To Fat to RIDE? Enough is Enough!



  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    Your boyfriend sounds like a great guy. You can tell him your concern without telling him your weight if your not comfortable doing so. But from what you wrote he loves you and it I bet it wouldn't make a difference but do what feels right for you. You have a wonderful attitude about your journey and with support from your friends and the folks here you're going to make your goal!

    All the best to you!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Last time we went to Kings Island, we went to go on the Beast (one of my favorite coasters) and the lap bar wouldn't close. I had to "arrange the belly" so that it would close, and even then, the whole ride, I was extremely uncomfortable and didn't enjoy it at all. I was so humiliated, embarrassed - you name it, I felt it. I'm surprised that wasn't my "moment of no return" towards losing weight. But now it's one of my motivators. I want to be able to go on those rides again!!
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    It happened to me (at 5'6" and about 260ish), had to leave a ride I was on with my youngest daughter because I could not get it buckled/closed right. Don't remember which ride, but it was at one of the DisneyWorld parks in Orlando. I was mortified, even though really only my daughter knew as I hopped back out quickly and had to answer her "where are you going?" with "I don't fit" and she had to ride alone (she was old enough to.) I had "you will never see any of these people again" on a running loop in my head until I was far away from that ride.

    Love the quote someone commented to you, something along the lines of "losing weight is hard but being fat is harder." It really is because that mental stuff and self-doubt is far harder than any exercise and "willpower" I've had to endure.

  • rhondadwyer69
    rhondadwyer69 Posts: 74 Member
    I know the fearful feeling very well - one year ago my hubby and I went to Vegas for business and some fun and I laid awake the whole night before we left worrying about what would happen if I couldn't buckle the seat belt on the planes. I was fine on the flight out there, but when we returned home we had to ask for an extender from the flight attendant. I sat quietly crying inside - that day only confirmed that I was making the right decision in losing weight. I had already been losing weight up to that point and I was sitting through the whole flight home wondering how more embarrassed I would have been 25 lbs heavier! I'm happy for you that you are committed and I know with your attitude you will be successful. However, I would suggest that you do share at least some of your fears with your fiance - he loves you just the way you are - he will only want to help you become successful! Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    I guess everyone has that defining moment when they decide to make a change. Mine was about 7 years ago. One day, my father and I were watching a bears game when he casually asked what my weight was up to. When I replied, "235" he told me that my weight qualified me to play linebacker for the chicago bears.

    The following day, I began walking 6 days a week (as well as some nutritional changes) until I reached 205.

    I'm happy that you have decided to make a change in your lifestyle. As you may know, there is an abundance of information and support found at this site to help you reach your goals.

    Good luck and welcome to MFP.
  • dorilou1969
    I stopped riding rides years ago and I absolutely love them. I was never unable to fit, but the last time I had tried, I had JUST made it. The ones that come up over your lap are always ok, but when they started making the ones that go over your head and chest and belly, I just stopped for fear of not fitting. I think now I could fit, but I am going to wait until I reach goal first!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Same thing happened to me at six flags over Texas! The attendent had to ask a couple if they could switch spot so i could get on! I was embarrassed slightly but damn I was one happy fat lady and glad I didn't wait in that line for nothing! Lol

