Wanna help me with a project?

tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
edited September 20 in Chit-Chat
Do you mind helping me with a survey I'm taking for a school project?

Just answer as many of these questions as you can. If you don't know any of the answers, that's totally fine. Just reply saying that you don't know! There is no right or wrong answer, I promise!

You're wonderful!

1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?
2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?
3 Did you interact with these students?
4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?
5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?


  • cartmania
    cartmania Posts: 4 Member
    All no apart from 7 - mainstream because they've got to get used to the real world at some point. Hope that helps!
  • carp68
    carp68 Posts: 42
    1. No
    2. N/A
    3. N/A
    4. N/A
    5. N/A
    6. Absolutely not.
    7. I'd put the child in the school that offered the best education.
  • 1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?

    3 Did you interact with these students?

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
    Perhaps at first, as i don't know how to sign, but after I got used to it, no.

    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?
    Probably an all deaf school so they could socialise with people going through the same thing and be taught by signing experts...

    Sorry this didn't help much
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    1. No not that I can remember
    6. No I would not have felt odd
    7. Mainstream, not going to make their "diability" an excuse
  • imcanadianangel
    imcanadianangel Posts: 40 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?


    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?

    in regular class

    3 Did you interact with these students?


    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?

    Yes one was chest

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?

    I am still learning but for my child only I never sign to others as I am not good at it and might say the wrong thing.

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?


    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    I would in mainstream unless they where having difficulties with it

    Just so you know I live in Ontario Canada
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? No

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? N/A

    3 Did you interact with these students? N/A

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? N/A

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? N/A

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? No

    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? Hard of hearing (as with my nephew) in mainstream... totally deaf, all deaf school
  • You guys are wonderful!!!
  • Sorry this didn't help much

    I promise it did help!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    1. No
    6. No, but I would have wanted to learn sign language
    7. Only if the student would be disadvantaged by learning in a mainstream school. A lot of teaching, especially to younger students, is done through group work and social interaction. That may be difficult in a mainstream environment, and there may be a great deal more social growth in an all-deaf school. Once the child is of the age to make an informed decision, I would definitely want input, if not allow him/her to make the decision, all else even.

  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Do you mind helping me with a survey I'm taking for a school project?

    Just answer as many of these questions as you can. If you don't know any of the answers, that's totally fine. Just reply saying that you don't know! There is no right or wrong answer, I promise!

    You're wonderful!

    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?
    3 Did you interact with these students?
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    1. no
    2. no
    3. no
    4. no
    7. mainstream school because society is mainstream and they shouldn't be coddled.. I think mainstream schools can help them see how the real world is and that there won't always be an interpreter there in society to help them
  • LindaHGreen
    LindaHGreen Posts: 13 Member
    For what its worth, here are my responses:
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? No

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? N/A

    3 Did you interact with these students? N/A

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? N/A

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? N/A

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? No

    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? Mainstream school -- there seems to be lots of help for children with special needs today, and I think its healthy for children to go to school with "normal" kids.

    Good luck on your project.
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    1. Yes
    2. On their own with no interpreters ( that I can remember)
    4.Not sure
    5. Yes. I felt fine.
    6. I did not feel odd with them in class
    7. Mainstream
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    Do you mind helping me with a survey I'm taking for a school project?

    Just answer as many of these questions as you can. If you don't know any of the answers, that's totally fine. Just reply saying that you don't know! There is no right or wrong answer, I promise!

    You're wonderful!

    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? YES
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? SECLUDED CLASSROOMS
    3 Did you interact with these students? NO
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? NOT SURE
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? NO
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? NO
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? THIS ONE IS TOUGH.. I'M NOT SURE.
  • karamae
    karamae Posts: 136 Member
    This is so ironic...I'm a sign language interpreter! What are you going to school for? I'll answer these questions based on my high school experience. :) Good luck! If you have any other questions about all things "deaf", let me know!

    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? Yes. One deaf girl.

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? They were in regular, actually advanced, classes with an interpreter present in classes as well as at sports.

