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I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • Wow..you are awesome!!! Your stamina is something to really be proud of.

    And on another note....people are asshats, and I am proud to be from outer space :-)
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    People mock what they cannot understand and what they cannot have. Many people mock runners because they are jealous. They look down on themselves for not being healthier, not exercising regularly and are jealous that you are out there doing it when they are not. They try to undermine those that remind them of their laziness in an attempt to make themselves feel superior. I should know - I married their king. :grumble:

    That being said, never let their jeers and taunts harass you or bring down your motivation. Instead, pity them that they feel negative cheers are their only source of bringing their own sorry lives joy. You are living and they envy you for that. They will be speechless when they see you still at months down the road - able to outrun all of them combined. :bigsmile:
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm with others. Put on your ipod and ignore. Usually when people act like this it is because they are insecure about themselves and by taunting another makes them feel better. You're doing great! Keep up the good work!. :flowerforyou:
  • Kray827
    Kray827 Posts: 10
    Be confident in who you are and all you have accomplished!

    Some people no matter how good they look on the outside are so UGLY on the inside.

    Your post is encouraging for me to pick back up and try again.
  • Askyewalker
    Askyewalker Posts: 40 Member
    size is not a measure of health, clearly if you can run that long you are very healthy! Screw them! "The only thing you can tell from looking at an overweight person are your own prejudices against overweight people"

    Walk up to them and say "if you think Im so huge, why dont you race me? 5 miles!" Because you know for SURE you could outrun them anyday!

    Shut them right up....

    ^ Totally agree .
  • No. It is not acceptable. No. You are not over-reacting. I'm proud of you for walking over and asking him to stop. That was very cool! If you have any inkling of being a dog-owner, may I suggest getting an intimidating-looking one that likes to run with you? :O)

    Regardless, carry on. Bullies never win. You already have!
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I can't believe how rude those people were to you! It sucks that you're gonna have to live around them for a while, but you have come so far and you have nothing to be ashamed of! I agree with the rest of the thread, put on your earphones and leave them in your dust ;)
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    Good for you for ignoring them and, even more difficult, approaching them and asking them to stop. It just proves that you are a bigger person than they are. That was not a fat joke. :( You and I had the same starting points and we have the same present weight. I know how hard it is to ignore comments. I could NEVER approach someone and ask him to respect me. I'm more of a "Run Away and Not Look Back" type.

    ETA: I'm actually, more of a "Poop on the Hood of Their Car When They're Asleep" kind of person, but I think you get the picture.

    Hahahah!! I dig the last line! If only I could be a vengeful person. To me, it's not acceptable for ANY person (neighbor or complete stranger rolling down your street) to act in that manner. Awful! I don't have any advice, so I'm gonna say, good on you for throwing your earphones back in and keep on keepin' on! You don't need to show/prove anything to them. You're doing it for yourself and that's what matters.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    What a pack of idiots! They are just doing it to make themselves forget that they are total ****s! Keep doing what you are doing and F them!
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    next time you feel the need to say something to them, you could always say "at least i can change my body. sad though that you can't change your negative attitude" and leave it at that. the human race is disgusting. people who judge others for trying to make themselves healthy should have to pay a tax for their own stupidity.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    As probably already said, the appropriate reply would have been, "I may be over weight, but you are a fu#&ing *kitten*, at least I can lose weight!"
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Me, I would go out running JUST SO I CAN FLIP 'EM THE BIRD. Specifically for that purpose and that alone. Plus the headphones. You can't respond to what you can't hear, and in this particular case, a good lesson in SIGN LANGUAGE would bring me great satisfaction.
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    That is awful! Good for you for stickin' up for yourself & for continuing with your running!! I can't imagine what I would do in that situation... Oh wait, ya I do... I'd probably cry! I'm not overweight & I still feel super self conscious running in front of people! You are inspiring!
  • I am apalled by your neighbors...they are sad sad people and I hope God forgives them for their cruelty. Nobody deserves to be treated that way...EVER!!!!! Unfortunatelly this world is filled with such people and there is nothing we can do but pray that God changes their hearts. I am so sorry you have to be put throught that but just keep doing what you're doing.
  • AMEN to the challenge suggestion - dare them!
  • I had 2 girls taunt me at the gym when I was on the treadmill (I had my earphones in, but they were not on at the time) One girl said to the other "OMG, that's what I look like when I run", the other girl looked at me , hit her friend on the arm and laughed, "No it's not!" they both walked away laughing.

    I haven't went to the gym since that day, I had seen those girls almost every time I went to the gym. I didn't want to see them anymore. I felt like I did in high school all over again. I just feel too bad and embarrassed. I get mad at myself for not getting passed that, especially since my membership expired, and was a waste of money. I work out at home now, and I am proud of my progress. I am not proud that I let 2 20'something girls embarrass me to this level.

    You are very strong and I admire that. Keep up what you're doing.
  • size is not a measure of health, clearly if you can run that long you are very healthy! Screw them! "The only thing you can tell from looking at an overweight person are your own prejudices against overweight people"

    Walk up to them and say "if you think Im so huge, why dont you race me? 5 miles!" Because you know for SURE you could outrun them anyday!

    Shut them right up....

    I agree with that chick ^ up there. Also, put on those headphones and keep on going. You are so much better than them. If all else fails, do what that other person said: bait their house so skunks will come to infest them.

    You're amazing!!!! :smile:
  • kathicooks
    kathicooks Posts: 81 Member
    I like the reply by so many of running with headphones, but I think I'd seriously have to flip them the bird as I go past...
  • DuckieMom
    DuckieMom Posts: 22 Member
    You are awesome. I would love to run with you! Do you have a buddy to run with?
    You are doing great and in no time you will notice people pointing and talking because of how you have changed your body and how far you have come.
    Way to stand firm, I know you will not let them trip you up or weigh you down with their words. Throw off their ugliness as you are kicking up the dirt behind you. That's where their comments belong.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I would smile, wave at them, and tell them God Bless You. That will get them thinking....*kitten* lol
    This is EXCELLENT advice. They will feel terrible if you say this. If they are not completely worthless, they will probably make amends.