CC's Biggest Loser Challenge Week 9

Hi everyone welcome to week 9. Congrats to last week's winner clheide with a 1.83% loss. I am very proud of everyone for sticking with this. The show comes back on this week!:drinker:

New people are still welcome. Here are the rules/guidelines of the challenge.

Biggest Loser Challenge "Rules"
-everyone weighs in each week on the same day
-Please try to post your weight as early as possible, this makes it easier for me

Just like on the show
-each week the person with the highest percentage of weight loss since the last week will be our weekly Biggest Loser
-at the finale the person who has the highest percentage of weight loss since their starting weight will be Biggest Loser

Good luck everyone!


  • cc_campbell81
    We seem to have lost fbref last week so I will give us a challenge for this week.

    This week's challenge:

    Log your food everyday

    Good luck
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Bumping :o)
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, new month has started.

    Starting Weight Dec 1 - 215 lbs
    CW - 199.5 lbs.
    Lost 15.5 lbs

    I deleted my old profile with EA active and started brand new again for the month of March. I also changed the intensity level from low to medium.

    Stomache flu went through my house and lucky for me it skipped me. However, that meant i was taking care of everyone and everything. Very tired today.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    bump for tomorrow's weigh in. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
  • constancemwj
    BL tomorrow (finally) lets make it a great last chance workout everyone :bigsmile:
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Yay new board
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    What a bad week :( I let myself think that I could eat whatever I wanted for a few days this past week and boy did I over do it! I'm super nervous about tomorrow's weigh in because last night when I weighed myself I did NOT like what I fact it was a number I hadn't seen in a quite some time!
    I've been slacking on inputting my food on here so I guess that goes to show how important it is to keep closer track of what I'm eating. I thought I could do fine without but I was wrong.
    Hopefully being able to watch Biggest Loser again will encourage me to get right back on track...I hope :)

    I hope everyone else had a great week and I can't wait to see how much progress you've all made!
  • neenaof4
    neenaof4 Posts: 41 Member
    CW - 177.9 -- I lost 3 pounds this week -- WOOO HOOO!
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Okay.... weigh in!!!! 230.6

    Only .4 lbs this week. I attribute that to having a couple of bad days at the end of this week. Yesterday was extremely stressful and I wasn't able to get my workout it. Ugh! I will just have to work harder this week! :o)
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member

    Last Week: 176.4
    This Week: 173.8
    Lost: 2.6 pounds

    Exercise: 6/7 days
    Under Calories: 7/7 days
    Water: 4 cups 7/7, but 0 days at 8 cups a day

    And I have logged in my food every day this week. Actually, I've done it for 56 days in a row. Somehow watching that number increment on my home page motivates me to track what I eat.

    I'm doing better with water, but still only drinking about half of what is recommended daily.
  • augustbells
    augustbells Posts: 113
    Last Week: 245.0
    This Week: 242.6
    Lost: 2.4 pounds

    Exercise: 7/7 days
    Under Calories: 5/7 days
    Water: 7/7
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
    I weight in 190.4 not to bad
  • constancemwj
    looks like everyone is haveing a great week
    last week after hardling lossing anything,,, I really pushed myself this week and it finally shows yaaahhhoooo!!!!!!!

    LW 148.4
    CW 146.4 down 2

    Water 4/7 ( need to work on it still)
    Calories 5/7
    Exercise 5/7

    lets keep up the great work!!!
  • Doreenpao
    Doreenpao Posts: 28 Member
    I have lost some steam regarding working out and logging in... Have had a lot of stress in my life lately... I WILL GET BACK ON TRACK... this week. I only have 26 more days until my cruise! FOCUS, Doreen, FOCUS....
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    159.0 this week (down 1.8)

    7/7 calories
    7/7 cardio
    6/7 water
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    FYI to whomever is keeping score: I just changed my user name from karlaw to waguchan for more anonymity. My profile photo is the same baby picture of me though.

    Last Week: 176.4
    This Week: 173.8
    Lost: 2.6 pounds
  • cc_campbell81
    Thanks, i recognized the pic:smile:
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Forgot to weigh in on Tuesday :(

    My weight was 135.2...SO SAD :(

    Water: 4/7
    Cardio: 5/7
    Calories: 4/7

    NOT A GOOD WEEK :(:(:(

    Back on track this week least so far :)
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all,

    This Week: 179.5
    Last Week: 182.0
    I am down 2 and a half pounds and official broke through the 180's. I don't recall ever weighing under 180 in my teen year. This is totally blowin my mind. I'm sorry i haven't been online that much lately. I've been a little busy, I got into another karaoke contest so i have been learning alot of new songs. It also kind of stinks because the contest is on tuesday nights. That means I miss half of biggest loser. But good news is my On Demand get all the episodes by friday. So i will get to see them. By what i've seen so far. I completely understand why michael made the decision he did with separating the teams. I was also happy with how he defended himself against jillian. Its True, Michael did not design the show, he's playing it just how NBC wants it to be and the other contestants should be stop complaining and be happy that they are there. It also was a bummer to see the black team dad go. Just like what Forrest gump said, "And thats all i have to say about that"
    I'm sorry i haven't been doing the challenges so much, i honesty am working out everyday but i get lazy with typing it all up online. I am still doing well with my food and excersising tracking on Spark People. Well i don't know what else to say. Just know that i'm around ladies, i check in every thursday for sure.
