Is exercise really the key?

Lilmrsbardeen Posts: 24
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
In order to loose weight, i know a healthy diet is always the key, but is exercise the key too? I mean I do exercise, occasionally, Some times, i'm so tired that i can't motivate myself. I get really bad migraines that prevent me from going outside and actually walking, or jogging, and I live in Florida...Go figure. I have a pool, but its way too cold right now to go swimming. I have the Wii and a Stationary bike and I have been using both. Any suggestions on how to get motivated and what other kind of exercising I can do with migraine issues. Thanks for your help!


  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Diet is 90% and exercise is 10%.

    However, if you want to look toned, it is best to get steady amounts of exercise and strength training.
  • Sarah219
    Sarah219 Posts: 46
    Hi ...for me personally exercise is the key keeps me motivated and on track ...and after using all the energy to exercise in the gym or fitness class i think to myself ..all that work ...i dont want to spoil it by pigging out !! ..thats how it works for me anyhow :smile:
  • BComley
    BComley Posts: 2
    There are 3 factors in weight loss. Nutrition, Exercise and Rest! Nutrition is the most important. Exercise is very important to help burn those calories and tone up your body. Lean muscle mass burns calories at rest. You must get enough sleep to allow your body to rebuild. If you don't get enough sleep your body tends to hold on to weight. Stress is a very negative factor in weight loss. Exercising is a very BIG positive factor in relieving stress. It is hard at times to get motivated but once you start and get into a lifestyle of exercising you no longer have to be motivated. Start with short walks or just body squats in front of the TV set.

    You need to track your calorie intake to see exactly what you are taking in. Then start to counter that with some exercising.

    Migrains are a pain. Are you drinking plenty of water?
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    I wouldn't go as far to say that diet is 90% and exercise is 10%. Yes, you can lose weight by just eating right... but are you building muscle or are you just becoming "skinny fat?" Exercise is crucial to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Yes, I drink plenty of water, but I'm not sure why i get those stupid migraines...ALL THE TIME and it's soooo annoying...I use the WII a lot and that helps out because if i get dizzy i can just rest at home and not have to worry about getting home..Thank you for your reply though, it makes a lot of sense.:happy:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    For me exercise is important :happy: If you are having headaches so bad it interfears with your day, I'd see a Dr. As for the motivation thing... Heck yeah there are days I really just don't want to workout!!!!!!! I almost throw a fit my first 5 mins of working out :laugh: Then I think of how geat I'm going to look when I reach my goal, then how great I'm going to feel when I get to go new clothes shopping, hiking, swiming... etc. Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • pbankson
    pbankson Posts: 1 Member
    Exercise helps me the most in that it gives me more room for "cheating" by adding calories- at least on this site!
  • I think it all depends on what your overall goal is. Weight loss can be accomplished without exercise yes, however exercise does so much more for the body other than just burn fat. Exercise strengthens the heart, strengthens lungs, helps build and strengthen muscle for an overall stronger body, helps eleviate stress, helps flexability and can even be used to control depression. So I guess in my opinion exercise leads to better overall health and well being plus weightloss.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    I had the same kind of headaches as well as issues with vertigo as you are describing. Heck I still do. BUT I started forcing myself to get up and do some kind of light exercise every morning at about 5:30 am. It really helped kickstart my day, fend off depression, and helped with my appetite control. Now that I've lost some weight, I'm exercising about 1 hour a day, and sometimes pretty intense. I still get the headaches, and sometimes they'll last a couple of days, but getting that workout done early in the day means that I have time to rest when one hits later in the day, and I've still got some calories to work with and eat a little more. This is just what works for me, and each person is different, but anytime I've tried just dieting alone, I binge and I just don't feel healthy.
  • chicynth
    chicynth Posts: 48 Member
    Exercise is important! We'll just get that out of the way. However, I also deal with migraines, which are not just a simple headache...making that clear, as well.

    I exercise daily, in some form or fashion. But...when I sense a MIGRAINE coming on...I decrease my activity and prepare to rest for awhile...watching what I eat and sticking to about 1200-1300 calories.

    We are all made differently and our metabolisms function at a different rate.

    Medical conditions of any kind can be hinderances to losing weight but they don't have to be. I deal with more than MIGRAINES. I take medications that can potentially cause weight gain, which is not good news to a person like myself trying to lose weight. But I have learned to take advantage of the days I feel really good and kick things up a notch in the exercise department. And, on days when it is not going so well...again, I really focus on my caloric intake.

    May you discover what works for you and have good success!

    (Migraines are diagnosed by tests and a physician...we don't just decide we're having a Migraine because we have a headache: this is a little side NOTE for those who do not understand the debilitating effects of MIGRAINES).
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Diet is more important because it's basically math - to lose weight, you have to consume fewer calories than you burn. The problem is that if you rely on diet alone, your body will lose muscle as well, and when you lose muscle, you burn fewer calories overall. Working out reminds your body that you need to keep the muscle, and it raises your resting metabolism. So the answer to your question is that diet decides your rate of loss, but exercise determines your body composition, which is every bit as important.

