he's back!! and fatter than ever ladies and gentleman!!

Ugh I feel like a sideshow sometimes. Seems like nobody knows how or why I am so fat! I'm like some phenom! I'm up to 420 lbs. I remember thinking I can't believe I weigh 300 lbs and here I am with 120 more. I swear my scale must be broken! (I checked it twice and its not broken lol) This will be my last attempt at this. If it doesnt work Im going for the surgery!!


  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I have a friend who says that making these big changes is like hitting a stone with a hammer. You can hit it 100 times and it doesn't seem like anything is happening, then the 101st time the stone breaks open. So keep trying!
  • warmheart050
    walt dont give up keep pushing:)
  • disline
    disline Posts: 11 Member
    Have you done MFT before... seems pretty supportive to me...I know you can do it!! You have to believe in yourself.I think you do and that is why you are here!!Good Luck :)
  • Dsmcgrail
    I have a friend who says that making these big changes is like hitting a stone with a hammer. You can hit it 100 times and it doesn't seem like anything is happening, then the 101st time the stone breaks open. So keep trying!

    I don't know... i'm kinda thinking, forget the big changes.... I think I'd look for a small corner, and hit that with the hammer, and chip it off. It might not seem like you're getting anywhere, taking tiny chips off that huge boulder, but keep after it, and by gosh, you'll end up with a big change that you never saw coming!

    Good luck. Friend me if you like.
  • fitsin10
    fitsin10 Posts: 141
    How bad do you want to change? Move more, eat less. Come on, you can do this! You came here so you wanted to, so, how bad do you want it. Don't diet, just eat less and healthier and move a bit more than your used to. You move more automattically when you feel better and lighter. Good luck and best wishes, you have come to the right place to start, COMMIT TO YOURSELF.
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    You seem funny! You should stay on the site :D
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    it works. you just have to be accountable and honest with yourself.

    here are my tips.

    1) determine your BMR/TDEE or whatever you want to call it so you know what amount of calories (on average) you should be eating to lose weight at a healthy pace. if you use the MFP tools, they'll compute this for you.
    2) log everything. don't eat it if you can't log it. take a multivitamin everyday with food.
    3) don't drink your calories. try to get to a point where all you drink is water.
    4) walk or jog or run. alot! then start strength training when you're up to it.

    forget the scale. don't obsess about daily changes in weight. they don't mean anything. what you're focusing on are long term changes to your lifestyle. the weight WILL come off. you CAN do it. the math works and it doesn't lie. it just takes time.

    this is not a diet and you don't have to deny yourself anything you crave, you just have to eat in moderation and be accountable for what you put in your mouth. if you go over on Monday by 300 calories, then go under on Tuesday and Wednesday by 150 calories each day. be honest with your log. be accurate. be accountable. you can lose the weight and it will happen faster than you realize when you make this a lifestyle change.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    how about instead of sitting here typing messages about how you are getting bigger why not go take a walk or go to the gym or go have sex just find some form of exercise daily and eat smaller portions than you do now and the weight will begin to come off if you dedicate yourself to it.

    i saw a one leg man working out at my gym i know you can workout at 420lbs
  • lrtoland
    it works. you just have to be accountable and honest with yourself.

    here are my tips.

    1) determine your BMR/TDEE or whatever you want to call it so you know what amount of calories (on average) you should be eating to lose weight at a healthy pace. if you use the MFP tools, they'll compute this for you.
    2) log everything. don't eat it if you can't log it. take a multivitamin everyday with food.
    3) don't drink your calories. try to get to a point where all you drink is water.
    4) walk or jog or run. alot! then start strength training when you're up to it.

    forget the scale. don't obsess about daily changes in weight. they don't mean anything. what you're focusing on are long term changes to your lifestyle. the weight WILL come off. you CAN do it. the math works and it doesn't lie. it just takes time.

    this is not a diet and you don't have to deny yourself anything you crave, you just have to eat in moderation and be accountable for what you put in your mouth. if you go over on Monday by 300 calories, then go under on Tuesday and Wednesday by 150 calories each day. be honest with your log. be accurate. be accountable. you can lose the weight and it will happen faster than you realize when you make this a lifestyle change.

    ^^^Excellent advice!!! Don't give up! You can do it:) It's not going to be easy, but you have a huge support group here!! Feel free to add me if you want:)
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    Dude. Start tracking. Start walking. You can do this!
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    Don't look at your weight loss in its entirety. It'll be way too easy to get discouraged. Take it in 5 pound increments. Every 5 pounds you go down is a ridiculous success!
  • PeanutButterLuver

    I like your sense of humour....

