Very Low, or Zero Cal Foods.



  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    Carrots carrots carrots. They're so filling and by the time you're done chewing one, you won't be hungry anymore. If you want to eat something savoury, maybe the 100-cal chip bags?
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    0 calorie noodles.. shirataki noodles... miracle noodle brand.. be careful it's all fiber and to eat too much can give you a stomach ache.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Sip on lemon water all day. It will help as it's an alkaline and does seem to curb hunger, which reminds me I should drink it more often.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I try to make veggie soup about once a week. I start with a light spray of oil to cook the onions then deglaze with a little water and add the other veggies. I usually include some red lentils and one potato to thicken the soup but other than that the rest are low calorie veggies (frozen mixed, a nice big piece of ginger, garlic and whatever I happen to have on hand). Because I only use a tiny bit of oil it is under 100 calories a bowl and it is both filling and delicious.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Natural Flavored mineral water! Same nutrients as regular water but the carbonation and flavor makes it more fllling. Pickles!
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    Special K cracker chips - 120 cal...but that is for 30 chips, with a bit of hummus you can make it last a long time. Have some water - one glass of water and chips and hummus on a plate so you know exactly how many/much you have indulged in. Makes me feel like I'm not watching every morsel I put in my mouth.
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    I can't believe how many people have said hummus- it's 70 calories for 2T.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I try to budget for an after dinner nibble plate when I log for the day - so I plan out my meals to leave myself a little evening nibble plate of either my favourite fruits (strawberries, kiwifruit and half and orange, slice and arranged nicely) or some rice crackers, a little hot chilli salsa and one approx 20g serving of my favourite cheese or some strawberries and a small serve of a sweet yogurt as a dip (for example I use half a pot of ski activ digestion yogurt - a 125ml pot is worth 110cal for the passionfruit flavour so I use half the pot one night, and half the next giving me 60 cal of yogurt and I make the rest up to 100 with strawberries and either half an apple or similiar fruit to dip it in)

    I eat really well during the day, and I prepare this plate while I am making the evening meal. I take the time to arrange it nicely on a nice plate and I have that when everyone around me is having desserts or their munchies. It is my little touch of luxuries plate or post dinner plate that I have without any guilt whatsoever as it is in my eating plan. If I feel really peckish when I am having this plate I wash it done with a sparkling mineral water. It seems to help.

    I guess for me the whole munchies thing may be a feeling of being 'on a diet' and 'deprived of goodies' so I take that out of the equation by pre-planning a treat that fits in around 100 cals and presenting it in a way that please the eye rather than a guilty handful of nuts that I stand in the pantry and chew out of desperate hunger.

    Hope this helps.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I can't believe how many people have said hummus- it's 70 calories for 2T.

    I thought this too!
    Watermelon is VERY high in sugar, as are bananas. Peanut butter (and other nut butters and Sunbutter) are VERY high calorie, and it is SO easy to eat half a jar! (Sunbutter is a slippery slope for me!) Trail mix is also very calorie dense, so you don't get much bang for your caloric buck.

    I really love making salads with LOTS of baby spinach.
    If you make sure your main meals are nutritious and filling, you should help curb the need to snack a ton.

    We eat when we are bored, tired, angry, sad... I found I needed to detach from the emotional eating I was doing and eat only when I am really actually hungry.
    I like to make a big cup of hot tea, 2 bags of tea, 16 oz H20 (I love chai) with liquid sucralose and a T of light cream or half and half. Drinking that before eating really helps keep my calories in check.

    I learned to ask myself "would I eat a dressing-free green salad right now?" when I think I want to eat something. If the answer is 'NO, that doesn't sound good at all', then I know I am NOT really hungry!! And then I wait, have a cup of tea etc.

    If you are finding that you are hungry ALL the time, you may try cutting out carbs for a bit. I found that keeping my net carbs under 20g a day for a few weeks got rid of my "constant hunger" which was totally mental, and a side effect of the carbs I had been eating so many of. It also kind of changed my relationship with food- only eating low carb veggies, eggs and lean protein really made me look at food as FUEL, and not fun, not a boredom buster, not as comfort. It made me really think about what I was putting in my mouth. It also made healthy food taste great! Before doing my low carb thing, a salad was blah. After 2 weeks of 20g or less net carbs a day, a salad was DIVINE!
    Coming onto MFP made me start looking at the calories I was eating, and made me accountable for daily exercise.

