Tips for getting through the weekend



  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    are we getting a little holier than thou sarcasm here?
  • GmeB
    GmeB Posts: 70 Member
    above post aimed at shmoony
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I understand the weekend struggle. It usually starts for me about 4 pm on Friday. During the week I only eat half of my exercise calories and on the weekend I can eat all of my exercise calories....which gives me incentive to exercise like crazy on the weekend. Plus I plan ahead as well. is a struggle!

    Thanks for the topic!
  • wdot
    wdot Posts: 8
    I think the easiest thing to do is not have any junk food around in the house. If there aren't chips around, you can't snack on them. ;) Other than that, weekends are meant to be social, so go have a meal out! There's an iPhone app called HealthyOut that compiles healthy restaurant dishes, lists the nutrition facts if they're available and recommends meals at restaurants based on whatever you're craving. Good luck!
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    try to remember your not hungry, your just bored.
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    I think the only real tip is to just keep doing what you are doing during the week. Planning ahead is the key. If you go out, look at the menu of the restaurant beforehand to know which of the dishes are likely to be the lower calorie healthier options. Don't have all the courses and/or share with your partner. Drink a lot of water during the meal. Exercise more to 'earn' more calories.

    Also it would be a good idea to challenge the notion that socializing is mainly about eating and boozing. Having a good conversation is much easier when your mouth isn't full :tongue: And, dancing the night away is way more fun than stuffing your face.

  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    above post aimed at shmoony

    I agree I was thinking the same thing :p
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    keep your weekly routine. Be active during the times you are normally at work. Get out go to a park, a bike ride, clean your house if need be... you get the idea.

    Also (the first time I lost weight) not having it in the house helped me. If i wanted ice cream, I had to get in a car... soda... get in the car.

    Since I now live with my mother... it's just will power. There is junk food all over the place. Yesterday I did take a day off after a month of being good. It was mainly because I couldn't count the calories I ate in the morning. I went to an event and didn't take food and never would have made 8 hours on just the 150 I ate when I woke up. So I had popcorn with white chocolate drizzled in it. (no idea how much), A frozen meal, more chocolate, a cheese burger with no bun, a salad and lemon ice cream (a huge bowl cause i won't allow myself to eat any more of it). It wasn't too over the top. I gained 0.4 pounds.

    So over all don't worry about it and keep yourself busy.