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  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    1-6 No
    7. As a teacher, I know the student is entitled to a "free and appropriate education" and so mainstreaming shouldn't make them miss out on any aspect of education, except maybe socialization with peers. However, I do not think that placement in a special school is "coddling" as suggested by someone else. Is it coddling to give a kid with a broken leg crutches? SHEESH.
    If it were my child, I'd find the best school I could until the child was old enough to help choose where they would like to go.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? yes
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? regular class
    3 Did you interact with these students? no she was very standoffish with everyone
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? no
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? yes and it didn't matter to me
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? no
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? I would probably do half and half , mainstreaming to learn how to interact with peers and specialty school to learn how to best deal with being hearing impared.
  • TJFreeman
    TJFreeman Posts: 96
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? No
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? N/A
    3 Did you interact with these students? N/A
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? N/A
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? N/A
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? No
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? I would enroll him/her in a deaf school until such time as he or she could express to me their wishes with regard to their own preference of school.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?

    3 Did you interact with these students?
    If there had been absolutely.

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
    No students, but when I have been around people signing it hasn't bothered me. I just wish I could keep up with the conversation :)

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?

    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?
    It depends. If the mainstream school was equipped to deal with the special needs, or my child was adept at lip reading then sure. However if the school was not then I'd have to tilt my hat towards the private school at least through formative years. Maybe mainstream highschool. I feel like the different exposure to the ups and downs of different people is important in forming a balanced person. Sure they may get teased. But that's (an admittedly unpleasant) part of life that needs to be experienced and dealt with for a person to be able to fully cope with the world.
  • gisii
    gisii Posts: 74 Member
    wow we were talking about this in my sign language class yesterday i think it was.... basically it depends of the type of child you hve some kids do just fine mainstream others need tht special attention
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?

    Not that I recall.

    2. n/a
    3. n/a
    4. n/a
    5. n/a

    6. Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?

    Probably at first, but I think if the child was outgoing and interacted, that awkward feeling would subside pretty quickly.

    7. If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    I don't know. I'm not a big fan of mainstream schools as it is, so if the opportunity arose to place my child in a more specialized school, I would probably choose that option.
  • gryphon
    gryphon Posts: 172
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?

    Yes, in what we call primary school (must be your middle?).

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?

    Normally they were in their own classrooms (btw this was some 27 yrs ago). I do remember one particular student who would join our class for specific subjects, art comes to mind.

    3 Did you interact with these students?

    Yes, in fact I mentored the student mentioned above while he was in our classroom.

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?

    At the school the deaf unit students were included in the normal school sports activities. Outside of I have no idea.

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?

    Yes. I remember finding it interesting and tried to learn, and generally found students would take the time to teach you basics. I was lucky enough to know one of the deaf students though so I had an in, I'm not sure it would have been the same for other non-deaf students, and as they were young, the fear of the unknown generally lead to deaf students being teased.

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?


    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    Hard one, that would depend on how the mainstream school approached integration. If they were serious about it I would certainly lean towards it, the child's personality and feelings towards it would be the largest consideration for me.
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?

    Only 1 that I remember. My best friends brother.

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?

    I dopn't believe they did anything special for him.

    3 Did you interact with these students?

    On a daily basis.

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?

    He was on the swimming and diving team. No clubs that I recall

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?

    I don't think there was much signing going on at school, except for between the brothers and sisters. Within his home, eveeryone signed.

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?


    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    I don't know.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? I don't know for sure. I know there were some children who were handicapped and used sign language. However they also had other mental impairments. But they may have also had hearing problems.
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? The children I referred to in 1 were is come normal classes with an adult taking caring of them but not in all classes.
    3 Did you interact with these students? not often.
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? I don't think they were
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? They did openly sign. I was comfortable but could not understand what they were saying
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? no
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? Mainstream but perhaps enroll them in extracurricular activities with other deaf children.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    1. Yes
    2. Not sure, if they were it wasn't any classes I was in, but it was a big school.
    3 Don't remember
    4 IDK
    5 Yes, but not to me, just saw with others
    6 Not at all
    7 Not exactly sure, I think a little of both actually if that were possible
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?
    <3/4 mainstream, a few special classes>
    3 Did you interact with these students?
    <Yes, tommy was a friend>
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?
    <Yes, a wrestler and a shot putter>
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
    <They'd sign to people who signed, I was indifferent. If they wanted to communicate with me they could and did>
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?
    <I'd want them mainstreamed as much as possible as long as their needs were being met.>

    You forgot to ask one important question - "What year did you graduate high school?" The class of 1957 and the class of 2007 would have completely different experiences Re: these questions. I was class of '85 BTW - 42 years old.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I emailed you my answers :smile:
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember?
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms?
    3 Did you interact with these students?
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs?
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation?
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person?
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school?

