No motivation plaese HELP!!!

I need some encouragement, I do get it all the time from my family, and I dont want anyone to feel sorry for me, I just need to see my story. I lost 60 lbs last year and was feeling great, and then BAM i gained it all back and I hate myself so much, I even take it out on my husband. I feel like i give into food all the time, like a drug addiction. How do I stop, I dont know how to get remotivated, anyone else get like this. How did ypou overcome it, I need some advice please help me!!!


  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I was the same way. Eating was just something I did, mindless....not just when I was hungry. MFP has helped me see how much I needed to cut back. Logging my food, logging my exercise, comparing it to has all helped. I like routine and structure. Planning ahead. And a big plus is the friends I have made on here. It's great to have a support system.
  • carlee1212
    carlee1212 Posts: 33 Member
    Food addiction is very real and you are right when you say it is like a drug addiction. In fact, many addicts and alcoholics turn to food when they became sober in an attempt to fill the void left by their drug of choice. And just like how a drug addict has to get sober because they have hit their bottom, you must conquer your food addiction for you and no one else. Look into yourself and try to figure out what the problem is that you are medicating with food. I know that sounds really Dr. Phil-ish, but I believe it could really help you. :)
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    at my house we dont keep any bad foods around.. cleaned out the pantries when i started this journey
    also i plan everything im gonna eat and log it all the day before
    this holds me accountable for what i eat so i dont eat anymore than ive already logged... sort of like an allowance.. but my allowance is enough and keeps me full -a ny more and im just overeating