    Glad you are taking control! Whoop!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    good for you in deciding that enough is enough. i'm sure in the future u will be able to just jump on those rides without a second thought
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    Everybody who posted on this thread, I just want to hug you all and thank you so much for your honesty. We contend with so much shame... About how big we get, about gaining it back after working so hard to get it off the first ( and second and third...) time. I always say to my husband I am so glad our problem is food and not drugs or booze, because at least when you relapse it is not as much of a disaster. Anyhow.... It is our journey to make and I am glad I found MFP.
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    I mentioned this in another thread today, but not fitting into a ride actually ruined my weight loss efforts the last time I tried to lose weight. I lost about 85 pounds and I went to Dollywood with family, and the very first ride we had tried to get on I didn't fit. I was about 260 and 5'7 at the time. I was crushed, and it made me feel like all my hard work had been for nothing. I was so discouraged, and now I wish that would've made me more driven than ruin me. However, I rode a lot of other rides that day and didn't let it completely ruin the experience for the day, though.
  • brizzle125
    Good for you! That always makes me nervous like when I got on the plane to Italy this summer the seat-belt barely fit but I got it. And I lost weight while there so I was okay on the way back but the flight attendant was like oh do you need the extra piece and when I said no she gave me such a dirty look so I'm glad the person was nicer to you.
  • Jenn037
    Jenn037 Posts: 18
    I am the same way and have missed out on alot because of my weight. We have been to alot of amusement parks and I am so ashamed to even temp to get on the ride. I always wait in line with my daughter and all I can think about is people looking at me thinking what is she going to do she cant ride because she is to fat. I miss out on alot because of my weight and I am tired of letting it control me. I am so very proud of you for making taking a stand on this and not letting your weight stop you any more. :)
  • MonsterToBe
    MonsterToBe Posts: 244 Member
    Thank you guys for sharing your stories. It was very painful and traumatic moment. Right now my fiance walked in and I told him that i had posted about last night and how embarrassed i would have been. And he said, "Oh when you fell".. Which i slipped and fell too LOL .. I said no when I almost didn't fit (addressing the white elephant in the room) and he said "Oh yeah i was having trouble too." Ok yeah right boyfriend you are 5'11 158lbs. Nice of him though. I told him I wanted to read to him what I had posted but then I couldn't bring myself to do it. I would have to admit that it wasn't the motion sickness I was feeling at Six flags that kept me from riding those 2 rides but being scared of not fitting or how it really had been that the seatbelt almost didn't fit on the ride last night and not that i was doing it wrong so i needed assistance. Also that i had google "Weight limits for rides at Six flags" for night and couldn't sleep. This man is my best friend and yet I feel like I cant tell him the truth about this. Should I just sucked it up and tell him??? Maybe he can help stay on track. I'm just so embarrassed even though this man sees me naked. He knows whats under the clothes. Ahhhhh. Plumpy Girl PROBLEMS!

    I don't think it's a question of needing to "suck it up" and tell him -- it's more that you need to accept that how he feels about your body is not the same as how you feel about your body, and trust him enough to let him in. As you said, he sees you naked, and he's your best friend. Those feelings of shame and fear have so much more power over our behavior when we keep them hidden away in dark corners of our minds. If you have someone in your life who truly loves you, telling him about how you feel can open the door to feeling his acceptance of you as you are, and help you, over time, accept that you're worth that love, just as you are. Changing your body and taking control of your life can then become about being your best self instead of feeling like you have to lose the weight to deserve love. Ask yourself why you're afraid to tell him those feelings, or how much you weigh. Do you think this man who so sensitively said that he was having trouble, too, to shield your feelings, will hear the number and run for the hills? Do you think it will make him suddenly see you clearly, and flee? I don't think so. I think telling him will allow you to discover that he actually sees you more clearly than you see yourself, and that you undervalue yourself.

    Tell him. You're worth it.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    And please be appreciative of those ride attendants who handle the situation so diplomatically.
  • moraldd
    moraldd Posts: 99
    Thanks for sharing you story :smile:
  • MallisaMott
    MallisaMott Posts: 30 Member
    You are absolutely in control. The best part is that you can take a step back and understand that it's time for a change. That's where it all starts. Stay strong and determined, and stay on MFP! The people on here are so positive and encouraging. You can do it! 12 pounds is a fantastic start!
  • robin4u
    robin4u Posts: 16 Member
    You're going in the right direction ... don't think "what if i dont lose more weight" Just keep going ond day at a time ... we can do this .. fat doesnt own me anymore.
  • mica06
    mica06 Posts: 50 Member
    Yay for you! This is one of the things I am most excited about.. being able to go and do things like that without the fear of not fitting!!!! My kids have wanted to go to a water park for the last couple of years, and I avoided it because I knew I could not ride the rides.. But finally a few weeks ago, I told them the truth, that I had been too fat to go. I promised them that next summer we would go. I am small enough to fit into everything now, and will be even smaller by then!

    Omg this is me too. Although my kids are very Yong but my daughter sees commercials of the water parks it theme parks and says she wants to go so i told her next summer i will take her and look good in a bikini too..
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I was kicked off a ride last year. Mortifying! This year I was stressed but there was loads of room. Had a blast. Felt amazing. Keep it in the front of your mind and use it to drive you! X