Want encouragement!

Hey, I'm looking for some friends! I love fitness pal and motivation and praise from other people could really help!


  • llayc013
    goals? commitments? what are you doing to reach your goals??
  • rosebudbutterfly
    rosebudbutterfly Posts: 26 Member
    How are you doing with the goals you set for yourself? :glasses:
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    Hey guys...that's not encouragement! now she's sitting there thinking "goals???" "what?" lol jk

    Jess...you should fill out your about me section...feel free to add. I always say a little something on my friends achievements
  • pabd1405
    Hi - I am Donna and I have a goal to lose 100 lbs. I currently work with a personal trainer 3 times a week at home and have now started swimming and stationary cycling. I suffer with really bad knees so I have to be kind to them. Years of being heavy have taken the toll on my body and self esteem. I have been heavy since grade 5. Not really big like now but always a size larger than everyone else. It was hard being in school and being teased all the time. I was very active in sports, bowling, baseball, speed skating, horseback riding, badminton, volleyball, cheerleading, swimming etc. Never got a real fit body but a real strong one. After 2 kids and a lifetime of stress and life stress I stopped valueing myself and focused everything on my children and spouse. This did not bode well for my health. Now the kids are grown and I need to fix me. It has been 1 year and 89 lbs gone. Suffered through several injuries but all in all way stronger and back to health. Needed to give myself a small kick so I decided to join here and make myself accountable for what I eat. I also am taking Body by Vi for nutrition. And you?
  • jojopawl
    Hey Jess,
    Just joined myself! I'd be happy to help, and you can help me too!

  • llayc013
    happy friday dance.....woke up 5am this morning...body wanted up to train legs, mind wanted to stay in bed....body won... how's your friday coming along??
    Hey, I'm looking for some friends! I love fitness pal and motivation and praise from other people could really help!