Mike’s Daily Rant 10/26/2012 Got 2 B Wealthy 2 eat Healthy



  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Well said! I shop about twice a week so I can have the best fresh foods, minimal processed items in my fridge (like mayo, ketchup, Laughing Cow). No fruit drink cause I like to eat my fruit and get the fiber. I don't keep even diet soda on the house now and just buy a bottle of Coke Zero on my way to work a couple times a week like people do coffee. I have lost 100+, would like to lose another 20# but have maintained this since May and intend to maintain till I am dead.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Today’s rant was inspired by a conversation that I had with a friend. She wanted to know how I am able to afford and maintain a healthy lifestyle without going broke.
    I've heard that one before. There is a school of thought that says poor people can't afford to eat healthy.

    There is no way that I spend more on food since I started eating healthy. It's not real complicated either. 1) Junk food is expensive and 2) I don't eat so damn much food anymore.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Sometimes I look at a carton of fresh berries, and i think $3.00! Then I remember how I thought a fast food meal for $3.00 was a real bargain once upon a time.

    So true! It's all about perspective.
  • Sheirai
    Sheirai Posts: 79 Member
    Awesomeness! I had a friend ask me for diet advice, and then say that she wanted to "eat like a normal person", meaning soda, ice cream bars, and chips and the like. Eating a lot of processed food is a cultural norm, not a physiological one.
  • ChristinaG100
    ChristinaG100 Posts: 41 Member
    Too bad for you're freind not to benefit from you're wisdom. But you hit on one of my biggest pet peeves: That people say its more expensive to eat healthy than unhealthy and fast food. Thats Bull$%#* ! Having 6 people in my family I can't afford not to cook from scratch. It is far less expensive to buy whole foods and make a meal rather than processed and prepackaged meals at a grocery store. And don't get me started on fast food. If my family eats fast food it $40+ for McDonalds etc. And we all know what kind of spread we can put on for 40 dollars. :noway:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Can i have the shopping list please :D
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    "...buy what you need, desire what you want."

    Priceless advice and also true for financial wellness.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Not a single item from your list? damn, I would've at least pretended to get a fruit or a veggie and let it sit there and go back to make herself feel better. Guess it doesn't matter how much you push some people they need to get that light bulb alone.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I like this because now realized what I am doing wrong. I need to shop weekly and plan ahead. Thank you.

    I recommend shopping twice a week, if you can manage the time. I do it, works great. Fridge is never overly full, fruits and veggies are always fresher. Plus, my kid think it's a nice mid-week treat since gets to stay up after his bedtime that night.
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    That's sad that she wasn't ready for your advice. I know I would have loved for someone to come in and do what you did to my grocery list, instead of spending hours of research and months of trial and error.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    My boyfriend thinks its INSANE I (we) spend $150 on groceries each week. I explain that all the food we need to make the dinners I cook every night come to about 50ish dollars. He refuses to admit that the extra 100 comes from all the extra crap like the processed foods, cookies, cereal and lunchable type things him and his daughter demand. If he could just understand the amount we could save...then he gives me crap about the one or two $3 bottles of wine I buy a week! :P
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good post. Many people could use a friend like you. It just comes to the fact that sometimes people aren't ready to change. She was probably hoping you'd come over, say oh, stop drinking soda, and you'll be fine. When she realized it's a lot more difficult than that, and her whole diet needs an overhaul, she probably became overwhelmed.

    Hopefully she'll come back to you soon and apologize for her ways. It's hard to accept that everything you've been eating for your whole life is wrong and bad.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Hey, at least she knows you're still there if she changes her mind and decides to make the change. I don't think you wasted your time though. Any time you are able to educate someone is time well spent. They can no longer plead ignorance and have the choice whether to make the change. If they don't, then they only have themselves to blame. They can't claim ignorance. You demonstrated that 'it's too expensive' is not a valid excuse.

    Thanks for your 'rant' though. It was very good to read and a reminder that I need to get myself to the grocery store after work to get some fresh food for my own healthy eats!
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I commend you sir.

    I too get annoyed when people complain about the costs of healthy food. What I want to ask, is where they are seeing this said "healthy food". If you have the opportunity to support small stores or farmers markets- DO. The produce is much cheaper than those big name grocer stores (*cough* Safeway...), and you often find those 'special' healthy treat foods for a fraction of the price. You do not have to shop at Whole Foods to eat healthy.

    Anyway... I too would be deeply offended, and I am glad you said what you did. I think if anything, you have planted the seed and she will be thinking about what you have told her a great deal.
  • Today’s rant was inspired by a conversation that I had with a friend. She wanted to know how I am able to afford and maintain a healthy lifestyle without going broke.
    I've heard that one before. There is a school of thought that says poor people can't afford to eat healthy.

    There is no way that I spend more on food since I started eating healthy. It's not real complicated either. 1) Junk food is expensive and 2) I don't eat so damn much food anymore.

    THIS. I've recently had my hours at work cut back. Drastically. I have a mortgage, car payments and tuition. And suddenly my eating is under control and I'm losing weight nicely. My coworkers have noticed. It started out because I could not AFFORD to eat the junk, nor so much of it. Portion control and healthy food (and shopping a couple of times a week) equals big savings. Oh: I also discovered that green leaf lettuce grows wonderfully in a pot...fresh salad for MONTHS!!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    First off, I was looking at your pictures in your profile and have to say you did a great job of making yourself healthier. Very impressive. Congratulations.

    Second, as you found out, you really can't change anyone else, even if they say they want to change. It comes from within. I hope you can salvage the friendship if you feel it's worth salvaging.
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Loved it!!!
  • You sir, are awesome

    You think so? I think you are as well!
  • Sometimes I look at a carton of fresh berries, and i think $3.00! Then I remember how I thought a fast food meal for $3.00 was a real bargain once upon a time.

    Great logic. I feel that way about grapes but grapes are a bonus for me so sometimes I dont get them However, I dont buy cookies because the grapes are too expensive.I just buy more apples or whatever else is a cheaper fruit that day.
  • Nice..Hopefully she'll listen to you

    The choice is hers!!! *In Captain Planets Voice*