Arf! 560 calories

Paeonia Posts: 161
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I just joined this site today, and am lamenting my meager calorie allowance :cry: I want to lose 2 lbs/week and that's what it set me at (before exercise). I do exercise daily so that bumps me up to 670, but boy, I think I'm probably used to eating at least double or triple that! Guess that's why I never lost any weight :laugh: I guess if I contented myself with 1 lb/week instead of 2 lb/wk I wouldn't feel so deprived but, as we all know, Christmas is bearing down on us at record pace and I just dread how I'm going to look in the family pictures :noway: So if I can keep up with this, I can lose 10 lbs.

My current weight is 139, my target weight is 117 (my pre-marriage weight :embarassed: ), so that'll be nearly halfway there...HEY, if I keep up with this for 3 months, I'll be at my goal. Ahhh blast my lack of self control, I've been at this weight for nearly 4 years now (creeping up slowly over that time), and all it takes to lose it is 3 months of discipline :brokenheart:


  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    I just joined this site today, and am lamenting my meager calorie allowance :cry: I want to lose 2 lbs/week and that's what it set me at (before exercise). I do exercise daily so that bumps me up to 670, but boy, I think I'm probably used to eating at least double or triple that! Guess that's why I never lost any weight :laugh: I guess if I contented myself with 1 lb/week instead of 2 lb/wk I wouldn't feel so deprived but, as we all know, Christmas is bearing down on us at record pace and I just dread how I'm going to look in the family pictures :noway: So if I can keep up with this, I can lose 10 lbs.

    My current weight is 139, my target weight is 117 (my pre-marriage weight :embarassed: ), so that'll be nearly halfway there...HEY, if I keep up with this for 3 months, I'll be at my goal. Ahhh blast my lack of self control, I've been at this weight for nearly 4 years now (creeping up slowly over that time), and all it takes to lose it is 3 months of discipline :brokenheart:
  • You should never go below 1000 calories a day or you'll put your body in starvation mode and not lose any weight. Not to mention, when you do go back to a normal calorie intake,which no one can stay at 560 a day for very long, you'll gain even more because your body has been so deprived. Excercise and eat healthy, at least a 1000, and you'll do just fine.
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    Meh, why does it put me at 560 (670 w/exercise)? Am I doing something wrong? I'm only 5'1 and sedentary other than 20 mins/day on the treadmill.

    Ack, I put in the wrong year of birth :blushing: Well, that changed it to 670 and 780 with my exercise...still low, but thats the most it says I can eat and still maintain 2 lbs / week. If I must eat 1000 cals a day at a minimum to be healthy, that means the most I can lose a week is .9 lbs :brokenheart:
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    If you used our guided goal setting tools, you should never get recommended anything below 1,200 calories per day. Did you set your goals yourself, or did you use MyFitnessPal to calculate them for you?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member

    Hi, and welcome!

    The previous post was from Mike, and he is the webmaster. Please let the site determine your calories. It is risking your health to go below 1200 calories per day for more than a week or so. Please seek professional (doctor or nutrtionist) advice if you are going to ignore the standard for safe weight loss.

  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    There had to be some mix up when setting your goals. You can go back and redo them. You sure your reading calories and not carbs or something?
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Yes, I agree, I think there has been a mix up. I put in that I wanted to lose 2 lbs a week and it still put me at 1200 calories and I started just under your weight. Now as well the .9lbs is a guidline. I have stayed at 1200 everyday and a little more when I exersice (200-400cals) and I have lost 2 lbs a week and have never gone under my 1200 calories. Just wait and see.
  • Jenls
    Jenls Posts: 5
    What kills me is that I work out every day and it adds in the 800 calories I burn to allow me to eat not just 1200 calories but over 2000 most days. Heck NO, I'm not going to eat that, except Thanksgiving day. Guess who is making the pecan pie. :laugh:
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    Hi guys, thanks for all of the feedback! Yes I put in whatever calories would make it 2 lbs / week, which put it at 650 cals. Here is that info:

    Nutritional Goals Target
    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 650 calories/day
    Carbs / Day 89 g
    Fat / Day 22 g
    Protein / Day 24 g

    Fitness Goals Target
    Calories Burned / Week 610 calories/week
    Workouts / Week 6 workouts
    Minutes / Workout 20 minutes
    Your Diet Profile Target
    Calories Burned
    From Normal Daily Activity 1,630 calories/day
    Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal 650 calories/day
    Daily Calorie Deficit 980 calories
    Projected Weight Loss 2.0 lbs/week

    IF I let it do the guide for me, it gives me this:

    Your Suggested Nutrition and Fitness Goals

    Based on your answers, here are your suggested nutrition and fitness goals:
    Nutritional Goals Target
    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 calories/day
    Carbs / Day 165 g
    Fat / Day 40 g
    Protein / Day 45 g

    Fitness Goals Target
    Calories Burned / Week 610 calories/week
    Workouts / Week 6 workouts
    Minutes / Workout 20 minutes
    If you follow this plan...
    Your projected weight loss is: 0.9 lbs/week

    You should lose 4.3 lbs by December 25

    BUT what I don't understand is, I told it my goal is 2 lb / week but it will only set me to .9 lb / week, if I need to eat 1200 cals / day minimum. So how are people eating that much and still losing 2 lbs / week? The info I inputed were: I'm 26, 5'1, 139 lbs, female, sedentary.
  • Well, I am only 5'4" and my starting weight was over 200. I describe myself as sedintary, however, my doc advised me to eat a maximum of 1800 calories per day. That's quite a lot of food! I've been following her guidlines for 3 months and I have lost 27 lbs. It is possible to eat quite a bit and lose weight - if you're eating the right things!

    Good luck.
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    Wow, 27 lbs in 3 months, thats awesome! Well, 650 cals/day really isn't going to cut it, that's such a meager and ridiculous amount of food. I mean, my coffee w/creamer is 240 cals, my VERY SMALL lunch was 215 cals, and now I'm only left with 195 cals at 3pm in the day?! :noway: No that wouldn't last at all...I guess I'll have to settle with slower weight loss of .9 / week and be healthy as opposed to starved...darn, I so wanted to lose 10 lbs by Christmas, I should have started earlier :cry:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    It's all about the percentage of your current body weight you want to lose. And remember, your projected weight loss is just that...projected. Some people find that if they "clean up" their diet, the weight drops off quickly at first, because of water retention, etc.

    Healthy is always best. Think of how much better you'll feel by Christmas.
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    I am 5'2", started at 143 lbs, used the 1200 net cals per day w/2 thirty-min workouts a week. The site said I would lose .6 lbs a week, but I lost all 15 lbs in less than 9 weeks. Don't eat less than 1200 cals a day. It is doctor warned me that losing more than 2 lbs a week puts your liver and kidneys under too much stress (and I have kidney stones, so I don't need that!). It all comes down to "calories in, calories out"......but you need to give your body enough to work with to keep you alive!
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