help you out and give you some advice.

    my goal is, to have a body fat of 14-17%, 155-162lb weight.. a flat stomach and just toned arms and chest...
    btw. how to post photos here? i uploaded photo to my profile on how i look now... sorry i have no shirtless pic
  • alishamarioliver
    you're welcome.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you want to know the three really reasons people succeed???

  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    Have you been measuring? I measure all my parts 1x month. It can be very hard to see even big changes when they are on our own bodies. Last month I lost 2 inches off my waist and I wouldn't have had a clue if it wasn't for measuring. And I don't have a giant waist to begin with so this really was a big change that I would have been unaware of had it not been for measuring. The scale is only part of the picture - especially when you are already at a lower weight like yourself.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would focus less on the scales and more on a decent strength training regime to lower your BF%. you dont need to be in a massive calorie deficit to do this.

    one of the most important things is to have patience... its a lifestyle change, so even though its annoying and you will want results straught away, its a loooooong process. even a month or 2 might not be long enough to see differences, but keep at it!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I found when I started I had a cheatlittle bit of a cheat day....and it wasted all my time. I really did have much luck until I stopped cheating and fueled my body with good foods. Your working so need lots of good foods to fuel you!
  • wilwoods
    One thing you might do is modify your eating habits.

    I was biking at a near competitive level almost 300km a week plus weight training. I then started to eat more protein and had smaller meals every two to three hours and all of a sudden the body fat I was trying to lose started to come off. I was eating the same calories and doing the same miles but the eating regimen change made the huge difference.

    Also be very careful if you are making shakes or eating meal replacement bars that are soy based. Soy isoflavens inhibit the uptake of your thyroid hormones and can reduce your metabolism if you have thyroid issues. Use whey if you can get it