What was your trigger?

I guess most of us know that feeling where we knew we had to lose weight, we would look at ourselves each day in the mirror and cringe and then at night in bed twist and turn making silent promises to ourselves to start over afresh the next day and do it right.

And then one day something happens when you just see the light; you start and theres no stopping you from reaching your goal...

My story was, it was just a usual day i was having a chat with a very good male friend of mine, and he just said in passing.." imagine how much hotter you would look if you lost some weight.. toned up... be the best you can be, we just get one life... we need to look our most beautiful best.. " and at that moment i was like.. thats it.. i m 26 years old.. its time i took control of things so by the time i m 30 i can walk around in a bikini and be proud of my body...

So what was your trigger.. ? :)


  • xxshotgunromancexx
    I can say I honestly have been in that same excate position as you just mentioned..except I hear it from my mom..my dad and guy friends a like. I have been dealing with lots of stress from past harassment at my job of two years and got transferred. I didn't feel good about myself so I'd eat to mask the pain..thinkin..if they don't treat me right why should I?
    My trigger to actually change was I was just tired always feeling uncomfortable..always being scaled at the doctors from Axienty caused by the inncedent. I remember being 128 and I felt so sexy..and confident compared to my whopping 178 self. Guys would look at me and flirt all the time..cute clothes id be able to wear. We only got one life like how ya stated..why not make it worth while?(:
  • Jmckee3512
    Jmckee3512 Posts: 1 Member
    Mine was when my breakfast conversation with my 4 year old daughter went like this:
    Daddy, does eating too much sugar make you fat?
    Yes it does sweetheart.
    When did you eat too much sugar daddy?
  • Lantzbug
    I posted yesterday this same thing kinda :)

    I was standing in the threshold of the door from the garage to the house. My 5yo daughter pushed me through the door and I asked her what prompted her to do such a thing. She said, " because you're fat, and I thought you got stuck."
  • ggtojuju
    ggtojuju Posts: 35 Member
    I was beginning to look like a mini version of my 300+ pound brother.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    I had an explosion in the back of my head during a conversation with my mother about HER health...and realized that while I was explaining to her that she had the power to take charge of her own health, that I too had the power. Started then and there. Have tried several times with varying degress of success...but this time it is a life change. No turning back
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I saw a YouTube video of a guys transformation. He talked about how much his life has improved, felt way better, looked way better. I wanted that. I looked at my 286 lb self and said this is not ok, you need to fix this. The next day I started this journey...it has been 10 months, 93 lbs, and a whole lot of ups and downs. I quit drinking, I quit smoking, I started running, I started lifting. My trainer has been there since day 1 of my working out, he has seen me run for under a minute and be out of breath like I'm dying, he has seen me run for 50 mins. He has seen me struggle to bench press the bar....he has seen me throw 45's and 25's on each side. I am 25 years old and my life is just starting. Every day is a new opportunity to be great. All you have to do is want it. You only have one chance in this lifetime to be anything you want, why would I throw that away.