I need some very sage advice from some very wise people

O.K. I need some help I am stuck (for 4 weeks) :sad: no change in my weight either downward and thank goodness not upwards. I have been on 1430 cals which was the magic number for me:glasses: . I did 1200 when I first started and it did not work 1430 was working great about 1 lb a week like clockwork. Now I have read the posts and have done research and I am just not sure what direction to go.:grumble: If I look up online (how many Calories to loss weight) I get a standard answer of approximately 1480 to 1620 Cals per day. I have a concern that going higher in daily Cals might have an adverse effect (I don’t want to gain I worked to hard to lose it) I know that the number is still under my maintenance cals but still I don’t know. I am drinking my water and I do exercise (I just cant do hard exercise due to some health issues) So if any of you wonderful people could give me some input I would greatly appreciate it.:flowerforyou:
Thanks Pam


  • lchisum
    lchisum Posts: 18 Member
    What kind of exercise vs what kind of health issues. If for ex: your heart is healthy but you have knee problems...a gazelle would be better for you than a treadmill. The key to initial weight loss (after you have taken the step of controlling your calorie and fat intake) is usually to get your heart rate up & keep it up for a time frame that will jump start your metabolism. That is why cardio exercise is such an important part of a weight loss routine. Good luck!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    There has been a lot of discussion on several threads the last couple of days about this - check out this post....


    I think it has some of the answers you need! :happy:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    water exercises are always great for anything even my dad who has a heart murmur and bad joints(which is exercising and improving) can crank out alot of laps, and used to swim a mile a day-as he was a scuba diver
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Go to goals, and drop your goal down to .5 or .25 lbs per week. According to your ticker, you are getting very close to your target weight. I would also suggest getting your body fat measured and establish your "final" goal weight based on your percent body fat.

    Don't focus on the number of calories, because it will be different as you continue to lose weight.

    You are doing awesome!
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Thank You Very Wise People :bigsmile:

    I appreciate the responses. I think that my Cals are to low Thanks for the link Resalyn (had not read that one) :happy:
    Fitjoani I cant wait til I can start swimming again (I am in California but its not swim weather yet) :glasses:
    Ichisum I think that I do need to try to get my heartrate up durng workouts :bigsmile:
    mromnek Thanks for the advice about not being to obsessed with the calories But I shudder at the thought of a bodyfat test :noway: because I am not that close to goal yet :bigsmile:
    Hope all of you have much success on your journey to a healthy new you
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mattdef11
    Hi there,

    Firstly, 43lbs loss so far is absolutely fantastic!! Bravo!

    Appreciate that you can't do heavy exercise, but doing some exercise is going to be the key - maybe get one of those step counters and try to do more walking (not sure if you work or are at home, but whatever I am sure you can find ways to increase your walking etc) - remember, a mile walked is the same amount of calories burnt as a mile run - just takes longer :-)

    The other thing is, I have often found that weight loss (and fitness itself) have plateaus - you lose a bit, then plateau a while, then lose a bit more. It's just getting thru those plateau periods

    So keep motivated, give yourself a major pat on the back for what you've done (but don't throw a party to celebrate! Far to many calories at parties!!) and work to increase your exercise, even if it is just more walking
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    You're doing fantastic! Looks like you're within 7 pounds of goal! Brava! Never been there before, but I would imagine increasing your exercise will get you to the finish line sooner.

    Hollycat :flowerforyou:
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Thanks ManiacMat for reminding me that I have come a long way I seem to think about the journey I have to complete and not the steps made :wink:
    Thanks Hollycat I so wish I was only 7 Lbs from goal I have17 left (but you are to sweet) :flowerforyou:
  • mattdef11
    Hey, anytime :-)

    And it's Matt - maniacmat is my log in, but I wasn't to know it would use that for all my posts!! haha!!

    Actually its a very important point - I think human's in general look forward and don't take time to look back and congratulate themselves on what they have achieved - DO IT - as it makes life a whole lot better!!

    You'll get those last 17lbs - just keep focussed and come back here for encouragement :-)
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Thanks Matt :flowerforyou: