harder to lose weight as you get older?



  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    It can get harder as we do naturally slow down as we get older, but if I can do it anyone can! I'll be 57 on Hallowe'en!

    The secret is not to let any little setbacks get to you, look forwards, not back!

    Good luck

    well said
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    No it's not harder you just have to do it differently. That is what this site is all about. It has helped me lose the weight and now it is helping me maintain it. Food logging is the key and learning what a portion really is.If you don't have one yet get a food scale. You will be surprised what a portion is rather than what you think it is. You can really do this if you are determined.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    The thing that makes it harder, for me, is the demands and responsibilities I have. I move forward, and am happy with my progress,
    However, It is hard to diet when I am the chief cook and bottle washer for a large-ish family.:smile:
    I have found my way around this....there is a way, and I am doing it!

    And what's wrong with 1lb per week?
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I was actually saying to one of my younger pals today it's harder to undo the damage as you get older.
    It does take longer to lose weight, menopause really messes up the progress.

    I have found this site, logging my food and drink,and doing the exercise has helped me a lot.
    When I'm wide awake menopausal, emotional, unwell I know I have the support here and hopefuly my pals are happy with the support I give them. I have a great laugh with my Pals too, I've got to know a little about their lives and families too.

    I also work in an office, I've found since being on here I'm more inclined to go work out in my home gym, go for a walk at lunch time,I actually just do that little extra so I can log it here and feel great about it.

    I'm sure you will have great results. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • InfiniteEcho
    InfiniteEcho Posts: 40 Member
    OMG!!! Yes!!! I keep telling myself my age shouldn't matter nor should menopause but Mother Nature and I are in a stronghold right now battling this out! It sucks to get old!!! ; )
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Somewhat, for at least 3 reasons I can think of

    1. Our bodies are less able to be active as we age (and often are less active by choice) -- the old adage of work smarter, not harder will hurt us here.

    2. Hormone changes, particularly in women around menopause

    3. Often success in the workplace will affect many... When we start working in many areas, we are the busy folks doing what others tell us to do. As we age, we usually progress more from the doer to the teller...
  • JulieDejan
    Yes, this is correct. I struggled with losing weight for the last 5-7 years or so. Also tried Weight Watchers, no results. I finally went to Lindora. Lost 35 lbs and have kept it off for 4 months now. Needless to say I feel fabulous and will never go back. Lindora gave me the necessary tools to get MY BODY to lose. Keeping a food log was essential to this process AND weighing every day. No one tells you to weigh every day. 3 good meals and 3 PROTEIN Snacks were the key. Meals would be 1-2 proteins, 1 fruit, 1 grain, 1 vegetable and lots of lettuce, spinich, cabbage. Keep your carb count around 50-70 per day to start. 30 minutes of Moderate exercise every day. Lindora told me about My Fitness Pal and this is keeping me on track. Good Luck, keep up the faith.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi, Ive just joined after leaving weight watchers... sick of wasting money as not being very successful at the moment. my fault not theres!
    Does any females out there find it harder to lose weight as you get older? not sure its an age thing or because im less active, suppose i was running around after kids when i was younger. Seem to lose a pound a week maximum whereas when i was younger i could lose 3lb no problem.

    I just started dieting and have lost 4.5 pounds in less than two weeks mainly by watching portion sizes. Color me happy! I started because of chronic knee pain; I think I'm to heavy for my own knees. I'm also taking vitamin and mineral supplements to support joint health. I'm a bit older than you, at 63, and have seen the effects of friends losing too much weight, too fast. Having loose, baggy skin is not attractive. Be patient with yourself, lose at a slow and healthy pace, and maybe you'll be able to avoid the Sharpei look.
  • michlee83
    i am 29 and my weight is 198 right now it is harder to lose weight as u get older so i dont run cause i have a bad back but i do dance around the house for 30 min or more and do a power walk for 30 min or more everyday and on a 1500 calorie diet which i dont ever eat that much calories in a day its more like 600 to 800 but if u do something like this u will lose the weight . just last week my weight was 201 so i lost 3lbs and thats good my goal is to reach 150
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Your metabolism slow down when you get older, so yeah, losing weight gets harder.
  • blackie1741
    I joined two weeks ago and it has been very difficult to stay on track and lose weight especialy as you get older. So far I have lost 8lbs
  • pattyann1112
    bump for later
  • wkrd
    wkrd Posts: 45
    Oh yes, I can relate. I'm 52 now and while I could eat less for one week and lose quickly in my 20's and even 30's, I have been exercising and striving to eat better along with logging in for about 2 1/2 weeks. Though I do see a bit of difference in the way my clothes fit, I have seen ZERO weight loss on the scale. To say that is depressing and discouraging is an understatement to say the least. I just keep telling myself to just keep exercising and trying to eat a little cleaner everyday. I have been told taht 6-8 weeks is a magic number and sometimes the scale stubbornly holds on to a number and then drops all at once. I hope so. I keep telling myself I am building muscle and it will all work out in the end. I do need some more friends who are active on MFP so that we may keep pushing each other on to a better life. Feel free to add me.

    PS. I also seem to find it harder to just say no to cakes, cookies. In earlier days, I could just eat one small piece and be satisfied, now I want to whole cake or entire plate of cookies, and then I'm not satisfied, but miserable. :)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    God yes. Horrible. Especially my abs or lack of. LOL
  • AZiegenhorn
    AZiegenhorn Posts: 19 Member
    This blog is written by a friend of mine . . . this particular blog is a part of a brest cancer awareness seriries but it is mostly about personal responsibility to health and and I think really great information in regards to age and weight gain.


    Enjoy :)
  • Chocohen
    Chocohen Posts: 10 Member
    I just wanted to say that I liked your comment and also to congratulate you on the great progress you are making on your lifestyle change.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have not really noticed a difference. I am 42 years old, and I have lost 106 pounds since March of this year just by eating healthy and doing a lot of walking. I lost a lot of weight once before, when I was about 25. I don't remember exactly how fast it came off that time, but it does not seem any harder now.
  • DaylilyKathy
    I am 62 and it is definately harder to lose weight when you are older. I think you get set in your ways and it is hard to change them. I have no choice now. I have Type 2 Diabeties and have to eat better and lose weight. I am hoping since I am borderline and taking meds for 3 months and losing weight that maybe I have caught it in time to change it. I don't know much about it and even if that is possible but I will try. With support from this site, I am hoping that I can do it. I have lost 5 lbs before joining this site and now that I found this site, I hope to lose more and find out when and what I should and should not eat. Good Luck with your journey also.:flowerforyou:
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    It's hard because we are less active due to illness, disabilities etc. but it can be done successfully using the tools and support MFP has to offer. You have to do the work though and it ain't easy! Good Luck!
  • SaraBiston1
    SaraBiston1 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes dear, its sometimes difficult to lose weight when you become older. It must be necessary to eat proper diet. take proper vitamins so that you can get strength to lose weight. Do that much of exercise which wont hurt you most.