Desk Job

snlaurio Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I work all day at a computer for 9 hours, then I go home and do my home business for 4-5 more hours. The only thing I can really find to do is walk my dogs for about a mile, then it's time to make and eat dinner and spend time with hubby before I go to bed. Anyone know of anything I can while sitting at my desk? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks, I'm so happy to be a part of this!


  • Good Luck. I'd ask for a little help. Don't give up the dog walking though. Sounds like the only exercise your getting.

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  • I work a desk job too and it is very hard to stay in shape with that type of job, especially when you go home and work your home business. A few things I do to get some exercise in throughout the day is park further away from the office door, take 3 ten minute breaks and just walk around the office, stand at your desk and do some squats(or while at the fax machine), when grocery shopping lift the bags up and down over and over while bringing them in the house, bring healthy filling snacks to work(almonds, fiber one bars, apples). You could also wake up earlier and go jogging or do a video exercise before work.
    It definitely is hard but you can do it. Hope this helps!

    Good Luck!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162

    Here's a couple of sites that have suggestions for exercises you can do at your desk... hope they help give you some ideas. :flowerforyou:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Kegels? (No,,, bad Casper,,, down boy! :bigsmile: )

    I'm a desk jockey too. When the weather's decent I get up a couple times a day and just do a 3-4-5 minute walk. I walk around the building, pick up trash (boss doesn't mind that), wander about. When I was smoking I took a 7-10 minute break just about every hour and nobody had a problem with it, so now I take "move breaks". It's not real cardio, but it beats butt sitting.

    I never found a good way to exercise at the desk. I just get up a little earlier and do 30 minutes on the elliptical first thing in the morning. I watch my morning news, get the weather, and just pound it out. It's not so bad once you get used to it. I've been off of it for a little while right now and I can really feel it - tried to get back on this morning and the %&^ machine broke on me.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Park far and walk. Always take the stairs. Do leg lifts and abs, dips, etc while in your chair. sitting for more than a couple hors at a time has been shown to be really bad. Get up for five minutes every hour and power walk some where. Around the building once. Down the hall, down the stairs, back the other way. Use the excuse of going to the bathroom if you have to (or just drink so much water you have to pee every hour, then it's the truth...;) or just get up and break. Plus this is much better for eye strain, neck strain, and back strain, plus it will reduce your chances for tension headaches...:P

    Remember you are in control. Plan ahead for everything and then plan for things to change. Do what you can when you can, and slowly change your lifestyle bit by bit. As the old saying goes, "How do you eat an entire elephant? One bite at a time."

    Good luck!
  • you could try sitting on a big yoga ball at your desk instead of a chair. at least it engages your core muscles while you're just sitting, and then you can take a break and do some ball exercises like sit-ups, and if you bring a resistance band, you can do all sorts of other exercises!
  • Kegels? (No,,, bad Casper,,, down boy! :bigsmile: )

    you're a dirty man! :wink:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Kegels? (No,,, bad Casper,,, down boy! :bigsmile: )

    you're a dirty man! :wink:
    What?!? She asked "Anyone know of anything I can while sitting at my desk?", and I made a recommendation.

    I'm a little hurt Em,,, :sad: :blushing: :laugh: :ohwell:
  • Kegels? (No,,, bad Casper,,, down boy! :bigsmile: )

    you're a dirty man! :wink:
    What?!? She asked "Anyone know of anything I can while sitting at my desk?", and I made a recommendation.

    I'm a little hurt Em,,, :sad: :blushing: :laugh: :ohwell: know i was teasing!!!! it takes a dirty mind to know a dirty mind!!!! :wink: :devil: :bigsmile:
  • Thanks everyone, you all had such great ideas. Thanks for the recommendation too Casper, those take no motivation, lol!
  • check out this website that my fitness trainer told me about.
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    I brought 8 lb dumbbells to work and keep them at my desk. When ever I have a slow period I'll do something simple like bicep curls. Something else I do is I hold on to me desk facing forward and use my hips to turn my swivel chair left and right mimicing my favorite ab machine.
  • I work all day at a computer for 9 hours, then I go home and do my home business for 4-5 more hours. The only thing I can really find to do is walk my dogs for about a mile, then it's time to make and eat dinner and spend time with hubby before I go to bed. Anyone know of anything I can while sitting at my desk? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks, I'm so happy to be a part of this!

    I started doing lunges at my desk!
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