Lost 35 pounds but haven't dropped a pants size?

I've lost just over 35 pounds since January but I haven't changes my pants size at all. I was wearing an 18 when I started (probably should have been wearing a 20 but refused to buy one size larger, that's why I started losing weight) and I'm still an 18 today. I know I've lost inches in my hips and waist and thighs but can't seem to get into a 16. And my 18s are even loose on me. Frustrating and perplexing. What gives?!


  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    keep pushing... progress is slow... before you know it you will be down two pants sizes
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just surpassed the 40 pound mark and can finally fit into a 22W. But they are still just a tad bit tight. I figure another inch from my hips will do the trick.
  • ammadove
    ammadove Posts: 97 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! You're doing great! Don't overfocus on the pants size. Take a good look at how they are fitting you now. Aren"t they looser in the waist, seat or thigh? Be patient with yourself. As everyone keeps telling me, "you didn't get there overnight, don't expect to have it go away overnight".
  • chrissylovescj
    chrissylovescj Posts: 117 Member
    Super job with your weight loss!!! I feel your pain on the pant sizes. I'm in between sizes right now which is EXTREMELY frustrating!!!! Just keep going and you will be in those 16s in no time!!!
  • dobrydney
    I definitely just posted a similar thread around the same time you did! I'm a female, 5"6ish started at 280 and am now 260--been working on losing weight since May of this year. I was also wearing a size 18 and refused to buy a 20 but I think, like you, I was stuffing myself into the 18. Now my 18s are too big, but I can't really fit in a 16 and someone pointed out on my recent thread that I am just in between sizes. I thought after 20 pounds I would have been able to fit into a smaller size, but many people seem to say it happens faster the more you lose! Keep it up and congrats!
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
    Count me in with this problem! I suspect that I was pushing it with the 16s, because I refused to buy 18s. Also, I definitely came across some 16s that wouldn't fit, and of course I avoided buying those! I have a pair of 14s hanging in my closet, just waiting... I have lost a lot of inches but only about 8 pounds so I am sure I just need to be patienbt, but it's hard!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    You said it yourself. You should've been in 20s, and now your 18s are getting lose. In a few more pounds/inches, you'll be in the 16s. You've lost almost two pant sizes.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Pants seem to be remarkably flexible, especially as we buy ones in our size that 'fit' and buy brands that 'fit' too.

    I'm tall and have worn a 14 from weight of 150 (when I could have worth a 12) to 188. However, that took 25 years and pants sizes have gotten bigger and my pants have certainly gotten tighter.

    I've lost 25 pounds and I'm still in 14s but they are LOOSE. I refuse to buy new ones until I get back to 150. Could I fit a 12? Maybe. My shirt size went down. But they'd be tight.

    Big curvy brands include Gloria Vanderbelt, LL Beans, and Lands End.

    Low rise pants are smaller sizes than high waisted ones.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    Are you just cutting calories or are you exercising as well?
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    You have dropped a pant size. By your own admission you should have been in 20's and now 18's are loose. Well done! Keep up the good work, it's just a matter of time and you'll be in 16's which would be dropping 2 sizes.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Sizing is so inconsistent. Are your 18s that are big newer than your 16s that don't fit? It seems like sizes get bigger every year. And it's definitely true that bigger sizes have more room between them - it takes more inches lost to go from 20->18 than it does to go from 10->8.

    I totally measure myself by pants, but it's not the best way for everyone. Start using an actual tape measure, I bet you will see differences faster than you think.
  • lindyjo324
    lindyjo324 Posts: 7 Member
    Are you just cutting calories or are you exercising as well?

    Yes. Exercising 5 days a week at least. Aiming to burn between 500-600 calories (I wear a HRM when working out) a day and eating about 1600 calories a day.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I carry weight in my hips. Walking 30 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the bike at the gym have helped me lose 4 1/2 inches from my hips.I went from a 20 to a 16.
  • your inbetween sizes - it happens to all of us :)
    Like you said - you should have been wearing 20's. give it a few more pounds and you'll be in those 16's!!!
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I am the complete opposite. I have lost a ton of inches and several sizes but barely any weight. It really depends on where the fat is coming from. If you arent doing strength training, I would recommend it. That way you are making sure you are holding onto lean muscle mass and losing fat, then you will start seeing sizes drop. Do squats, lunges etc.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    it will happen, ive dropped 5 sizes noe from a uk size 22 to a uk size 12. still a few pounds to go tho.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    remember that your losing weight all over your body. So take your measurements to see where its coming off. Your not just losing it off your hips. Your doing great! Just keep going and you'll see more changes soon. You can do this.
  • karagetsfit
    If you should have been a 20 when you started but refused to wear it, then you did lose a pant size.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    Sizing is different depending on the brand. I have a size 16 jeans that fall off me, but I can't see to fit into that brands 14. I have another pair of size 12s that are too big, but I can't fit into a size 10.

    I know it's frustrating, especially with jeans. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on what the pants size is. I'd also suggest shopping around and trying on different brands, and styles. The 16's I have are from Old Navy in their "Rockstar" jeans, and the 12's that fall off are from Torrid.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You could also have lost a lot from your extremities. Do you have any rings that fit looser? I find the last thing to go is my waist, so it's slower going with the pant sizes.