Help me Find some different foods!



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Don't be afraid to try the same veg in several different ways. If you don't like it raw, try it roasted, for example. Sometimes it's not so much the food itself that we don't like, but the way it is prepared.

    Also - you do not have to eat salad if you don't like it. I hate it - so I don't eat it. I just find other ways to get my veggies.
  • juliepoe208
    juliepoe208 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, welcome. You could try sweet potatoes, I can't believe it's not butter light (45 calories per tbsp), bagel thins or bread thins (100 calories for one) and a few others. I will request you as a friend and what you want to do is go into some of the food diaries of people on here and see if there are foods you like to give you ideas. Hope this helps. :-)
    You can do it.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Try cauliflower mash, its very much like mashed potatoes.

    I'm not one to sugarcoat so here it goes. You need to just do it. Stop eating crap and be healthy. You need to make salads, vegies and fruit part of your day to day life. Try a nice low cal dressing, seasonings etc. You will get used to it as your tastebuds adjust. You need ot stop using the excuse 'I don't like it', you're not a toddler.
  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    for the mac and cheese, start by adding a few steamed veggies, maybe. I'd try getting a small amount from the salad bar at the grocery if you don't want to cook and waste a lot of veggies. gradually add more and more until it's half/half.
    In mac and cheese, I really like broccoli, cauliflower, sauteed or steamed sweet onion or scallion.
    I did see a recipe on here fairly recently (you could do a search for it) in the forums where they added acorn squash, I think. Looked really good to me.

    Other substitutions to consider: instead of rice, try brown rice, quinoa, or couscous.

    Instead of mashed potatoes: boil or steam then mash celery root or cauliflower with some garlic. Instead of butter use olive oil and use skim milk plus some plain nonfat greek yogurt to build up the mixture.

    Good luck trying new things!
  • karennh65
    karennh65 Posts: 27 Member
    If I can do it, you can. I was the Queen of Pasta, Rice & Potatos. Was never big on the salads as I do not like tomotos, peppers, onions, mushrooms............oh dear I could go on and on. However, I have found a couple of salad receipes made with Strawberries and another one with oranges. I will add chicken to gain the extra protien. Just experiment, use ground turkey in place of burger. Turkey Tacos and Turkey Taco Omelette are yummy. Buffalo chicken burgers or meatloaf has been another experiment of mine. Now I will add a burger to my salad (lettuce, carrots & celery) and use buffalo sauce and a small amount of lite ranch dressing.
    Mountian Dew was a big downfall for me, haven't had a soda in over a month. Hate water be am forcing myself to drink it. It can be done.....................just work at it and try different things until you find your niche.
  • gafromga
    gafromga Posts: 3 Member
    i love potatoes so i eat half a baked potato and i use low fat ranch dressing or two tablespoons of chili on them. i cook less of them and eat less of them. I love bread and biscuits so i immediately tell waiters not to bring them. It will take time but you can do it. Or save them for your spluge meal or day.!!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Try small changes. They can really add up!
    As you get rid of some things make sure you don't lose all the flavor. Start using spices.
    Some changes to try...
    * hide vegetables - like lasagna? add some spinach and/or zucchini
    * lower fat milk or dairy products - some taste good others don't. I find that with high quality milk, it's easy to drink a lower fat amount
    * you asked about mac & cheese... the same size serving can vary from about 250 calories to well over 500 -- the lowest cal one I found was rather bland so I add red pepper or worcester sauce -- or sometimes some laughing cow cheese (35 calories). Mac & cheese is also a great place to hide more vegetables... tomato or zucchini slices, some people like adding mashed sweet potatoes or chick peas.
    * fruit is yummy!
    * whole wheat bread (the more fiber the better)
    * instead of fried, try sautéed maybe in some flavorful chicken broth
    * don't eat just salad greens (boring!) add yummy things - I like tomatoes, avocado, olives, artichoke hearts - or how about walnuts, grapes, dried cranberries
    You probably will need to put a bit more thought into your food... at least until you find some options you like. But some are even easier than what you've been doing. For instance someone posted a quick and easy recipe yesterday for chicken cooked in picante sauce rather than fried or deep buttered.
    The world is full of fun and yummy things... try some and enjoy!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    So you don't get overwhelmed (and then totally give up), why don't you set a goal to try 1-2 new foods each week and slowly change your diet that way? It may take longer but you will most likely see it as a challenge, instead of a diet, and stick with it.

