Thoughts on people who eat so much yet stay skinny



  • positivepineapple
    positivepineapple Posts: 87 Member
    Honestly not even joking my brother eats however much he wants whenever he wants and his diet consists of jack in the box, subway, chilli mac, thick peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza pockets, rock stars and beer and he literally has 8 percent body fat. He does have a physical job but that's it, he doesn't work out.... Plus he looked like that before he got that job.

    my dad is the same way he's 53 and has a six pack, doesn't work out and eats whatever.... He's a bartender and eats chicken wings all the time lol.

    wth..... Why didn't I get those jeans!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    Lucky them and their genectics! My husband is super skinny, he eats all the time. Junk food, fast food, crap food... Drinks pop and tea all the time... never water never vegetables, never fruit. He drives a truck in the oilfield, sits in the truck. No physical labor, no working out. His entire family on his mom's side is all that way.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I used to know some people like that. Turns out when they age it catches up to them. My older sister is a great example of this. She used to eat a lot and never gain weight, she continued her eating habits and is now overweight with no real other changes to her diet or exercise routine. Just got older.
  • parissimone72
    parissimone72 Posts: 7 Member
    He could have a high BMR
  • ChristinaG100
    ChristinaG100 Posts: 41 Member
    I am the fat girl in a sea of skinny family. 4 thin children ages 17-22 and a thin husband. They eat what they want when they are hungry and busy doing their sports, work etc. And then when they are not active or hungry they do not eat. Thats the way thin people are- there is no such thing as naturally thin without at least some work and moderation. I am fat because I ate and drank too much and moved too little. End of story.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I think those kind of people are few and far between, just like there are actually very few fat people who "hardly eat anything and gain weight."

    Normal, thin people are active and eat an appropriate amount of calories for their weight. Sometimes they eat more, and sometimes they eat less.

    Now that I've lost weight, if you spent a random weekend day with me, you might think, "How can she be so inactive and eat so much crap and stay thin?"

    What you don't see are the intense weight and interval workouts during the week, the work days that I get up early to do yoga, the planned meals during the week that pretty much never include bread, pasta or potatoes, all the fruits, veggies and lean meats I consume, and how carefully I track my calories. I let myself rest a little and "treat" a little on the weekends, but it balances out with what I do during the week.

    Just because you don't see me doing all that, doesn't mean I have it easy.

    As far as the rare person who can eat a ton and stay skinny, they tend to have different body image issues -- especially guys, who might rather be more muscular, but have a hard time building mass because of their metabolism. Everyone has something that is hard for them, and everyone has things that are easier. It all evens out.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I used to know some people like that. Turns out when they age it catches up to them. My older sister is a great example of this. She used to eat a lot and never gain weight, she continued her eating habits and is now overweight with no real other changes to her diet or exercise routine. Just got older.

    The act of physically growing does indeed take MANY calories. Most of us cannot continue to eat like we did when younger.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I am able to eat 3350+ daily only because I exercise.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    they are not of this world.......................
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    My best friend weighs about 120lbs, is 5'4'' and eats *constantly* I used to think she jsut ate so much all the time and was jealous. When I started tracking what I eat, I notice she eats healthy things that are low calorie. She is also very active just naturally, always moving and doing something. So no, I'm not jealous.
  • FirefitMike
    FirefitMike Posts: 85 Member

    You're right, everyone is the same and responds the same to everything.
  • soulfulsally
    I know two people who eat a lot and stay thin. They're both close to me, so I've seen firsthand for years how much they eat and how little they exercise. I used to envy them, but then I got to thinking about all the junk they put into their bodies and how lazy they are. That can't be good in the long run, health-wise.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think a lot of people that seemingly eat whatever they want and never gain weight actually only eat when they are hungry or are very active/athletic people. Very few people can eat like that and not gain anything if they're not one of those two things.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    People who seem to eat what they want without gaining are either:
    1. Very, very active
    2. Not eating as much as you think

    Example for #1 - my dad eats tons. But he never sits down. He has a physical job, is constantly moving, working on projects until it's bedtime, etc. He can eat a lot because his TDEE is high.

    Example for #2 - A friend that packs away the food when we are out to dinner. But what I don't see is that she eats salad for lunch and yogurt for breakfast and very rarely snacks. She can eat what she wants in certain situations because she eats in moderation the rest of the time.


    My sister fits example two. Ive lived with her. She will skip breakfast . Sometimes she has one big meal that day and the rest is a few snacks . She doesnt diet, nor does she aim to lose weight. She just listens to her body and hunger cues!

    The example 1 can easily fit someone whos really active.

    It all has to do with TDEE.
  • FirefitMike
    FirefitMike Posts: 85 Member
    I know two people who eat a lot and stay thin. They're both close to me, so I've seen firsthand for years how much they eat and how little they exercise. I used to envy them, but then I got to thinking about all the junk they put into their bodies and how lazy they are. That can't be good in the long run, health-wise.

    Skinny doesn't mean healthy anymore than "overweight" is necessarily unhealthy.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    You're right, everyone is the same and responds the same to everything.

    Nobody said that. But body type does not negate themodynamics.
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    My ex has one of those light speed metabolisms. I lived with him for almost 8 years. I knew what he ate and how much he ate and still nothing was gained. We would have pasta at least once or twice a week. Alfredo sauce etc. He would slam down 2 sometimes 3 double cheeseburgers from McDonalds. He'd drink soda, eat candy bars, and could polish off half a pizza by himself.

    He was also Hypoglycemic though. His father is the same way. I don't envy them because I am who I am and someday their BMR will slow down.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I know two people who eat a lot and stay thin. They're both close to me, so I've seen firsthand for years how much they eat and how little they exercise. I used to envy them, but then I got to thinking about all the junk they put into their bodies and how lazy they are. That can't be good in the long run, health-wise.

    Skinny doesn't mean healthy anymore than "overweight" is necessarily unhealthy.

    Not in all cases, but generally speaking, an overweight or obese person going from overweight to average weight, will improve health markers. As a whole, most overweight people will have worse health markers. I wouldn't say in all cases, but as a general trend, obesity is not good for health.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I eat a lot, but I'm still hungry most of the time.
  • FirefitMike
    FirefitMike Posts: 85 Member

    You're right, everyone is the same and responds the same to everything.

    Nobody said that. But body type does not negate themodynamics.

    I never said that either, but "nonsense" to me means someone is totally discounting body type. No one matches exactly, but there is something to be said for natural build.