losing weight too quickly?

Is it possible to lose weight too quickly? My family and I have become vegan and i've lost about 20lbs in a month. Is it really bad that i've been losing it so quickly or is this a good sign?


  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I think that all depends on how much you have to lose, and if you are eating in a manner you can maintain.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    and if you are getting all the nutrients you need. (eg protein)
  • jamesbeckmann
    jamesbeckmann Posts: 4 Member
    When changing your diet, such as vegan, you can lose large amounts quickly... Things like salt, cholesterol and other fats can cause bloating in a sense. On one of my cheat days, I made the mistake of consuming too much salt and it was about a 5 pound difference in my weight just through water retention.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I agree. I wouldn't worry if you're getting enough calories and nutrients.

    If you find yourself getting close to weighing less than you should, I'd think hard about upping your calories or seeing a nutritionist to make sure you're getting everything you need.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Is it possible to lose weight too quickly? My family and I have become vegan and i've lost about 20lbs in a month. Is it really bad that i've been losing it so quickly or is this a good sign?

    As others have said, other factors involved.

    How much being eaten, how much to lose, what is the type and frequency of exercise now, ect.

    Yes, you can cause a situation of burning up a great amount of muscle mass very easily. Most diets if no resistance training does that anyway.
    Do a bunch of cardio at very intense levels day after day, don't get enough complete usable protein, and undereat, you'll burn off muscle lbs pretty easy.

    That's because muscle as an energy source only has 600 calories per lb, fat has about 3500.
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    20lbs in a month is not that bad, now if that keeps up then your diet needs to change. But for the most part, as already stated, lack of sodium will cause a lot of water weight loss, but your body should eventually level itself out. Now as for being vegan, you deffinately need to make sure you get enough nutrients. Most vegans lack calcium, iron, protein at least. Just curious, why the switch to being vegan? Technically it's not as healthy as eating meat. As far as better for the planet, why eat the plants that give us oxygen, why not eat the animals that cause the carbon monoxide? Just saying.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I lost my wt. too quickly and my hair started falling out and thinning. I also lost muscle mass along the way. My nails became very brittle. Do your diet in conjunction with your doctor and nutritionist. I slowed down my wt. loss by upping my calories and I increased my muscle mass by increasing my exercise. I am eating healthier and have upped my protein intake. Talk to your doctor to find out how fast you should lose your wt. and how much you should lose.