    I agree with this. Making too many changes at once is hard on you. Change one thing, make it stick. Change another thing, make it stick. It will be a longer road but it is doable. I like a lot of spices too. There are lots of ideas here.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Try small changes. They can really add up!
    As you get rid of some things make sure you don't lose all the flavor. Start using spices.
    Some changes to try...
    * hide vegetables - like lasagna? add some spinach and/or zucchini
    * lower fat milk or dairy products - some taste good others don't. I find that with high quality milk, it's easy to drink a lower fat amount
    * you asked about mac & cheese... the same size serving can vary from about 250 calories to well over 500 -- the lowest cal one I found was rather bland so I add red pepper or worcester sauce -- or sometimes some laughing cow cheese (35 calories). Mac & cheese is also a great place to hide more vegetables... tomato or zucchini slices, some people like adding mashed sweet potatoes or chick peas.
    * fruit is yummy!
    * whole wheat bread (the more fiber the better)
    * instead of fried, try sautéed maybe in some flavorful chicken broth
    * don't eat just salad greens (boring!) add yummy things - I like tomatoes, avocado, olives, artichoke hearts - or how about walnuts, grapes, dried cranberries
    You probably will need to put a bit more thought into your food... at least until you find some options you like. But some are even easier than what you've been doing. For instance someone posted a quick and easy recipe yesterday for chicken cooked in picante sauce rather than fried or deep buttered.
    The world is full of fun and yummy things... try some and enjoy!

    I absolutely love this ^^^^ Yes, there are lots of yummy foods, plain salads are boring. Spice it up with various textures and flavors.
  • tkbronico
    Try mixing a 6 oz container of vanilla Greek yogurt with 2 those nutella and a very very tiny ( almost none) dash of cinnamon together to make a great dip tor fruits or pretzles if you like the sweet/salty... Or mix the same type yogurt with 2 tbls peanut butter
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Recipes that I've tried and loved:

    For your mac 'n cheese fix (haven't tried yet):

    As for butter substitutions: Try Smart Balance or I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

    I'm sure you like some veggies. Embrace those. Try different ones.

    As for chicken, try a marinade or BBQ sauce. If you don't have a grill, get a George Foreman grill.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I'm right with you! I'm not a fan of veggies, or most fruits for that matter. Since I started my lifestyle change, I have forced myself to try or retry some things. I have settled on a few things that I eat regularly and make sure I eat veggies every day. I like to bake chicken breasts (boneless skinless) with a drizzle of olive oil and some seasonings. It comes out nice and moist, and the olive oil is better for you than the butter. I like to bake salmon the same way....that's my favorite! If you like nuts and seeds, add those to your diet (in moderation). They help fill you up and are good for you too. For sweet treats I have gotten hooked on sugar free Popsicles. They are only 15 calories each and I really feel like I am indulging. Also Popsicle brand sugar free fudgesicles are yummy, and only 40 calories each.

    Best of luck to you!
  • joramaker
    joramaker Posts: 65 Member
    Bump, great ideas
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Check out this site, lots of low cal foods and recipes

    Good Luck :smile:


    I am always finding healthy recipes that even my picky wife will eat. (Yes, I am a man who loves to cook for his wife)
  • LuciaSkinnyJeans
    One thing I found that I really enjoy is to marinate chicken, tofu, tuna burgers in your fav marinade (lots of flavor, overnight - gives it a little salt) - and then "bread" it with Whole Wheat Panko - we have a brand called Ian's here in NC that I like. I cook it on the stove. Feels a little "bad" but tastes great, and has a lot of flavor and crunch which you may miss from your current diet.

    I am also a fan of the sweets - but I just limit myself, dessert only once a week or on days when I run or workout... incentive on both sides! Also try greek yogurt with fresh fruit or local honey as a dessert, it's sweet but very healthy.

    Good luck!!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    you can eat veggies without it being a salad.
    Get some whole wheat or low carb pasta (tastes EXACTLY like regular pasta). While that is cooking, saute garlic and a little onion or shallot in a tablespoon of olive oil. Add a can of crushed tomatoes and a handful of baby spinach. you can sprinkle some parmesian cheese in it too if you measure how much you use.

    drain the pasta and add it in.
    You can add mushrooms to the sauce, sun dried tomatos, or anything else you want to try.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I am a vegetarian and a picky eater...IT'S TOUGH! Sometimes, you just need to go with some foods you aren't exactly thrilled about. But, yes, surf through some sites provided by others. I also enjoy They help you cut out some calories and carbs but it still tastes good :) experiment a bit with food to see what you'll like.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hello, I am new to this site... I would really like to try to eat a little healther.. My problem is I don't like anything in a salad, I really don't like veggies, I am all about greasy, buttery, salty or sweet foods.. If I bake chicken I use tons of butter, i love potatoes, mac and cheese, and toast... Grr, I am in desperate need of help.. Thank you

    If you want to eat healthier, you're going to have to let go of your old ideas and try new foods. Keep an open mind, and try something new every day. I suggest you start with fruits because they are the sweetest and still very healthy. Apples & pears are in season now and honeycrisp apples are sweet and delicious.

    Edit: Baked potatoes are fine. I cut it up and put a little ketchup on it.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    Great ideas and suggestions!
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    Not sure if this has been mentioned, but since veggies are so good for you, have you tried a green smoothie? I'm a pretty healthy eater on my own, but I've never liked vegetables until I found this: (regardless of your opinion of Dr. Oz!)

    I know green drinks may not be for everyone (it grosses some of my friends out) but I knew I had to eat more veggies and this went down MUCH easier than a bowl of leaves, and eventually I couldn't imagine a dinner without it! May be a long shot, but worth a try. :)