    3 Did you interact with these students? Yep, that's how I got started learning sign!

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? Yes, basketball, softball

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? Yes, they had many friends and would teach them sign. They were very extroverted and would ask ?'s in class and sign with their interpreter openly.

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? NOPE!

    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? This is such a hard question! Only because I've seen both, I would probably mainstream themas well as get them involved with other deaf activities/sports so socialization is well included.. I think being mainstreamed, english is more emphasized. I believe ASL and english should be taught together. Interpreters should absolutely be used for all classes, clubs, sports etc to help facilitate communication. My personal opinion is that oralism is not an adequate way to teach because only 30% of lipreading is readable.

    Hope this helped! Good luck and let me know if you need anything else answered!
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    1. Yes
    2. I dont know
    3 Yes
    4 I dont know
    5 Yes and no it didnt make me feel uncomfortable
    6 No
    7 Mainstream
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Do you mind helping me with a survey I'm taking for a school project?

    Just answer as many of these questions as you can. If you don't know any of the answers, that's totally fine. Just reply saying that you don't know! There is no right or wrong answer, I promise!

    You're wonderful!

    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? No.
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? N/A
    3 Did you interact with these students? N/A
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? N/A
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? N/A
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? I don't think so.
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? I imagine I would prefer mainstream.

    My answers are after the questions. I hope this helps. Good luck.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?
    -I've never met any deaf students in any school I've attended.
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?
    3 Did you interact with these students?
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
    -No, not really. I would try to learn sign language and "talk" to them. I don't really see anything that makes them all that different from me or you.
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?
    -I would probably put them in a mainstream school, and then as they grow older, give them the option of moving to a deaf school or staying.
  • 1. Yes, quite a few.
    2. They were in the same classes as I was, with their interpreters.
    3. Yes, frequently.
    4. I knew 1 was in the chess club, and another played either soccer or baseball (I cant remember). Others didnt play sports that I know of.
    5. Yes, they openly signed. I felt very comfortable and I even picked up on a few signs :-) We did a lot of lip reading at writing at first but by the end of the year could communicate pretty efficiently.
    6. Not at all.
    7. I don't believe in "sheltering" children from the 'real world" so I would go with mainstream.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Do you mind helping me with a survey I'm taking for a school project?

    Just answer as many of these questions as you can. If you don't know any of the answers, that's totally fine. Just reply saying that you don't know! There is no right or wrong answer, I promise!

    You're wonderful!

    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?
    3 Did you interact with these students?
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    In my school, the answer to 1-5 would be "no." However, since leaving high school, I have substitute taught in situations with deaf students (some with implants, some without), and my children had the opportunity to be in a daycare home with a family with 2 deaf children. The students I taught were mainstreamed with some classes on their own. The children of my daycare provider went to the Kansas City School for the Deaf, but participated in sports at their "home" high school. During sports their parents were the interpretters.

    As for #6, the answer would be no. My "foreign language" in college was sign language (why that counted as a FL, I don't know:laugh: ) I started learning sign (just because it fascinated me) in 2nd grade. I would have jumped at the opportunity to use it! But then, I've always been a dork like that:tongue:

    Hope this helped!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Do you mind helping me with a survey I'm taking for a school project?

    Just answer as many of these questions as you can. If you don't know any of the answers, that's totally fine. Just reply saying that you don't know! There is no right or wrong answer, I promise!

    You're wonderful!

    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?
    3 Did you interact with these students?
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    1. There was a deaf student in one of my college courses, but none in elementary, middle or high school that I recall.
    2. The deaf student had an interpreter and as far as I know didn't have a secluded classroom.
    3. I did not have a lot of interaction with the deaf student or her interpreter, we were on different teams and the course was structured around teams, however, I learned a lot from them. It was an education class and they had a lot of insight information to share regarding learning styles and abilities.
    4. I believe so.
    5. Yes, there was open signing and lip reading. I don't sign so I had to reply on what the interpreter said.
    6. Odd - absolutely not - very curious and interested. (years later I worked with a deaf woman and tried to learn sign langage)
    7. I think it would depend on the child. For example, if there were other special needs an all deaf school might be a better choice.
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