I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • rjacob1214
    rjacob1214 Posts: 19 Member
    If it continues or escalates, you will have grounds to take action. It's called menacing.

    It's a shame when bully parents teach their kids to be bullies too. Really, it's a horrible shame.

    I'm sorry your neighbors are being so ignorant.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    The world we live in now is nothing like it was or should be. Keep up your hard work, ignore your new neighbors, they sound like a@@holes...and just do your best. We're proud of every step you take...you be proud too.
  • RMLMoore
    RMLMoore Posts: 130 Member
    There is a special circle of hell for people like this. I figure it will involve a never ending treadmill, starvation rations and scales and tape measures that only go up no matter what you do. And a whole audience of jeering spectators. And they are naked.
  • skellyness
    skellyness Posts: 165 Member
    Your neighbours; they sound like wastes of space. Put your iPod on and ignore them.
  • seriouslypinkchick
    seriouslypinkchick Posts: 40 Member
    Totally agree with most comments on here earphones and keep running and some people are so mean, they should keep comments to theirselves personally i just keep running while stickin v sign up or (wanker) hand shake and shout WHATEVER u are running for a reason u go girl ignore any comments in time u will look fab and then u will be the one laughing all your MFP friends are totally behind you :))))) xxx
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    Keep the headphones in and the music turned up, that's what I do. Humans are *kitten*.


    People are also ignorant. I hope parents learn to teach their children better.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Tell them to kiss your *kitten* and keep your pace up; clearly they have nothing better to do - losers always try to bring winners down.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    You're are NOT being unreasonable to expect people to behave in a respectful manner. What they are doing is immature, hateful, and downright mean! Flip them off and keep running!! I find it pathetic that the parents of the child are condoning such cruel behavior. You're better than them, so don't let their childish remarks stop you from exercising outdoors. Good luck to you dear! :flowerforyou:
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    Keep running! :flowerforyou: Don't let their negativity and stupidity bring you down.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Good grief. Their behavior says it all about THEM and is not about you. Go on out there and run with pride!

    There is a jerk in my neighborhood who used to taunt me and yell nasty things at me when I was heavy. One day he yelled, "HERE COMES OLE FAT @$$!!!" I yelled back, "Well my fat @$$ can get skinnier but your DUMB @$$ will never get smarter" and kept right on going. He no longer recognizes me =)
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Don't be upset by people that horrible enough to make negative comments to a stranger especially when you're doing something good for yourself.

    I didn't get verbal abuse when I started out but I did get looks from those typically arrogant males at the gym and once someone laughed at me running. Its hard not to be affected especially in your situation but somehow take it as motivation to show 'em.

    You are doing great so F them and do your thing!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    1) 2 hours and 8.5 miles?! Holy crap you go!
    2) 8 years old and doesn't know better? First of all, yes, he should. I knew manners BEFORE I was 8, and I certainly knew I shouldn't taunt others. (staring, pointing, etc)
    3) The ADULTS obviously don't know better...how sick
    4) I agree with everyone else...turn up the music, and rock out
    5) I'm not sure what state you're in, so depending on the laws in your area, you could file a police report if they keep doing it. It could be considered disorderly conduct, harassment, etc, depending where you are.
  • somemansdream
    First, I am so amazed that you can do 8.5 miles. I would die. You freaking rock.
    I second all these comments that these wonderful people have made.
    DO NOT...cant express that strongly enough...let those losers get to you. You have made progress and you will continue to do so. There are some great tips here including crank up the music or change time that you run. I have done that with walking because I walk with my dog and people are clueless and let their dogs come up to anyone even when its obvious that I do not want to get close.
    Keep on moving and while I do not know you--damn proud of ya!! Debbie
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You're commitment is truly amazing! I am so sorry that you have to go through this when you run but, thank you so much for sharing your story. You really are inspiring. I workout in my home and I seriously don't know if I could go outside if I knew mean people were going to yell at me. I applaud you and your commitment to health. You are an example to us all.
  • ShirleyAnneHill
    ShirleyAnneHill Posts: 2 Member
    Your out there doing it and good on you!! Just ignore ignorant people with no respect and keep up the good work!!
  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    You are SO amazing and it's people like you who motivated me to work harder, try harder, and keep on going regardless of the negativity we face from day to day - be it family, friends, neighbors, or strangers. KEEP on running.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    You know what chica, they are ignorant F***wits who obviously hate to see someone bettering themselves and have to make themselves feel better by belittling other people.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the other comments...stick your favourite feel good tune on as you run by and drown out their mindless comments.

    You're doing fab, keep up with it xx
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Be proud of what you have accomplished and just keep running. You're wonderful.

    This, and most proud of all that you stood up to them.

    It may not do anything, because mean people suck and there's nothing you can do to change that, but you're a brave and strong person.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I've not been taunted, but i have noticed looks when i zoom by on my bike. I'm a heavy girl, i get that, it must look funny.
    I wont jog at the gym simply because i dont want anyone seeing my fat bounce around.
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    I think you can burn a lot of calories if you use the *kitten* neighbors face as a punching bag!!! :laugh: I know punching him is not the answer, but i wish i could punch him for you!

    I'm sorry you have to go through that.......Disregard his dumb *kitten* and keep running girl! :flowerforyou: