Cheers to the Freakin Weekend



  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Hear Hear
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Tonight, I'll be at the gym, followed by a whole lotta nuthin'.

    Tomorrow, gym in the morning, and then some running around. Hopefully going to see Paranormal Activity 4 with a friend.

    Sunday, I'm going in to work for a few hours. Boo!!!!
  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member

    The bf and I have a weekend to ourselves with no kids in the house so we will prob have sex all over the house this weekend just because :smokin: (cause, ya know..... that is what parents do when the kids are away duh) haha!

    oh and I want to go see a movie too but I'm thinking....Silent Hill

    ^^^ This, but replace kids with stupid roommate.
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    I'm finally getting our Halloween decorations out today, then carving pumpkins with my kiddo tonight, Possibly going hiking at sunrise tomorrow morning, then to the kid's museum with my neighbor and our kids in the afternoon. Sunday, we'll be baking cookies.

    I suppose there will be some deep cleaning and organizing of most of the rooms in my house at some point... oh, and homework. Oh, and wine!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    spending time with peeps and running from zombies. then i have to work... but the rest is pretty awesome.
  • Homework :-(
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Neighborhood Halloween party, Boo at the Zoo, some housework, and working with some fondant and gum paste in preparation for a cake I'm making for a potluck this week. Not sure I can handle all this domestic excitement! :laugh:
  • nooodll
    nooodll Posts: 38
    We're having friends over to cure 60 pounds of bacon. Not good on the diet, though! Everything in moderation....
  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    Friday- gym gym gym- right after the bank and work ;)
    Saturday- taking a nice long run on the beach...then getting my shine on at a Halloween fiesta
    Sunday- watching football on my couch all day...GOOOOOOO GMEN :)!
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Headed to an awesome airshow with the kids Saturday! Happy Friday MFP!