Another Newbie!!

Hey All!

I'm a 31 year old mother of three. I need to get my butt in gear but I always find that difficult without someone (besides myself) to hold me accountable. I really want to drop 52 more lbs! I just joined the site and welcome support and encouragement! This is my first week of no pop and no frilly coffee drinks. This is day three and besides a mild headache I am feeling great. I've been exercising each morning for an hour before going to work and I go to a Zumba class twice a week. I think I have this water drinking thing down pat and it's even starting to not taste so bad! I'm looking forward to sharing tips for success and learning new things from all of you!

What do you do or who do you count on (besides yourself) to keep you motivated and focused?



  • ronkelley2
    ronkelley2 Posts: 66 Member
    this is a good place for that support!!!!!!!!! many listen and give good advice when needed...........hope you get to your goals...but, remember it is choices that make it wok!!!!!!!!!!!!!! add if you want
  • miketheman79
    Anyone can add me I try to encourage people as often I can
  • sleek1003
    Thanks, Mike!
  • sleek1003
    Thanks, Ron! Yes, a lot of it is choices that only I can make. I just have to stay positive and work hard! And ASK for help when I need it!! That's the hard part!!
  • ItsTimeDave
    ItsTimeDave Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome to MFP :)

    Friends and encouragement will get you there! Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend, I do what i can to encourage and keep people smiling :)
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    Having friends to support helps a LOT! The side benefit is that you can see what your "friends" are doing to lose, and also get some great meal tips.