Snack ideas?

I am looking for snack ideas that are low cal. But filling. I get hungry around 3:00 daily. I usually have already had a yogurt and a lot of fruit by this this of day. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks


  • MissJenova
    Edit: This isn't the thread I though it was, but it still has some good ideas. Use the Search function and search the work snack, you'll find a lot of options!

    I'm buying deli turkey, lettuce, and mustard today to make roll-ups. I also really like pistachios, cottage cheese/cheese in general, fruit, greek yogurt, celery and creamcheese/peanut butter, pita chips and hummus etc.
  • Lantzbug
    I usually pack a small handful of mixed nuts or some light mozz string cheese. My fruit is usually a cup of grapes or a gala apple.
  • Aketelsen
    I normally grab a Clementine or an apple. Both will keep me full until my next meal!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Beef jerky. Lean protein, not a ton of calories.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    beef jerky! low fat, no carbs and high in protein.
  • ashleyngill
    Try something with more protein. Your yogurt and fruit can have a lot of sugars (although not bad sugars, still sugars with little protein to hold you over). Try sting cheese, nuts, or put some peanut butter with your fruit. What about veggies? I used to love having sliced bell peppers and hummus for a snack. Or pickles...pickles are VERY low-cal (if you get the right ones) and give you a great crunch.
  • Briteblu
    Trail mix or nuts
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i love fresh carrot chips and hummus. it's like eating chips and dip. mmmm. chips and dip.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Quest bar
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    I usually bring back extra from whatever I made for lunch. Sometimes it's tuna fish and triscuits, yesterday was spaghetti squash, I also like to buy Root's Shredded chicken and I'll just eat that plain. I like having something full of protein at that time of day, because I know it has to last me till dinner, which us usually around 6:30/7:00. And if I'm hungry at 5 when I get off work, it can be dangerous walking around the kitchen looking for something to make for dinner! I usually have my fruit in the morning. And I know an apple won't hold me over for to long! Good luck!
  • disnyfan7
    I like fiber one brownies. I takes care of my sweet tooth as well as my hunger.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    i love fresh carrot chips and hummus. it's like eating chips and dip. mmmm. chips and dip.

    Are carrot chips baked carrot slices or fresh slices?

    ETA: I always eat small snacks in between meals. It helps me from getting hungry and over-eating. I rearranged my food diary so it looks like this:


    Morning Snack


    Afternoon Snack


    Evening Snack
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Ten almonds and a piece of fruit seem to work for me as does a greek yogurt... I try to stay away from the really processed food like fiber one bars and protein bars or other snack foods that are prepackaged as such... I'm trying to eliminate as many precooked and preservative laden foods as I can. I also don't do soda, white flour, or refined sugars...
  • photogirlchrissy
    photogirlchrissy Posts: 7 Member
    I cut up cucumbers/fiber one brownies/or trail mix

    I get the snack pack of trail mix by Kor's, so I don't overeat.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I usually snack on fruits or veggies, but I have also discovered air popped popcorn! You can eat a TON of that stuff for not very many calories!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Love me some mid-day cheese to snack on!!
  • SabrinaLily
    Well, I dunno if what I do will work for you but I find I like something more substantial than just fruits or veggies. Maybe this will help?

    In the morning I make an egg-white patty and a slice or two of (real) bacon. I have that to eat between breakfast and lunch. They say protein and fat is what fills you up longer. The patty is about 50 calories and each slice of bacon between 40-45.

    After lunch and before I leave work I get UBER hungry. There's NO way I can make it till dinner. So what I do is either grab a bag of Herr's Popped Tangy BBQ chips. They're super hard to find but an entire bag of chips only has 70 calories! A lot of girls at work will do the 100 calorie bag of popcorn. When I do the popcorn, I dress it up with no-calorie airsol spray butter and popcorn salt available in the popcorn aisle. The other thing I do is buy a footlong sub at lunch. I rip off half the bread to make it an open-face sandwich. I'll eat half at lunch and the other half around the 3:00 mark. The way I get my subs (wheat bread, oven roasted chicken, oregano, tons of spinach, tomatoes and a touch of BBQ sauce) means that the whole footlong is 458 calories which isn't bad since half of it is my 3:00 snack.

    Hope this gives you a few ideas!!! Jenn :)
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Braeburn apple with Skippy peanut butter.....yummers !!