Medical weight loss clinics. Anyone been to one?

Recently they opened one near me which is located in my dr office and run by his office manager. Don't know much about except they offer some kind of lipolean and b complex injections every week combined w a lower calorie diet. Like a medi wight loss clinic. Anyone have any thoughts or experience w this? Thanks so much.


  • Nanba007
    Nanba007 Posts: 77 Member
    Google lipotropic you may want to rethink this. Good luck.
  • svbattista
    svbattista Posts: 2 Member
    I did something like this a long time ago and lost alot of weight very quickly but gained it all back plus some and feel that my metabolism has been slower ever since
  • bluebike2013
    bluebike2013 Posts: 30 Member
    thanks, i will google lipotropic.
  • I would check into that and look at the cost, there are so many other programs out there that are affordable and get the job done without extensive programs like that. Let me know, I have one you may like
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I would stay away from these. MY cousin works for one and it has ruined our relationship. She is 125lbs and one of the 'doctors' as he likes to call himself, keep putting her on HCG. She's dropping and unhealthy amount of weight and gaining it back with an extra5-10 lbs every few months. The worst part is, he is charging his OWN EMPLOYEE to do this dangerous cycle on her body. Then she sells it up to others for him. They have her boyfriend loaded up on HCG also, for hormone treatment, testosterone and about 10 other things they found wrong with him.

    Any reputable doctor is not going to have anything to do with these 'clinics'. Stay away, these places prey on people with low self esteem at their most vulnerable to make money off of them !
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I went to a medi weight loss clinic. I did injections (B vitamins and other stuff) and ate a low carb, no dairy, reduce calorie diet (about 800 cals) for about 3 months. They provided appetite suppressants and did a full blood work up and EKG before starting me on it. It can get expensive, but for me, I needed something to give me a push. I low 25 lbs or so have maintained since then. I am now trying to lose again, but am working on changing my lifestyle habits now. Hope that helps!
  • bluebike2013
    bluebike2013 Posts: 30 Member
    yes, that does help. thank you for responding everyone. Someone there said it was not the HCG with 500 calories they are doing there but of course i would have to come in for consultation to see since the Dr. is too busy to answer phone calls all day long since he also seeing patients. He has an internist practice going on there too.

    I know i am having a hard time staying under 1600 calories per day and basically have not been able to do that for even 3 days straight. I dont believe i could ever do 500 to 800 a day for even one day. I am just being honest with myself.

    Maybe that is just not the answer for me. thanks
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I went to one for a while at the beginning of my "lifestyle change". Clinics frequently offer appetite suppressants or stimulant drugs. These are not the "eu naturale" method of weight loss but they are an option. Appetite suppressants work for some when cravings and eating large amounts of food is normal for them and they have difficulties with portion size but they come with lots of side effects and possible addictive qualities. Stimulants are very dangerous as they are often chemically similar to illegal drugs and they cause increased heart rate, high blood pressure, racing thoughts, dizziness, jitters and other unpleasent side effects. I have tried both and after "testing" them out decided that exercising and changing what I put in my mouth works a whole lot better and is much more comfortable and safe.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    yes, that does help. thank you for responding everyone. Someone there said it was not the HCG with 500 calories they are doing there but of course i would have to come in for consultation to see since the Dr. is too busy to answer phone calls all day long since he also seeing patients. He has an internist practice going on there too.

    I know i am having a hard time staying under 1600 calories per day and basically have not been able to do that for even 3 days straight. I dont believe i could ever do 500 to 800 a day for even one day. I am just being honest with myself.

    Maybe that is just not the answer for me. thanks

    Just keep in mind, the other methods used can be dishonest. For example, appetite suppressants. If your body is telling you it's hungry, it probably means you need to eat. Too many people don't realize that they can eat 1500-200 calories or more daily and still lose weight. Our bodies are designed to tell us what they need. Medicines and supplements shouldn't be used to control your body and are not sustainable either.

    best of luck!
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I know i am having a hard time staying under 1600 calories per day and basically have not been able to do that for even 3 days straight. I dont believe i could ever do 500 to 800 a day for even one day. I am just being honest with myself.

    Maybe that is just not the answer for me. thanks

    You shouldn't have to eat 500-800 calories a day to lose weight, especially if you have a lot to lose. I am eating 1600-1900 a day and losing just fine. Using MFP works for many people and it can work for you too.

    If you want to both lose weight and keep it off, then making sustainable lifestyle changes is the way to go. Eating 800 calories a day is not sustainable. Eating a bit less than you burn in a day and getting regular exercise is sustainable. Try that first.

    Good luck to you.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    The one I went to just wanted to put me on their special "vitamins" for the low, low price of $200 a month (that cost is with me being under the poverty line). They didn't provide me with any more info than what I already found online.
  • bluebike2013
    bluebike2013 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone. Lots of good answers and input here.
    His program is called nexslim. Seems like lots of dr.nare sponsoring it now.
  • bluebike2013
    bluebike2013 Posts: 30 Member
    I meant lots of dr. Are opening clinics in their offices.
  • kathyanne112
    kathyanne112 Posts: 4 Member
    Obviously not the popular answer here, but I have had alot of success with Medi. I joined 4/4/12 and plan to continue into their Maintenance and Wellness Phases. It is expensive - true - but I needed help and got it there. That being said, I'm sure other clinics have successful programs to offer as well.
  • alesnie
    alesnie Posts: 90 Member
    A majority of my extended family is going to one of these in my area. At first, I really wanted to go because they were losing weight SO quickly and looked great! However, once I started to get informed on here, I realized how dangerous this man really is. My little cousin just recently went off to her freshman year at college, and before she left her dad spent 900 DOLLARS on supplements and special foods just for one semesters worth. Her mother was on the HCG shots. They are all pretty much on an all protein diet. My other aunt who is 65 is on the same high protein diet, and she said some days she eats less than 1000 calories, and is only losing about 1 lb a week. And believe me, just with the money my extended family has given this man, hes definitely making a great living.

    I've been on here getting educated and just logging my calories, and I'm still losing just fine.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Don't pay money to lose weight. The only tool you need is right here and it's FREE.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Obviously not the popular answer here, but I have had alot of success with Medi. I joined 4/4/12 and plan to continue into their Maintenance and Wellness Phases. It is expensive - true - but I needed help and got it there. That being said, I'm sure other clinics have successful programs to offer as well.

    Hmm, your only posts have been about weight loss clinics...
  • John2347
    John2347 Posts: 336 Member
    Don't pay money to lose weight. The only tool you need is right here and it's FREE.

  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    If you're desperate and lazy they will be happy to take your money.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I was at starbucks the other day and ran into a guy who did medifast. He has lost 100lbs since April. I asked him about it and he said that it can get expensive and there is no dairy or fruit. He said each month a meal is introduced back in so you have to adapt and think for yourself in terms of meal planning.