I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • amyk225
    amyk225 Posts: 154
    WTF???? wat the hell is wrong with people, i never see people do that kinda stufff where im from ,its rude and childish..........grrrrrrrrrrr
  • jay10587
    jay10587 Posts: 57 Member
    Don't let it bother you! They're fata$$es aren't out there! :wink:
  • aimeero2012
    Are you in England? If so talk to your local Community Protection Officer. What they are doing is anti-social behaviour and you shouldn't have to put up with it!

    I'm sorry they are being so hurtful. I get abuse shouted at me when I go running too. It feels horrible, but like everyone says just carry on and try to zone them out.

    Good luck x
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    this is why some parents should eat their young. I would have a hard time not screaming crap back at him ..but that's just me. Better go with the high road and put the earphones in and ignore their stupidness!
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    I am fuming! What kind of a society are we in where people get mocked for trying to improve themselves??? It's very sad. OP, please don't let these mental defectives stop you from achieving your goals.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I'm shocked. What kind of neighborhood do you live in? Great job on keeping up with the running cuz one day you will be in better shape than they are. Shoot I bet you already are because I definitely can't run as long as you can. You should challenge them to a running contest. LOL Who can run the longest? Just wear ear plugs next time you go running or put an iPod in your ear. Then you won't have to worry about the comments.
  • cdprouty
    cdprouty Posts: 140 Member
    F everyone and just keep running.
  • janey1306
    I get the same thing, I live in a small town and people roll down their windows...try to get as close as possible with their car without actually hitting me. follow behind me?? I dont understand it. I just hold my head up and think about the end result.

    As for the 8 year old, I think that you are wrong he DOES know better. I have an 8 year old and he will be the first one to point out what is wrong with the picture. He is empathetic to individuals that get picked on and will try to include everyone. This poor little boy was taught...it is sad.

    Keep going, keep your head up and dont let them ruin your run high, it is so pure and fresh that nothing should touch it.

    Your 8 year old knows better because you have brought him up properly, the 8 year old of these neighbours obviously hasnt and is just doing as his parents do
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    well, there are so many responses--- WE all can't be wrong :) The problem is others..not you. You know, there are just people who have evil in them. Dont let it take away from all of the positive you are getting in other ways. People on this site.. and your friends. AND.. most of all..don't let them ruin your enjoyment. Easier for me to say... I know. You keep running. I am super super impressed with you!
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    There are ignorant people everywhere! Just best to ignor them...you're doing great! Keep it up!
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    F everyone and just keep running.

    This x2. You can't stop your neighbours from being jerks. You can prevent you from being affected by it.
  • janey1306
    Absolutely disgusting of them, and well done you for not giving up as i probably would have done. It wont be long before that bad mannered man is drooling over you running past, while his wife looks on with jealousy!. I feel a bit sorry for the little boy, what chance in life does he have with parents like that
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Are you in England? If so talk to your local Community Protection Officer. What they are doing is anti-social behaviour and you shouldn't have to put up with it!

    Good luck x

    Just what I was going to say. And keep a record of everytime they shout out abuse, better still, if your phone has a record app use it. Other than that, make good use of your iPod, ignore the idiots & enjoy your runs.
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    I'm so sorry this is happening to you. But any advice I could give you would only lead to a feud. LOL I'm hot headed.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Not read the whole 14 pages of this post but seems to me like this guy was the play ground bully at school and it seems to have rubbed off on his son. I would not have even challenged him on it as he seems challenged enough as it is, Yes I agree with your sentiments of treat those as you expect to be treated but some people just don't grasp that. I get a bit of abuse from people on the roads when I ride around and I had a run in with someone like that, his son called me a fat c**t out of a car window so when I caught up with him as he got caught in traffic, he was a bit on the tubby side one could say and I could not help myself but to point this out. Since then I have not really bother doing it, as I know what I am doing is only going to benifit me and the ones I love.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    What?!? That's appalling. Ignore them - people like that are NOT worth your time and consideration. You're doing something wonderful, and when you're at your best weight for you, they'll still be rude and hopeless. You're obviously the winner in this situation.
  • tuulikki30
    tuulikki30 Posts: 99 Member
    When I ran my first 1/2, there was a man wearing a t shirt with a slogan on the back that caught my eye and I've never forgotten.

    "I may be fat, but my fat *kitten* is still ahead of yours!"
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I'm fat and I run.

    I run for my health and because I enjoy it.

    I am over 13 stone and a size 16 (down from 18 stone and size 24).

    I now can run continuously for 2 hours covering 8.5 miles and I am proud of this and enjoy running :)

    But I get a lot of negative comments from strangers, normally from young males who wind their windows down to shout comments at me as they drive past. Luckily I am hard of hearing so I miss the actual words screamed at me but it is clear from facial expressions and tones that the comments are negative...I ignore and keep on running.

    A few weeks ago, new neighbours have taken on a house which needs a lot of building work done on it and hence are frequently outside the building and their young son has taken to pointing laughing and making various remarks about running and my weight, to and at me, which I ignore as he is a young child (around 8yo) and knows no better.

    Then I 'met' his father, who joined in with his son and shouted so loudly across the road that I heard him clearly, despite my deafness/hard of hearing issues. He pretended to speak in the affections of a person with special needs and screamed 'Run Forest, Run' at me.

    I crossed the road and asked him not to call me names in the street. He sneered and said he was only singing as I ran past and didn't get 'my ****ing problem'. When I explained that I received enough comments from strangers and expected my new neighbours to be more courteous. His wife screamed from an upper store window, that I was '****ing over reacting' and that I should '*expect* comments when I run outside'.

    Am I being unreasonable to expect neighbours to be polite to each other, not to mock them ?

    I accept strangers might be nasty but is it acceptable to be pointed at, laughed at and name called on my door step....as I am *fat* and I run outside.

    I may be old fashioned but I operate on the 'if you can't say anything nice, say nothing' policy and would never shout at strangers on the street.

    Sigh, this won't stop me running but it just makes it harder for me to get out there. Why be nasty for no reason ?

    Sorry this is happening. It has to be disheartening. I can't believe people would be so cruel. Don't know your route but maybe try to avoid their house. Otherwise do it with pride and and get a shirt that says "Haters are going to hate". For everyone of these jerks there are 10 people like me, losing weight, cheering you on. Good luck!
  • SandieM7
    SandieM7 Posts: 47 Member
    They are inconsiderate fools....my mother use to always say "What goes around, comes around".....let them eat crow when you're the skinny girl on the block. Keep running, keep your head held high and ignore these stupid jerks.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I'm fat and I run.

    I run for my health and because I enjoy it.

    I am over 13 stone and a size 16 (down from 18 stone and size 24).

    I now can run continuously for 2 hours covering 8.5 miles and I am proud of this and enjoy running :)

    But I get a lot of negative comments from strangers, normally from young males who wind their windows down to shout comments at me as they drive past. Luckily I am hard of hearing so I miss the actual words screamed at me but it is clear from facial expressions and tones that the comments are negative...I ignore and keep on running.

    A few weeks ago, new neighbours have taken on a house which needs a lot of building work done on it and hence are frequently outside the building and their young son has taken to pointing laughing and making various remarks about running and my weight, to and at me, which I ignore as he is a young child (around 8yo) and knows no better.

    Then I 'met' his father, who joined in with his son and shouted so loudly across the road that I heard him clearly, despite my deafness/hard of hearing issues. He pretended to speak in the affections of a person with special needs and screamed 'Run Forest, Run' at me.

    I crossed the road and asked him not to call me names in the street. He sneered and said he was only singing as I ran past and didn't get 'my ****ing problem'. When I explained that I received enough comments from strangers and expected my new neighbours to be more courteous. His wife screamed from an upper store window, that I was '****ing over reacting' and that I should '*expect* comments when I run outside'.

    Am I being unreasonable to expect neighbours to be polite to each other, not to mock them ?

    I accept strangers might be nasty but is it acceptable to be pointed at, laughed at and name called on my door step....as I am *fat* and I run outside.

    I may be old fashioned but I operate on the 'if you can't say anything nice, say nothing' policy and would never shout at strangers on the street.

    Sigh, this won't stop me running but it just makes it harder for me to get out there. Why be nasty for no reason ?

    The only problem you will now most likely have, after speaking to them, is that they may continue. That is why it is always best to ignore the ignorant twats and just continue on your way.

    The son sounds like a brat, the father a bigot and the mother an old fishwife - not really worth your time. When you first started losing weight and going running, fortunately their opinions did not even cross your mind because they were invisible people, not even on the scene yet. Stick them back in that place in your mind, they are worthless to your aims and there is no point, at all, in giving them the time of day.

    All the best for your future weightloss and running. Don't let them grind you to a halt, instead, use their dopey, idiotic comments to spur you on.

    It would be interesting to see how far they could run by the way - that's if they could of course, which would be extremely unlikely, because if they had ever run, they would have an inkling at just how much effort has to go into that activity and appreciate your efforts xxx