Diet soda and weight gain. Myth or Truth?



  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    I have lost 9 pounds while drinking at least 2 diet dr. peppers a day. I just make sure i take in more water than diet dr. pepper and eat clean.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I don't have a problem with them making me crave sugar, BUT, I "use" them like you described. A diet pop is a treat to me and I might have 1 or 2 in an entire month. And IMO only diet root beer and dr. pepper are even drinkable so if I can't get those, I still go without. Like anything else, in moderation.
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member

    So today I was grocery shopping for the usual veggies, chicken breast, tuna, kashi snack bars blah blah blah....

    Yeah.......I don't think a couple cans of diet root beer are going to hurt you at all. Go crazy.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Yeah.......I don't think a couple cans of diet root beer are going to hurt you at all. Go crazy.

    If it has aspartame in it you may well.

    (Sorry, couldn't resist ;))
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I barely have soda anymore but that's because I don't like all the extra chemicals.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    The only weight you gain is the weight of the fluid and that is only temporary.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    television / the media is always full of crap like that.

    eggs are bad. carbs are good.

    carbs are bad. vegetables are good.

    vegetables are bad. eggs are good.

    if they didnt do that, they would need to fill the airwaves with more jersey shore and other vapid crap like that.

    ill go with the misinformation. lol.

    moral of the story. THE MEDIA LIES!
  • diggswood
    diggswood Posts: 47 Member
    I gave up diet soda a couple of years ago. I drank about two to three cans per day. This is just me mind you, I did find that sometimes when I drank a diet soda, in about 20 minutes, I would be really, really hungry and would have to eat something.

    I also found that once I gave up soda, I had no issues at the dentist.

    feel better without it. I am more relaxed (I don't consume any caffeine) , I sleep better at night and I don't have to worry about always have diet soda on hand.

    I just don't think soda companies really care about my health and make products that are harmful.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member

    No. Really?
  • joeamendiola
    They say the fake sugar makes you crave real sugar. That's how it gets you.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I am very greatful for diet sodas I don't know what I would do without them. If they cause weight gain I'd like to see the evidence.
  • RNTanya
    RNTanya Posts: 26 Member
    The research you're thinking of states that diet drinks cause the same release of insulin (metabolic response) that sugary sodas do. In other words, the brain thinks it's getting sugar and releases insulin which can slow weight loss. Research is also showing that diet drinks and all other diet products increase sugar/carb cravings.
    However, the studies are not conclusive so I wouldn't cut out diet drinks. Eating clean and having the occasional diet drink/snack will not adversely affect your metabolism.

    So enjoy your diet root beer!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Myth I hope....I :heart: anything carbonated
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    One of these day I am going to find "They" and strangle them. (I am guilty of quoting them too.)

    Personal Experience:
    Diet drinks actually tend to make me want salty snacks. I have switched to drinking unsweetened tea and only occasional diet sodas. It is easier to keep my sodium lower than it was. YMMV
  • ndianewilson
    Ugh I can't let go of my diet soda yet...I do feel better but I also went on a whim and bought a bunch of flavors of the MIO to add to bottled water..they are really good and the MIO energy works well calories..nothing but flavor!
  • prairiedawg2014
    i have never given up my diet dr pepper thru this weightloss journey. i drink 1 diet dr pepper everyday and still lose weight.
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    I quit coke zero a while back and feel better without it.

    That being said, I have found since I quit drinking diet sodas, I don't like them anymore. I only drink soda once a month or less but I just go for the "full fledged" stuff.

    There is research linking aspartame to some really nasty diseases, but again, correlation studies don't always tell the whole story.

    As far as gaining weight? I think it's just a psychological thing. I believe that people think that they can eat more if they are "saving" calories by drinking diet soda.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I don't think HRCS is good for you, nor the artificial sugars.

    Of course you sound (and look!) super healthy, so you're doing something right!

    I used to think diet soda was fine, sugar-free, fat-free, thought it all was fine. Till I stopped eating them for a couple weeks, tried to just eat veggies/fruits/proteins.

    I made some pumpkin and banana creme instant pudding last night (put in pumpkin to banana creme) and holy crap I could NOT get rid of that disgusting artificial taste! Granted I'm more sensitive than most but I threw out the whole batch and will make some with real ingredients, like cream! I'd rather have a smaller amount of real food than buckets of sugar-free/fat-free or anything with ingredients I can't pronounce.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    The research you're thinking of states that diet drinks cause the same release of insulin (metabolic response) that sugary sodas do. In other words, the brain thinks it's getting sugar and releases insulin which can slow weight loss. Research is also showing that diet drinks and all other diet products increase sugar/carb cravings.
    However, the studies are not conclusive so I wouldn't cut out diet drinks. Eating clean and having the occasional diet drink/snack will not adversely affect your metabolism.

    So enjoy your diet root beer!
    Unfortunately, that research is completely untrue. Otherwise diet soda would be the ultimate tool for building muscle... 0 calories + huge insulin response? If only that were true :P
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Like a lot of people mentioned, there is a chemical in diet soda that supposedly triggers you to crave more sweets and sugars, which in return sabotages the point. (I also read it in a Jillian Michaels book.)

    HOWEVER, I never noticed that diet soda did that to me. It generally helps with my craving and leaves me I guess it depends on the person?