Why can't I exercise? UGH!

Everytime I tell myself I am going to do an exercise... I can only do about 5 minutes max, and thats really pushing it. Idk if it is ADD or the fact even when I was thin, I wasn't in shape. I had started the couch to 5k and it was really really great but I didn't follow through! I am really lazy is my problem not in just exercise in many things! I HATE IT , any suggestions?


  • Lily26Wal
    Im starting the 30day shred tomorrow with another friend on here. give it a go and see what you think. its only 20mins a day and your fitness improves so much! it is on utube if you fancy having a look
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Often for me the first 10 minutes are the hardest. If you can push through that you may find it easier to complete a workout.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    After 5 minutes, are you stopping because you are gasping for breath and your legs have turned into jello? Or do you stop before it gets anywhere near that point?

    If it's the latter, it's not because you are out of shape. You just need to be more determined, and to find a form of exercise that you don't hate so much.
  • c_porcayo
    One of my biggest things is I have asthma, so yes I get short of breath very easily.. and I also feel very sore after barely any exercise.. Even walking is hard and I am not hugely over weight. Idk what it is?
  • notmac
    notmac Posts: 89
    Is your asthma exercise induced? Perhaps go for a walk outside, once you have walked 5 minutes away from your house, you will have to walk back, thereby getting 10 minutes in. Take your inhaler, though.
    If you feel short of breath after 5 minuets of exercise, speak with your doctor, to make sure you have your asthma well controlled. Asthma is nothing to take lightly, it can be extremely serious, and you need to take it serious. If you don't have one, ask to be refereed to a pulmonary doctor (lung doctor) to help you get yourself into shape to be able to walk further.
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    I have asthma and it can affect your workout but mine comes and goes. Some workouts are better than others, only really intense exercises affect me. However 90% of a workout is starting for most people. :)
  • carlee1212
    carlee1212 Posts: 33 Member
    My suggestion is listen to some music while you exercise and really get lost in the music. It may sound dumb, but I have an auto immune disease which causes horrible pain. Well my doctors told me that I had to walk daily because my muswcles were becoming week. I didn't want to though because walking hurt t o much. I had a doctor who got me to walk by bluffing and saying that he understood and felt that I would do better if I went to live in a hospice. I was 15 and it scared the crap out of me I have never walked so much in my life! Lol. And losing myslef in the music helped me not think about the pain.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I have exercise induced asthma. Allergies and cigarette smoke can also set it off. I just decided I couldn't use that as an excuse for not working out any longer. I only have to use my inhaler a few times a month but I always carry it with me. Usually if i use breathing control techniques i can keep from having a full attack. I've also noticed that as my aerobic capacity has increased my asthma has decreased.

    Asthma is not to be taken lightly but it can be controlled and is not an excuse to not exercise. Talk to a doctor and find out what the best way is to control it for you.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Exercise doesn't have to be some major workout. Just go for a walk. Then tomorrow, walk a little farther.

    Just get moving.

    If five minutes is what you can handle, do five minutes, then later today, do another five minutes.

    AND stay in touch with your doctor, make sure your asthma is under control.