Looking for Dukan dieters

I would like to try Dukan diet. Anyone with tips, experience? Let us hear your story. Please add me. I could use help and support to lose 20 lbs!


  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Sent you a friend request - I am currently 6 days into Dukan attack phase.
  • Hiya, I have lost 10kg on the Dukan Diet. Yes it is a fairly hard diet but I am one of those people who, given an inch, will take a mile.
    So rather than being allowed '2 squares of chocolate' (e.g. Weight Watchers) I would then proceed to eat 20 squares! So the Dukan Diet worked for me because there is no lee-way and I know I can't have ANY. 'All or nothing'!
    I feel there's little risk of over-indulging.

    Also as the first phase (Attack) has quick results, it keeps me motivated to continue.

    Others may disagree but it works for me! :smile:
  • carolbaker000
    carolbaker000 Posts: 58 Member
    Does anyone have a link to a free Dukan diet planner?
    Just wanted to take a look see...

  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Carol - I had a hard time finding any free sites that really truly explain it in detail. I was lucky in that someone at work had copied the book and left it on the copier - no one would admit to it, LOL - so I ended up with a free copy of the book.

    I did find a cheap iPhone app called "iDukan" that I got for like $2.99, if you have an iPhone or an iPod touch.

    In a nutshell, there are 4 phases in Dukan - Attack, Cruise, Consolidation, Stabilization.

    Attack - is short, 1-10 days, pure protein diet.
    Cruise - long, this is the main weight loss phase - alternating pure protein days with protein/veggie days.
    Consolidation - length varies by how much weight you have lost, where you continueu Cruise diet, but slowly add things back in, like fruit, bread/grains, cheese, 2 "celebration meals" each week, 1 day each week of pure protein to keep on track
    Stabilization - pretty much eat what you want, with 1 day each week of pure protein only to keep on track - this is what you follow the rest of your life.

    These are pretty short explanations, if you want more information, PM me.
  • HI - I have just heard about this and would like to start it (within next 7 days)... any help would be awesome. There doesn't seem to be a lot online about it but I have found a few sites where there are recipes provided.

    Good luck to all. I think I like the fact that its very specific - eat this and not this...
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    HI - I have just heard about this and would like to start it (within next 7 days)... any help would be awesome. There doesn't seem to be a lot online about it but I have found a few sites where there are recipes provided.

    Good luck to all. I think I like the fact that its very specific - eat this and not this...

    Hi, Starryk - In case you haven't looked that far - there is a Dukan Dieters Group on MFP - and I recently put up a post called "Dukan Diet in a Nutshell" that might help you. Check out the group at:

  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    I've just started my dukan journey :) I've just finished day 3 of attack, and got 2 days to go! I'm thinking I might weigh in at the end of all 5 days so that I don't get disappointed if the scales haven't moved! I'm quite looking forward to being able to eat veg again! I've been massively missing tomatoes in particular, I normally have them all the time so I've found it difficult not having them, especially as I did a big shop and bought some, so they're sitting in the drawer of my fridge waiting for Wednesday to come along!
    Em xx
  • Hi all ! I am on day 2 of attack stuck to it rigidly . But so bored a d craving apples soooooo much . Feeling light headed and so grumpy . My body is in shock from no sugar ( I normally eat way to much )
    Any other tips , advice on how to stick with this please say hi !?
    What do people think of the galette ? My employer eats one every single day and has done for years ! Looking forward to a reply xx
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hi, Deals -

    You should lose your cravings when day 3 or 4 is over - stick to it! I haven't tried a "galette" - haven't found an American recipe for it yet, not even sure what some of the ingredients are, to be honest! But I make an oat bran porridge every day following a Dukan recipe I got in my iDukan iPhone app - and love it!

    Have you joined the Dukan Diet group? If not - come and find us, lotsa great info in there. My biggest advise is to always have some "legal" protein on hand for when the cravings get you. I usually batch cook a bunch of chicken breasts, package them singly, and keep in the fridge. That's my main go-to food.

    Best of luck in your Dukan journey!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I've just started my dukan journey :) I've just finished day 3 of attack, and got 2 days to go! I'm thinking I might weigh in at the end of all 5 days so that I don't get disappointed if the scales haven't moved! I'm quite looking forward to being able to eat veg again! I've been massively missing tomatoes in particular, I normally have them all the time so I've found it difficult not having them, especially as I did a big shop and bought some, so they're sitting in the drawer of my fridge waiting for Wednesday to come along!
    Em xx

    Hi, Em- how is your Dukan journey going? Have you joined the Dukan Diet group? If not - come on over and "meet" us - lotsa great info there!

    EDITED TO ADD: I see you have already joined the group - Welcome! I need to go catch up on the threads! :-)
  • sws4618
    sws4618 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started my Dukan journey as well. Today is my last day of the attack phase (5 days of protein only) and I'm down 2.5 lbs. It's my TOM so it makes me feel like may e I've actually lost more and it's not showing. I hope so!