    1. No
    2. n/a
    3. n/a
    4. n/a
    5. n/a
    6. As an elementary/middle school student - probably......older than that, no
    7. Mainstream as long as the school had the ability to educate my child
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? YES! His name was Jason
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? In my 2nd grade class and maybe one other year; I think they took him to his own special classes throughout the week but I don't remember
    3 Did you interact with these students? yes- they taught us the alphabet and some other signs but he had a full time interpreter too
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? no clue
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? yes, he was openly signing. It never bothered me...we weren't close friends so I don't remember talking to him often
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? no, as long as there was an interpreter to help with the communication
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? mainstream if I could (there was an interpreter available)

    I would like to share a signing story I remember from my 2nd grade year. A boy named Andy sat across from me and one day when the teachers were distracted, we had a conversation about a bad word that was said on last night's episode of The Simpsons. He told me the word started with the letter H but my innocent little brain could not think of a bad word that started with that letter. Andy decided to use sign language to spell the word "hell." Well the interpreter saw him spell it and the teacher took him, me and a couple other students into the work closet to figure out what happened and I had to tattle on my friend. The end. lol
  • melanieann48111
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? Yes.

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? Their own classrooms.

    3 Did you interact with these students? Yes.

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? Hmmm...not sure.

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? Yes. I was a bit uncomfortable because it was like someone speaking a foreign language that I didn't understand.

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? No.

    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? This is a difficult question to answer. On one hand, I would like to put them in a specialized school becasue of the quality of education and the expertise of the staff...I would know that my child was in good hands. On the other hand, I would want my child to be able to "fit in" with society instead of being sheltered, you know?
  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    1-6 are all no
    Number seven I would do some research and find out what would be most beneficial to my child. My boss is hearing and both his parents are deaf and his wife is deaf and two of his three kids are deaf so I would discuss it in detail with him as I feel he would have a lot of insite. Hope this helps

  • mowens77
    mowens77 Posts: 36 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? yes

    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? their own classrooms

    3 Did you interact with these students? not really

    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? idk

    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? yes and it didn't bother me

    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? no

    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? probably 'mainstream' with maybe a special teacher not really sure would have to research available resources
  • LAgal
    LAgal Posts: 671 Member
    1-6 my answers are no.

    7. I believe I would choose the place where my child will receive the best educational services and have the appropriate services to accomodate him/her.
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    1. In school (elementary, middle, & high school), were there any Deaf students that you remember? There was one boy that was at least moderately impaired but wore hearing aids, when I was in elementary school. He went all the way thru.
    2. Were these students in regular classes with interpreters? or in their own secluded classrooms? He was in a regular classroom.
    3 Did you interact with these students? Yes. He could speak, but was sometimes hard to understand. He seldom used sign language.
    4 Do you know if they were involved in any sports or clubs? No.
    5 Did they every openly sign? If so, how did you feel around the conversation? He didn't really. I knew a girl in college totally deaf and she did have to use an interpreter. She was most comfortable signing, but could read lips, too. She and I were friends and several of us learned to sign in order to communicate with her. No one was ever uncomfortable that I knew of.
    6 Would you have felt odd if you were in a class with a deaf person? Absolutely not. I'd try to reach out to them and be their friend.
    7 If you had a child that was deaf or hard of hearing, would you educate them by putting them in a 'mainstream' school, or an all deaf school? I don't know. It depends on the school and the child. I wouldn't want to them feel isolated and think it would be important to have both deaf and hearing friends. I have a friend who works for the public school system in Indiana whose job is to be an interpreter for students who are hearing impaired.

    I hope this helps.

  • tubbytabbytales
    I want to thank you all for your help. I really really appreciate it!