    That is another thing... exercise! A solid 30 min on the elliptical will make you NOT hungry for an hour or more after getting off the machine, and make you feel awesome to boot.

    Add me if you like!!
  • MrsGSR
    MrsGSR Posts: 88
    Cold water with lemon- whenever I feel hungry I drink a glass and wait 20 minutes, usually the feeling goes away

    Chewing gum/ sugar free polos- a friend reccommended these to me, mints are not good for me as I eat the whole packet in seconds!

    Raw Carrots- A little bit weird but I love them! High in Fiber, Low in Calories and sweet enough to stop me wanting chocolate!

    I've made some veg soup and frozen it in portion sized bags so I just need to defrost and I have 150Kcals of nutritious soup :) Chepaer than canned, and I know exactly whats gone in it!
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Sugar free jelly, a whole bowlful is like 36 calories
  • pipistrellus
    Cauliflower is amazing. Really low in calories, tasty and filling. I blitz it up in the food processor and use it instead of rice. It's great with chilli and curries.

    Just take the food processed 'rice' stick it in a dish, cover and microwave for 4 mins. It has enough water in it that you don't need to add any extra or cooking. Much lower in calories and carbs than real rice.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    Carrots carrots carrots. They're so filling and by the time you're done chewing one, you won't be hungry anymore. If you want to eat something savoury, maybe the 100-cal chip bags?

    agree with carrots. i add some salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar to it. really filling, and it makes you chew!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Shiratake noodles stir fried with lots of veggies! Very low carb (3) low calorie (20) per serving! I can eat the whole package and not feel guilty! Just have to rinse them REALLY well!

    Tofu is also good for you and filling, stir fry, toss into broth with some hot sauce and veggies. ie I love the mixed chinese veggies! One can has bamboo shoots, baby corn, sprouts and water chestnuts! Add mushrooms and its a meal.

    For snack, My local wegmans does this amazing tzaziki sauce made from greek yogurt. dip it with cucumbers or baby carrots. 2 tablespoons are 45 calories!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,736 Member
    Crab sticks. 16 kcal a piece.
  • ihave42cats
    i have a cup of black coffee. the caffine is supposedly an appetite supressant,l and the bitter chocolate notes can kill some cravings.

    you could also try clear soup, or home made chicken broth without salt.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Fruits, veggies are great go-too's, even if eating a whole apple is 100 calories, they're the -right- kind of calories you want to be eating. And in the case of an apple, it's super fibrous, so you stay full feeling longer.

    Cheeses are good too, I like a nice goat cheese on some apples in the afternoon, with a hot glass of cider. Its very satisfying, adding the hot cider- because you feel full faster from hot foods/hot drinks. Thus why 'soup diets' are so trendy (not necessarily good idea, due to lack of robust nutrients).

    Things like pickles and the such, they are literally, yes, 0 calories. But a gazzillion grams of sodium, which is like telling your body to retain fat and moisture when you get a sodium over load.

    Eating clean, whole foods with a little chemicals (if you can't pronounce it, you probs shouldn't be eating it), is the key to feeling fuller, and loosing the weight 'faster'. As diet is like 80% of anything you do for your body. the other 20% comes from working out, and head space. I mean, if your goal is to just loose wiehgt, it's all about the food! Guaranteed! If you eat good, and eat in guidelines of calorie intake, you will drop. Add in like some light walking, bam, stability! Energy, headspace!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Drink lots of water!!
  • Lisavl1
    Celery is the only food with negative calories. It costs your body more calories to digest than it contains. I have always hated it, but I resolved to start eating it as a snack at work. That's when I got hives after eating about 2 or 3 good sized stalks. A few days later, I tried it again, just to be sure it was the celery, and got hives work...same thing with raw carrots, which I never really liked, but liked a whole lot more than celery. FML.