(((Weapons of Mass Reduction Holiday Exchange & Fitness Challenge)))

Hi, my name's Becca and I'm PERSONALLY inviting you to this event on Facebook!

This isn't SPAM (we all hate that) or just a cut and paste post from the event site, but an honest to gosh "I am super excited for this event, your involvement and would love to see you there" invitation!

Its no secret to my husband and family that I love this time of year!! As soon as October shows on the calendar, I immediately start feeling even better about life! However, my husbands deployment next month is weighing on my cheerfulness this of year...And as a form of coping a few nights back, I devoured an ENTIRE bag of Kit Kat Bars in less then 24 hours. OIE! No Buono! I have lost 27 pounds in the past 4 months but at this rate, I'll have it all gained back before Christmas!

So it was then that I realized I need an outlet. A better form of coping. This goal setter needs some GOALS baby! I've realized, this is the only way I'll have a chance of dealing... So I started to brain storm and came up with a fun holiday exchange & fitness event idea! I've managed to incorporated my love of the holidays while managing to also set health goals. FABULOUS! And just in time too, before I'm faced with my favorite holiday sweets;)

I want to make it clear that this challenge is TRUELY for anyone. Whether your goal is to lose weight, tone up, eat healthy/be healthy or just stay accountable through the barrage of holiday feasts to come, there is a spot for you! We have the cheery and fun holiday exchange that everyone is involved in once you join. As well as 3 prize categories of $20 or more: Best Fitted Jeans, Mr/Ms Energy & Biggest Loser! I've been blown away by the response so far! We have 22 members from places like Korea, Afghanistan, Italy and many many different states! And the list is growing! Our group ranges from the serious contender to the holiday waist watcher so don't allow any predefined notions of what this is about, stop you from joining!

Sadly, the ability to join this event ends this Sunday Oct 28, 2012 at 11:59 pm. As much as I would love an open 30 day challenge, having tricklers in unison with a holiday exchange makes that tough. So if you'd like to join, copy and paste this link into your browser and click "join" event!


Or send me a Facebook friend request with this email and I'll make sure you receive an invite!

Thank You All,

And hope to see you there!!!


  • grabbin_life84
    grabbin_life84 Posts: 36 Member
    Please bump if you think this is a neat idea!!! Would love anyone the chance to join that wants to!

  • Lora_
    Lora_ Posts: 54 Member
    bump just joined, sounds fun :)
  • savannahjo92
    Bump! Just joined as well!! :D
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    bump, I want to read it when I get home, but it sounds cools
  • grabbin_life84
    grabbin_life84 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the Bump! Hope to see you over there!!!
  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    Bump to go check out the link later.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    JUST JOINED!! This is gonna be AWESOME!!! :glasses:

    Should we create a FB and/or MFP group to use during the challenge?
  • NorthWoodsLee
    NorthWoodsLee Posts: 92 Member
    Just joined. Thanks for the invite. (I've been trying to get accepted to a team on another site for a 49-day Holiday Challenge that begins Thanksgiving Eve, with no takers or invites. It's surprising how personal I've taken it! I'm going to have to toughen up, I guess.)
  • grabbin_life84
    grabbin_life84 Posts: 36 Member
    Well Lee, I'm so glad you joined our challenge! They may have just become overwhelemed at the response and couldn't handle anymore invites? I always try to see the positive, heehee :) Glad to have you!
  • grabbin_life84
    grabbin_life84 Posts: 36 Member
    Anyone else interested? Last chance to join before the window closes!
  • grabbin_life84
    grabbin_life84 Posts: 36 Member