    It also does other good things - when you work out, your body produces endorphins, so if you are feeling yucky, try getting your heart rate up for 20-30 minutes, have a good stretch and a hot shower, and see if you still feel gross. I started doing the Couch to 5K program and after a walk/jog I feel fantastic.
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    It depends - what is your goal? To lose weight? To feel good? To look toned? You could lose all the weight you need/want to with diet alone.

    For me though, exercise has been key for my back and neck problems. I no longer have constant pain from them and no longer battle with headaches each week. I am off my anti-depressant/anxiety meds and I really give a lot of credit to exercise though I'm sure good nutrition is good for that too.

    My goal is to have a healthy lifestyle and feel good and BE healthy. So, for me, exercise plays a huge part in that.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Really you should be eating to lose weight, and exercising to be healthy.

    Having said that.... I have exercised w/o dieting and dieted w/o exercise. Neither worked, but together my weight fell off. So I would suggest to find a healthy combination that works for you. I too, suffered from migraines at least 2-3 times a month. Since I lost the weight the migraines are few and far in between. When I have one that is coming on I have found that a good session of cardio does the trick. It has been at least 3-4 months since I have taken my prescription med for a migraine. I am a mother with 2 college age boys, so headaches have not completely disappeared, but I would not classify any of them them as a migraine!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Losing weight is near impossible for me without exercise. Even when I'm eating healthy and staying within my calorie range, my weight won't seem to budge. Add even just a little exercise, and it just starts melting away.
  • I just wanted to share a little info...i used to have terrible terrible migraines all the time. It impacted my life to the point of not being able to go far from home..taking care of my kids and all of that. I've found 2 things that have helped..well actually cured my migraines! The first was getting a NTI google can get it at the dentist. you may be clenching while your sleeping that will irritate certain nerves which set off the migraine. The other is getting a temper-pedic. since i got a temper-pedic haven't had one single migraine...almost 2 years now and i would get 3 a week was pure hell. even now i don't have to wear my nti's at night..i just don't get the migraines...success rate on just the nti's are pretty good and they cost a heck of a lot less than a just wanted to share with you what i've found because i understand your pain all too well!=-) ~Sally
  • Actually this is me (sally) that is...i didn't realize i was in my husbands fitness pal...=-)
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Depends if you want to lose faster or not. You can lose by just dieting, or you can lose much faster by being active a few times a week. I would personally pick the quickest healthy way :bigsmile:
  • masanz1
    masanz1 Posts: 65 Member
    I use to think exercise was a curse for dieting. I lost quicker when I didnt do it. But then again, I gain just as fast. This is my last diet this time, and exercise has been a big key for me. I feel better, clothes are a lot looser, and weight may not be dripping off at 4 lbs a week but I am losing. I hit the elliptical at the gym for 40 minutes 3 times a week now, started at 10 minutes. I am now walking also on my off days. I cant stress enough that although losing weight is great, exercise will make you feel great.
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    I use to think exercise was a curse for dieting. I lost quicker when I didnt do it. But then again, I gain just as fast. This is my last diet this time, and exercise has been a big key for me. I feel better, clothes are a lot looser, and weight may not be dripping off at 4 lbs a week but I am losing. I hit the elliptical at the gym for 40 minutes 3 times a week now, started at 10 minutes. I am now walking also on my off days. I cant stress enough that although losing weight is great, exercise will make you feel great.
    I totally agree with you. I was going to say that I think I actually lose weight faster without the exercise but I am losing inches with exercising and feeling great!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Migraines - I feel your pain. I used to get them a lot, and what the people posting here may not understand (except that one person) is that if you have a migraine, you are NOT going to be exercising. Or talking. Or eating. Or moving. You will be in a dark room with a cold cloth over your eyes, in complete SILENCE for however-long-it-takes. Sometimes days - in misery. Many times I said, "I would rather be dead." They are that bad.

    I was diagnosed at a good neurologists practice after ending up in the hospital dehydrated and feeling like I would die. You can't eat or even drink water - you will just throw it up. Immediately . I had a five-day migraine, and really did think I was going to die.

    That said, the original poster stated that she doesn't know why she gets the migraines. You need to get a good diagnosis and cause as your first priority. It could be a food you eat that triggers them. Common trigger foods are Chocolate, Citrus, Cheese, Caffeine, and Nuts. It could be the dental thing, and night guards work. It could be hormonal, and you can get treated. It could be a brain chemical imbalance,also treatable with inexpensive medications. It could be a heart defect (migraines are vascular), it could be a serious medical issue related to your brain or eyes, and you need to know what the actual diagnosis is. It could be a different type of headache. You said you don't know, so I would start there.

    When I got migraines, I couldn't exercise at all. Couldn't even get hot, and I had to move away from South Florida where I grew up because the heat kept me indoors all the time. The sun on my face would trigger a migraine.

    So now that they are medically under control, I am able to go out in the sun, exercise, and I have my life back. But I had to get the right treatment, and it was a long process, sometimes involving a lot of trial and error, and many years of searching for help.

    Godd luck to you.:flowerforyou:
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