I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Aww, thanks so much for the replies :)

    I was feeling so down about it all. Strangely I feel quite ashamed of myself for confronting them so directly but I was so angry about it too. My husband told me he was proud of me and that last year I would of come home and cried, he could not believe that I spoke to them !

    BTW 'Dad' was more overweight than me, balding and ugly. 'Pot' and 'kettle' spring to mind ;) And I did tell him that I ran 6 to 8 miles a run and how far did he run....he didn't answer...lazy poo head.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    Some people are just mean. I don't imagine they'll ever be "good neighbors", but in a similar situation with neighbors of mine who have been hateful, I just kill them with politeness. If I walk by and they're outside, I wave, even though all the while gritting my teeth ;-). If they choose to ignore me, or be overtly rude, it's on them. I know I'm behaving politely, and any bad behavior is going to come from them. They've gone from being outright rude to just mildly aloof, I'm sure it's in part because it's become apparent to other neighbors - and themselves - who the jerk is...

    Try just giving them a smile and thumbs up when you run by.... eventually they'll stop having "fun" at your expense, and maybe their kid will learn a lesson of decent behavior by your example. He's not learning goodness from them, clearly.

    You're doing a wonderful thing for yourself, and your strength is obvious. Great job not letting jeers from others deter you!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    well u could put on ur tunes and keep cruising, which would be the right thing to do, or you can get a belt made of felt with tiny pockets on it and carry eggs with u while u run and pelt those losers. id probly opt for that. i think its frickin awesome that u called those a**holes out on their crappy behaviour. send over a "welcome to the neighbourhood" pie...dont forget to to sign the card "best wishes. your fat neighbour, Forest."....oh dont forget the spit either :P bahahah...oooh im nasty aint i! fun to think about tho!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    *kitten*! Put on your ipod and keep on runnin' ...

    As I was reading, i was thinking IPOD. but everyone is smart here and I would suggest it too. Then when you drop the weight you can go flaunt your sexy new look and make his wife jealous. Lesson. Hard work pays off. Don't keep you down. great job running
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    Some people pick on others based on their own insecurities. This is not about you - its about them. They wish they could run as far as you can! Well done. You just keep up the good work!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Ignore them. At most I would flip a finger or scream FU, especially at the child that need to learn some manners. Don't waste energy during a run and don't let anything interfere with it. I'm envious at your distance and time btw.

    You were me, I'd flip them off every time I saw them, either together or individually. Why, yes, I am childish and carrying grudges. :happy:

    You shouldn't feel ashamed to have confronted them.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Next time say "Jealous is, as Jealous does!" in response and keep running :P
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    Ignore them. At most I would flip a finger or scream FU, especially at the child that need to learn some manners. Don't waste energy during a run and don't let anything interfere with it. I'm envious at your distance and time btw.

    You were me, I'd flip them off every time I saw them, either together or individually. Why, yes, I am childish and carrying grudges. :happy:

    You shouldn't feel ashamed to have confronted them.

    haha i think we may be soul mates, lmao! love that response!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    they are just jealous that they cannot run and you can and do. Keep on running.
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    You've done everything right :-) It makes me sick that there are people like your neighbours in the world. They must feel so terrible and ashamed of their own fat, balding disgusting bodies that they feel a need to take it out on you. You who is clearly taking care of and loving their body. Good on you for confronting them!

    This has never happened to me so I can't relate, though once I ran passed an outdoor bar and some lovely chap yelled out "OOOHHH YEAH look at them bounce!" What ever happened to courtesy...
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    Headphones and run. When you look better than them they won't have anything to say then, now will they?
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I call that motivation, Say I can't!! Say I won't!!!!

    think this taunting makes me think

    soon I'll be running circles around you, add a little weight training and after I beat you in the race I'll beat your *kitten*, why just cause I can that why.

    all that being said the iPod is a good idea cause I like music

    good luck and keep running
  • ddipert
    ddipert Posts: 103 Member
    *kitten*! Put on your ipod and keep on runnin' ...

    Couldn't have put it better myself - you say you are fat - but soon you will be thin and healthy, if you hold your head high and keep on running. Your neighbours, however, will always be dumb *kitten* - you win!!!!!!

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Turn up your music and never look back! Thats what I do. My problem is I get hit on by unwanted guys though..:ohwell:
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Ghouls. If you can ignore them, good on you. I get yelled at a lot too, when I'm walking my dogs. Oh well.

    Since he likes Forrest Gump, you could just smile, say "Stupid is as stupid does," and keep going. I'd love to advocate that, but they sound like the type who'd slash your tires some night.
  • erineddy81
    erineddy81 Posts: 43 Member
    My reply to Ahole neighbors would be "I can lose the weight, but you can't cure stupid." ;)...I wish I could agree with the advice to ignore them, I guess I am not as grown up as I thought lol
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    If not now, then one day you will be better then them! and forget the one day, you are already better...so you run past those people, keep on running!

    The downside is unless they move house again you will always have the same problem.

    Soooo, if you don`t hold your head up now then you never will!!!!

    Go for it, keep up the good work!
  • merisantman3
    use it as inspiration and keep on running sone they will be applauding:smile:
  • stasherella
    stasherella Posts: 46 Member
    What a bunch of buggers. What kind of parents allow an 8 yr old to disrespect an adult they way he does. Honey you keep running pop the headphones in your ears and keep it moving.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Headphones on, music loud, rock out.

    I totally admire that this isn't stopping you. You are full of awesometastic. Those a-holes will eat *kitten* when you're at your goal and they're still giant douches.

    ^^^ this. You sound like you have awesome self-confidence and that will take you far in life - farther than such negative people can ever hope to go.