PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Thyroid Disorders......HELP??

I have an enlarged thyroid. However, all my test are normal except one, but the Thyroid Specialist won't diagnose me with a thyroid condition. He says I'm fine.

I went back to my GP to show her the results and she stated that if the specialist didn't diagnose me, then she didn't know what else to tell me. So, I asked her about PCOS. She said that I need to talk to my OB/GYN about that.....

I'm gonna make an appointment with my OB/GYN, but I'm confused about what type of doctor I need!!!!!!

I've been reading about Insulin Resistance, Thyroid and PCOS and all seem to have similarities, but I'm tired of shuffling from doctor to doctor!!!

I don't wanna go to my OB/GYN and she tell me that she can't help me. I know she can tell me about PCOS, but who do I need to see about Insulin Resistance if PCOS is not the issue?

I have been modifying my diet by lowering my carbs and it is helping me to feel better and lose weight, but I WANT TO KNOW if I have a serious health concern (besides my weight).

Do I need to see a endocrinologist??

This is so confusing!!!!!


  • bastie33
    bastie33 Posts: 7 Member
    This is a few days off- but, I have PCOS and a slight thyroid condition. My suggestion to you is to go see an Endocrinologist, if you already haven't. They are great doctors, and will help you with both of the issues you are having. My endocrinologist is awesome, and is super helpful. They specialize in the thyroid/insulin resistance and other issues (like PCOS). Hope this helps!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I too have PCOS and hypothyroidism. I did a lot of research into thyroid disorder. For one many labs have the norm values for TSH set higher than the American Endocrinologist Association state that they should be set at. They state a TSH over 3 should be treated where as many labs state over 5. Because many docs go off of what the labs say (including Endocrinologist) there are many women who are not dx till much latter in the game. Also many docs don't tell their patients this but if you consume caffeine or fluoride, there have been studies that show this can actually give you a lower TSH level than what the actuality is. When I showed my doctor the information that I had learned and asked her if she knew about this. I was informed that she was aware, however, never tells patients due to the non compliance of patients. This is because in order to get an accuarte reading of TSH caffeine needs to be eliminated for at least 5 days prior. Concerning fluoride...this is added to city water and many can't get around this...I have well water so not an issue, and I do not get fluoride treatments at the dentist. The only fluoride intake that I have is when I brush my teeth which is not much. Before eliminated these items from my testing my TSH was 2.7 when I eliminated them (for 3 days) and got retested my TSH was 8.2. My PCP started my on Armour thyroid (this is natural vs synthroid which is syntheitic and only T4) 8 weeks latter my TSH was 11.8 (by this time I had eliminated caffeine for 5 days and fluride for 8 weeks, as I started taking water to work because they had city water (except toothpaste)) After that my levels started going down as my medication was increased.
    Personally, if I were you I would try to find a doctor who will listion to you about your issues with your thyroid. If you TSH is over 3 go the the american endocrinologist associations website and print the information about when to treat, take it to your doctor.
    Also a really helpful cite might be thyroid-info.com there is a directory there about the top thyroid docs in the us.
    Regarding PCOS and insulin resistance, most docs including GP put us on metformin.
  • bastie33
    bastie33 Posts: 7 Member
    I was on metformin, and will be put back on after I have my boy in January. It has helped regulate the PCOS and my insulin issues.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Interesting...I was prescribed Metformin but I didn't take it. I have hypothyroidism and the last time I went in my sugar levels were elevated. I didn't want to take it because the doc said it could upset my stomach while my body adjusted it. She told me she was prescribing it to me because it works as an appetite suppressant. That's when I started this weight loss journey.

    OP, you are right. All three of three of these have similar symptoms. I have not seen an Endo doc, but I will after the first of the year. I would also recommend you do that.
  • bastie33
    bastie33 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah, a lot of people do use it for an appetite suppressant, but my prescription was strictly for regulating my periods and helping to lower my insulin levels. It did an amazing job at helping regulate, and it did help me get pregnant as well (I wasn't ovulating prior). It's used for lots of different reasons- but weight loss is only abut 15 percent of what it's used for.
  • Thanks for the replies.....

    After more reading and research, I think my problem is Insulin Resistance. I hate that I have to diagnose myself, but the doctors are just as clueless. I've read that Insulin Resistance can cause an enlarged thyroid, facial hair, acne, and belly fat....all symptoms that I have. I've deduced that it may not be PCOS because I have a regular period and have not experienced any hair loss. And all of my thyroid levels are within range, except for the test for autoimmune. So another deduction that I'm making is that my enlarged thyroid issue and my other symptoms are from Insulin Resistance.

    Now I'm trying to figure out if I wanna go through the hassle of trying to find an endocrinologist to help me. There was a research article that studied 45 women (15 PCOS, 15 Hypothyroidism, and 15 Insulin Resistance). They provided the same low carb diet to all women and found that all improved in their symptoms and lost weight.

    I'm just tired of paying money to doctors, wasting my time and still ending up nowhere. So, for now I'm gonna continue my low carb diet.

    Thanks again for the responses. I appreciate it!!