Lose 15 lbs by Christmas



  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I'm in, but not 15 pounds or else I will lose my very small boobs and I can't risk that... haha, so I'm going to aim for 5-8 pounds.

    GW (for challenge): 125-128
  • tigercrane11
    tigercrane11 Posts: 2 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I was down two pounds already. That could be water at this point, however. We'll see if it sticks. Exercise goals for this weekend: hit the gym at least once and try out that new Jillian Michaels DVD I haven't unwrapped yet. I'll definitely need more support next week when all the trick-or-treat candy hits the house!
  • jackiechafe
    jackiechafe Posts: 18 Member
    It's definately going to get harder with these holidays that have oh-so tasty dinners. But i'm shooting straight and aiming for my goal :) count me in!

    SW: 136
    Christmas goal weight (gift for myself): 121.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I would like to try this goal! 15lbs seems like a bit much, but then again, I think it may be doable given my current rise in weight.

    Current: 180lbs
    Goal by Christmas: 165lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 140lbs
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    Hey, I'm looking for some motivation and thought I would be more successful with my weight loss if I found some other people to join in. Looking to lose 15 lbs by Christmas. (also getting rid of my leftover pregnancy weight gain).
    We can do weigh ins every 2 weeks to keep us motivated. Anyone else in?
    Starting weight: 146
    Goal weight: 131

    I've seen this thread and thought about it, then decided I probably couldn't do it. Finally I actually clicked on the thread and read it. You have almost exactly the same weight and goal as me! Therefore it was meant to be and I have to try lol. :tongue:

    Starting weight: 147
    Goal weight: 132

    Even if I'm somewhere in that ballpark by Christmas timeframe, I'll be happy!!
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm not sure I can do 15lbs by Christmas but I'm going to try for it!

    Current Weight=167.4lbs

    Long term goal is in the 120s. If I could get rid of 15 more pounds before 2012 is over, that would be SO awesome & it'd leave me with around 25 more pounds to go for 2013!
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    Can we make a group or something? It might be easier to keep up with & follow?
  • daleyliz
    daleyliz Posts: 2 Member
    It would be great to make this a group, something that is easier to check. The only way I'll get through this is if I check in every day... scrolling to the last message isn't going to be that easy!

    Halloween candy is creeping towards me. I had 3 mini rolos this AM along with my green juice. Sounds gross but it happened. Need to stay accountable for my actions here! So far, spent two days in gym doing 35 minutes of cardio with some toning exercises. Also, I've found a 25 lb. kettlebell is a great way to get a quick cardio workout in as well as toning your whole body. I did 30 reps this AM while my toddler watched cartoons.

    I find it hard to get my water in as I feel I have to pee every 30 minutes. But will try today.

    Finally, I have an additional goal to add to Christmas deadline. I have never in my entire life been able to do a proper pushup. By Christmas, I want to do 10 perfect no-knee pushups nose to the floor style. Let's do this!

    Thanks for reading my rant ;)
  • Yeah, I'm joining this group, I want to lose 15 pound by Christmas.
  • Yeah, I'm joining this group, I want to lose 15 pound by Christmas.
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    Finally, I have an additional goal to add to Christmas deadline. I have never in my entire life been able to do a proper pushup. By Christmas, I want to do 10 perfect no-knee pushups nose to the floor style. Let's do this!

    Have you ever tried Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred workout dvds? I'm in the process of doing it & can finally do some decent pushups! I would have never been able to before discovering her workouts. :) Last night, I was able to do 10 consecutive pushups before switching over to the modified knee pushups.
  • crisdai
    crisdai Posts: 60 Member
    I want to join.
    Cw 166.
    by christmas -155 would be greaaaaat!
  • sharonnichole
    sharonnichole Posts: 2 Member
    Please count me in...:)
    I have more weight to lose and need a good start!!
  • danner13
    danner13 Posts: 26 Member
    Down 1.5 lbs, it's small but getting closer!
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I'd love to get under 200 by Christmas! I could also use the motivation because it'll be harder to eat right once I'm home for winter break.

    Current : 208.5
    Goal: <199.9
  • I'm in too! Add me anyone, I need some movtivation
    CW - 152
    Goal by Christmas - 135
  • Hey, I'm looking for some motivation and thought I would be more successful with my weight loss if I found some other people to join in. Looking to lose 15 lbs by Christmas. (also getting rid of my leftover pregnancy weight gain).
    We can do weigh ins every 2 weeks to keep us motivated. Anyone else in?
    Starting weight: 146
    Goal weight: 131

    That will be a great motivation to each other thats exacly what i was looking for thank you!

  • seedawg23
    seedawg23 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in!!! Hopefully this'll keep me motivated to stay away from my mama's sweet potato pies and heaping piles of my auntie's dressing and cranberry sauce :sad: :happy:

    SW: 210
    GW: 195
  • Ace_o
    Ace_o Posts: 20 Member
    Since my last weigh in before joining I lost four pounds. Eleven left to go. :)
  • kadigirl7
    kadigirl7 Posts: 7 Member
    Just started using my fitnesspal again. I was using LIVESTRONG but half the time the nutrition tracker wasn't working. Anyway, I'm not as ambitious but I think 6 lbs will be doable. Even with all the holiday goodies around me!

    now: 149
    mini goal: 143