Best class to take? (Ex. Zumba, Spinning, Bodypump, etc)



  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    Cross Fit- hands down.... I take different classes all of the time and love this class... expensive though since there are still not a ton of cross fit facilities/ instructors out there but worth your while.
  • I definitely think they're worth the money! (I may be a bit biased as an instructor haha ;) )

    But, the advice I always give is try every class your gym offers at least once. Test the waters and see what you like to do. The best workout is the one where you're having so much fun, you forget you're working.

    Always keep in mind that just because you go to a class and do not care for it, does not mean all classes of that type will be the same. Instructors all have different styles of teaching, so you may hate one step class and love another!

    My personal favorites to teach are CardioSculpt ( a mix of high/low impact aerobics and body weight training), Step Aerobics, and walk/run groups. I also love to go to Zumba classes
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    I LUV ZUMBA! However, I have "kicked it up a knotch" with a dance fitness class called SENSAZAO which is like ZUMBA times 10. It is awesome!. I also enjoy Body pump/muscle conditioning class for toning and muscle definition. I really like yoga, especially Bikram yoga because it burns calories but also is great for my lower back pain. Pilates is something I just started and I find that it is great for your core.

    I tried Spinning. Great workout, but it really hurt my bottom!
  • mokster
    mokster Posts: 17
    I swear by TRX, but I don't think it's offered at all gyms or without additional cost. My gym offers it in 30 minute classes, so I can easily grab one during lunch or before dinner. If I have more time, I will do two in one day. It's the only class I've taken where I've made gym friends, and it's produced better results for me than any of the Les Mills classes (which I still attend... I like them too). I have not experienced another class that can work me as hard in only half an hour.

    Others I like:
    CSI (interval strength/cardio training)
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Body pump was an absolute joke IMO

    I think zumba is a lot of fun though!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    TRX. I love it. I've only been doing it for 3 weeks now, but I want to push myself with it. If a class makes you want to push harder while you're enjoying youself, than it is well worth it.

    I want to try spinning and body pump next, but haven't yet.
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    Hated Zumba. I've got rhythm and like to dance and this was not a workout for me at all.

    I would like spinning but I fractured my tail bone earlier this year and still can't handle the bike very well.

    I LOVE Body Pump. I go 3 times a week.

    I also do pilates, Body Flow or yoga once or twice per week. I do all classes alone.
  • I'm a really shy person and I also have two left feet (not even joking, i should video tape my horrible robotic moves), but a friend encouraged me to go to zumba with her and I've been going ever since. It's a nice change of pace for me considering I mostly use cardio machines at the gym and dvds at home. I'm thinking about joining a yoga studio and I'd love to try out a spinning class if I could find one! I think classes are easier with friends, but can be fun without as well.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It really depends honestly... For example, I used to like step aerobics... but I hate it now... I think though it's because when I first took it, I took it with an instructor that used to be a trainer for Gold's Gym and now she teaches (or at least she did when I took the class) college PE courses, then I took it at a local rec center... I have always hated spinning... But I love Zumba.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Cross Fit- hands down.... I take different classes all of the time and love this class... expensive though since there are still not a ton of cross fit facilities/ instructors out there but worth your while.

    Been looking at this - very intrigued (and a little scared if I'm being honest :embarassed: ). More and more facilities are opening every day - they seem to be springing up all over. I'm already paying for a gym membership (that I love and use, so no waste), but if time & money were not an issue, I'd be all over it.

    To OP: try everything that even slightly interests you --- but always give it at least 3x before you decide it's not for you. Learning steps, vocabulary, pacing, etc can be frustrating, but you have to give it a real chance. And if you take a biking/spinning class (LOVE 'em), you have to give that even longer 'cuz your hind end is gonna protest fiercely but it WILL get used to that saddle.
  • Spinning, bodypump and yoga.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Cross Fit- hands down.... I take different classes all of the time and love this class... expensive though since there are still not a ton of cross fit facilities/ instructors out there but worth your while.

    And if you take a biking/spinning class (LOVE 'em), you have to give that even longer 'cuz your hind end is gonna protest fiercely but it WILL get used to that saddle.

    Agree about both crossfit injury risk, and hiney protest from spinning. I've learned that if my tush is hurting too much on the saddle, my resistance (gear) is too low.

    RE crossfit: A beginning lifter really shouldn't be doing speed lifts. The risk of injury is high.
  • olerolls
    olerolls Posts: 70 Member
    Try a few and see what you enjoy. The best one to take is the one(s) you like doing and thus will stick with.

    I personally really like yoga and Pilates. I also liked a kickboxing class I took for a few weeks, but it's hard on my surgically repaired knee and I have decided not to continue with it because I feel like I'm just asking for an injury that will sideline me from exercise completely. I also like the Cardio Jam class that's at my gym. I think it's fairly similar to Zumba, so I would probably like that too.
  • I do Zumba at home and still on the first DVD on WII if you look at my profile it will show you how much I have lost since on Zumba.. I also us my elliptical at home...These work for me...
  • It's a bit "meta" but I'll take just about any format of class - the important thing for me is a good instructor who puts thought and a bit of their own personality into it, rather than a corporate middlewoman who brings nothing to their own class and may as well just put on a DVD. So for me, the best class to take is basically the one without an R in a little circle after its name.