20 somethings, trying to lose.



  • funnyfox
    Doesnt it suck? Like i remember being 15 and thinking by 18 i would be stunning. Now i am 22 and have been the most i have ever been and trying to lose it. I hope it works out for you and me. hahaha
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    That's one of the things that got me on the way, I've been fat my whole life. I was close to 300 pounds when I was 18, and now I'm 25, 198 pounds, getting stronger and looking better every day - I love it!
  • jenjens86
    jenjens86 Posts: 48 Member
    Im 26 and have been trying since feb to loose the weight i gained when i had my daughter last year i gained about 50lb, i was close to my goals before i got pregnant but i wanna get back down there, im halfway to pp weight now and wanna lose a bit more, than that, 84lb loss is the goal. Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • msierra125
    I'm 27 and after my college wrestling career was over I gained 50 pounds. I have already lost 11 but want to get my beach hod back
  • Jishii
    Jishii Posts: 9 Member
    24. Feel free to add me. Trying to shape up before my metabolism dies completely. C:
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 27, and I totally agree - I'm freaking out thinking "these are supposed to be the years when I am physically in my prime!". My goal is to lose it all before I turn 29 (so I have exactly 15 months...eeekk!!), that way I have at least 1 year when I'm a hot 20 something!

    I feel exactly the same! Im 27 and somehow the scales managed to sneak up to 224lbs - Im down to 211 now, but I have a whole load of chub to lose for me to feel like I should in my 20s!

    Also, I'm hoping that my boyfriend might propose in the near future, so trying to be pro-active in losing weight now!

    If anyone wants to add me, I log on religiously every day, and I will support you as much as you need.

    Laura x
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    my friends who are older talk about their metabolism slowing down and I really worry what things will be like by then if I have the same lifestyle I've had the last few years.


    I used to be able to drop a stone in 3 weeks - now im working my @rse off to try to lose 1lb a week! Wish I'd done this earlier!
  • kara1990
    kara1990 Posts: 34 Member
    i`m 22 , had my 2nd baby 6months ago ... apparently my body decided it didnt want to just ping back into shape like it did after my 1st , 4 years ago lol , so now i`m a uk size 14 and around 11 and a half stone , which i know isn`t massive lol , its just the biggest iv ever been without actually being pregnant lol , so my aim is to hopefully fit back into my uk size 10-12 clothes as soon as possible , iv got my engagment party back end of jan , hoping to at least be in a 12 by then lol , feel free to add me :D
  • Montegue42
    I am 23! Losing maddeningly slowly, but feel free to add me :)
  • kentuckyrose
    I have about 100 pounds to lose overall. I had to move this year & I'm a big stress-eater, so that kinda put me in a bad place. I'm 19 & don't want to spend my 20s feeling as unhappy as I do now. I'm really good at the first three days of getting healthy... and then it always fades! Hoping to change that this time xoxo
  • hertzpl
    Hey everyone! This is my first attempt at making connections with the community. I'm 28 very active lifestyle. Trying to be more dedicated to better eating. Would love to share some experiences and learn some of yours as well! Feel free to add me! Good luck in your journeys everyone!! Remember! Never Quit and Never give up!
  • klab11
    klab11 Posts: 7 Member
    When I first clicked on this blog topic I thought I might not fit in because I only have a little more than a year left in my 20's but it looks like I am not the only one! :) Don't know if that is a good thing or bad, but it is whatever because we are all on here for the same reason.
    I gained most of my weight at the end of college and then post college. I did well with it right after college when I was running around as a server for a few years but now that I sit at a desk I am having to fight much harder to get back.
    You just keeping thinking the next year will be a good year and then somehow that year is gone and you put 10 pounds on. So annoying. So now I have one full year left in my 20's. Time to do something.

    And FYI, looking your best in your 20's would be nice. But looking your best in your 30's or 40's would be quite alright with me too! I would hate to have already looked my best in my life time. LOL!
    Keep on keeping on! Feel free to add me!
  • RS1984
    RS1984 Posts: 5
    I gained a lot in college, then lost a lot after college, gained it all back and then some. I am now back in school full time getting my masters and I finally feel like I am ready to get more in control of myself. I'm hoping this time I lose it and keep it off!
  • RS1984
    RS1984 Posts: 5
    I agree!! At this point I'm just trying to get back in shape for my 30's because I don't have much time left in my 20's!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    25 here and I gained practically all my weight from moving in with my husband >_< Stopped excercising and started eating take-aways >_< Bad combo lol I was underweight in education, slightly overweight now, trying to work towards a middle ground lol...
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    im terrified of still being fat and carrying around baby weigh (2.5yr baby. not good excuse) when i turn 30!! im 28 and want to lose this weight ASAP! dont care what it takes,
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Tell me about it!! I have such a fear when I watch infomercials for P90X and stuff like that with people in their 40s and 50s saying that they are in better shape now than they were in their 20s! I don't want to be saying that! I want to look good and hot now while I can still rock a mini skirt!
  • kittykinsqt
    kittykinsqt Posts: 24 Member
    college did a huge number to my weight too, no time for exercise, no time to fight my mom (i moved back home for school) to buy HEALTHY foods, i was always bigger (at about 180), but i shot up to 300lbs living there and going to school. now i'm fighting all these habits trying to get back to how i was, exercising 3 hours a day AND eating right!
  • MyLittleSonshine
    MyLittleSonshine Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm 23 and have 50 or so lbs to lose- I have a 2.5yo and a 4.5mo old and had complications with both pregnancies- I've never really been in-shape and I look forward to getting there!
  • SlimmingSarah2012
    I'm with you...I'm turning 29 next week (sigh, last year of my twenties) but I'm determined now more than ever to be at a healthy weight on my 30th! I'm actually looking forward to focusing more on ME in my thirties. My twenties was spent eating junk while in college, drinking, then getting married aka comfortable or maybe a little too comfortable and then having babies where I really packed on the weight. Now I'm at a place where I know I don't have any more excuses, there's nothing holding me back...I know I'm not having anymore babies and I want my kids to know me as a fit mom that can do anything!
    Game plan....for now try and lose 10 pounds a month until I get to onederland and then the goal will be 5-7 pounds a month. Heavy cardio for now, easy into strength training and then its Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, 30 day ripped and eating a healthy calorie range. We can do this!!!