    If you want a buddy to encourage you along the way I'm here! :flowerforyou:

    Don't give up!! Friend request sent :)
  • Valencia123456
    Valencia123456 Posts: 62 Member
    Ignore the one negative person above and focus on the the other positive ones!!!! You can do this!! Log in EVERY DAY!! I don't care what you eat log it in!! That is the first step!! Knowledge is POWER!! Knowing that a small Culvers chocolate chip cookie dough sundae is more than the Culvers cheeseburger was the one thing that encouraged me to stay away from them. Even though I LOVED them!! Then when I started working out it took me about 6 months to realize that rewarding myself with the Culver's cheeseburger, after a strenuous workout, was actually giving me 17 more calories to burn off---THAT made me stay away from them, too. Now I've lost 54 pounds and I can say: Thank You Jesus, thank you to myself, and thank you my fitness pal!! (Yes in that order!!!!!!)
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Take baby steps. Set short term goals for yourself, YOU CAN DO IT. You are talking lifestyle changes here & that is not going to change overnight. Make one change at a time. YOU CAN DO IT & a lot of people are here to support you. :flowerforyou:
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    it works. you just have to be accountable and honest with yourself.

    here are my tips.

    1) determine your BMR/TDEE or whatever you want to call it so you know what amount of calories (on average) you should be eating to lose weight at a healthy pace. if you use the MFP tools, they'll compute this for you.
    2) log everything. don't eat it if you can't log it. take a multivitamin everyday with food.
    3) don't drink your calories. try to get to a point where all you drink is water.
    4) walk or jog or run. alot! then start strength training when you're up to it.

    forget the scale. don't obsess about daily changes in weight. they don't mean anything. what you're focusing on are long term changes to your lifestyle. the weight WILL come off. you CAN do it. the math works and it doesn't lie. it just takes time.

    this is not a diet and you don't have to deny yourself anything you crave, you just have to eat in moderation and be accountable for what you put in your mouth. if you go over on Monday by 300 calories, then go under on Tuesday and Wednesday by 150 calories each day. be honest with your log. be accurate. be accountable. you can lose the weight and it will happen faster than you realize when you make this a lifestyle change.

    Completely agree with above.

    Take small steps, make small changes, it will add up.....but most of all want to do it for you, not for any other reason.....then you will succeed.

    Add me if you'd like a friend x
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    I feel your frustration and disappointment. It is sure a marathon, not a sprint. Have you identified what your setback times were? Reflection is key for me. I refuse to feel shame about yoyoing--that has been discouraging and stopped me when I was needing to push through, that and instant gratification, stress, boredom, cravings, etc.. have kept me from moving forward. It was like handcuffs and a blindfold. Add me if you want. I have only been here 5 weeks, but plan on being here for a long time. MFP has been a godsend for me. I really appreciate the community, the accountability, and the tools, like when I put in my food or exercise, it tells me how much it was worth, either in calories earned or used up. You have been on here before, what worked for you, what was not helpful , what was your part in it? Good health to you!
  • localbird
    I don't normally post on here but your post inspired me as I have had the surgery and it was the most positive decision I ever made. I know it is controversial but I was a yo-yo dieter and every time I set my top weight I would overdo it by pounds every time. I think that surgery is worth considering if you have a long and hard history with food. I'm not saying I'm 'cured' as surgery is only a tool but the bypass does help out with the psychological side of things too. If I can offer any advice or support do let me know!
  • WaltSeher
    Ok ya ever seen those fake foam rocks? Those soft thingies that look just like a rock but the inside is made of sponge? Thats the rock I been hitting! lol! I give it a good swat and it shrinks.....but then it bounces off the table and smacks me in the chin...ugh!
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    Log every day and weigh yourself once a week! I stopped during the summer and gained all my lost weight back..
  • Mcstephen
    Keep going you can do it. In my case it's the moving more bit that is making the difference , I walk as much as I can.Start small and build up. Now if I want a beer I figure that I am going to have to earn those calories. Allow yourself some treats or life will soon become dull. It's going to be a long haul so you got to make it as painless as possible. Cut portion size down, factor in some healthier snacks and walk, or find some form of excercise you'll be able to stick at. Just a few small changes at first will make a difference. Remember it's a change in lifestyle your making, it's not a diet. Just don't be hasty. Just keep chipping away, if you have a bad day just put it behind you move forward. I still can't figure out why MFP works so well but it does I've never been so motivated.